Is this destiny?

Chapter 596 - Enrique Nanez

Jeff instructed Steve to take twenty people from White corp. security and to go to the villa to find Bridgette and six bodyguards who were with them. Steve left without hesitating. He was hoping that nothing horrible happened. Kidnappers not leaving anyone behind, can either mean that Bridgette is not important, or that she is… He didn't want to finish his thought. There is a high chance they just came to get lady Boss, and he will stick with that scenario. Bridgette is OK. Trapped, but OK.

Steve scolded himself for his thoughts. Lady Boss is in trouble, he should worry about her as well, but he could not help himself. All his thoughts were focused on Bridgette. And he prayed silently that she is OK.

Since he got confirmation that no one was left there from kidnapers, Steve was calling Bridgette frantically. She didn't pick up. Steve was not sure if Bridgette can't pick up, or the phone is not with her… if her phone is not with her, then that means she might be somewhere else? This thought terrified him. He kept on calling while urging the driver to hurry up.

Back in the CEO office of White corp. HQ building, the only sound was coming from Sarah's and Aiden's typing on their laptop keyboards.

Sarah was working on enhancing images caught by the security camera with hope to get a clear view of the man who went inside villa. She was thinking how existing security system is old, and the quality of images is low. She will replace it completely as soon as JoAnna confirm that villa is theirs.

Aiden was tracing phone number from where messages are sent to Jeff.

Jeff mumbled to himself: "Why did they get Anna?" He rubbed his forehead, irritated that he asked, even though he knows the reason. Someone was targeting him. That is why he got the message. It must be someone he rubbed the wrong way.

In business world there are deals which someone wins while others do not. Jeff made his name by winning over his competition. And the losing party does not like staying on the losing side. Most of them fear him or hate him. He knows that number of them crave for revenge. And occasionally, someone dares to act on that. And this is what happened.

Jeff scolded himself. There is a reason why he is always surrounded with bodyguards, and he allowed these last few months of happiness to go to his head. He started slacking. Rage burned inside him and mixed with desperation while he thought of JoAnna being tied up, helpless… because he was careless. How can he say that he will be a good husband and take care of JoAnna, when someone snatched her under his own nose, in his city?

Jeff stared at his phone, hoping that he will get a call or a message where kidnaper will ask for something in return for JoAnna. That is how it works, right? They would not take her away unless they want something in return. Something that he has. Whatever they want, he will give them, just to make sure JoAnna is safe.

He contemplated to make a call which would cause hundreds of subordinates to rush and level that place to the ground. But he can't do anything rash. He can't risk putting JoAnna in more danger.

Jeff looked at Aiden and Sarah and told himself to trust in their capabilities. They are working fast and soon he will know everything about the situation. Then he can make a decision that will get JoAnna back to him. He wished to know that she is safe, but there is no way to accomplish that.

She is safe… The person sent him her photo because he wants Jeff to know that he has her. He will keep her safe in order to torture Jeff. And it's working.

Jeff checked the message he received and frowned: ' You took away my everything. Now it's my turn. '

Does that person want money? Company? To take away his everything? JoAnna is his everything!

Rage swelled inside him again. Jeff was drifting between desire to give to that person whatever he wants, just so that JoAnna comes back safe, and an urge to skin that person alive for daring to touch her.

Aiden finished tracing phone number: "It's a disposable phone. Purchased at a gas station in Los Angeles one week ago with cash. No calls were made except for sending those two messages… and it's already turned off or smashed."

"So, phone is a dead end.", Jeff inhaled deeply and closed his eyes.

Aiden confirmed. "Whoever did this, planned it well. It's not something they did on an impulse."

Sarah was looking at the laptop and her face lit up when image enhancing process completed.

"Do you know this guy?", Sarah showed a photo of Enrique which was caught when he entered property.

Jeff looked at the face for a second and frowned before saying: "Enrique Nanez."

Sarah and Aiden glanced at each other and then observed Jeff's dark expression.

"Are you going to share with us?", Sarah impatiently asked.

Jeff rubbed his temples for few seconds while trying to calm himself down. "About two years ago, there was a bidding war for a government project in Venezuela which I personally handled. White corp. won. It's nothing unusual, with these types of projects, there is a fierce competition. I remember him because he was persistent in explaining how that project is important to him."

While Jeff talked, Aiden was already looking up Enrique Nanez.

"What was his reason for wanting that project?", Sarah asked.

Jeff shrugged. "I don't remember."

It didn't take long for Aiden to find information. "Two years ago, his company went bankrupt. Because of timing, it's safe to assume that his company collapsed because he didn't get the project."

"OK. We know who and why." Sarah opened map on her screen. "Anna is here. It's a warehouse. Owner does short term rentals. It does not have security video installed which we can access from here. If it's closed circuit, we need to be there to access it. Based on the photo you got, she is in an area with less light, maybe underground, or some office with less windows."

Sarah straightened up and looked at Jeff. "Since we know who has her and why… Is there a reason why we are in this office and not there, getting her out?"

"We don't know her situation…", Jeff was desperate. With every passing second his thoughts were gloomier. He was torn between going there to find her and reminding himself that maybe, just maybe right now someone is holding a gun to JoAnna's head and as soon as he shows up, that someone will pull the trigger just so that he can see her die. On the other side, he can offer himself as a replacement. Yes. Enrique is after him. As soon as he shows up, he will not have a reason to hold onto JoAnna anymore.

"Let's go there." Jeff stood up and walked to the door while instructing security to follow them from the distance.

"On the way there, we can look up street cameras and see if we find out something." Sarah told Aiden. "I packed a drone. It will help us with scouting."

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