Is this destiny?

Chapter 620 - Lock down

Sarah saw Aiden packing a suitcase, and her whole world collapsed. She knows that he wants to keep her safe… But, why like this? Why is his only solution to leave? Why can't he see that together they are stronger? Why can't he see that he is ripping her heart out?

If he does not love her it would be different. Painful, but different… but she knows that he loves her. And she can't let him go. Not without a fight. 

Sarah stepped into the master closet and spoke: "Eve, remove all access privileges from Aiden White and lock down the house."

There was a sound of doors closing and locking. Even the door behind Sarah closed with a loud thud and got locked.

Aiden looked at Sarah unsure what to think. He can see the pain in her eyes mixed with determination, and she has her stubborn face on. Aiden knows that she is angry after everything that happened, but to remove his privileges from using Eve and to lock down the house? Isn't that too extreme? "What are you doing?"

Sarah stepped right next to the suitcase and glared at Aiden. "Me? What am I doing?"

She squatted and grabbed edge of the suitcase with her eyes locked on his. "Why don't you tell me, what are you doing?"

Sarah angrily flipped the suitcase, spilling the clothes over the floor.

She stood up, straightened her back and went back to glaring daggers at him. "I know you want to keep me safe, but this is not the way. I'm not letting you leave!"

Aiden looked at her in disbelief. "You are going to keep me locked in here?"

"If that's what it takes, then: yes! I know you love me, and I love you to. You can't leave! I will not let you!"

Aiden grabbed her hand and pulled her down on the floor.

Sarah struggled, but he pinned her down and blocked her arms and legs. She might be faster, but he is stronger. She didn't want to hurt him, so she just wriggled under him even though she knew that she can't overpower him. Sarah groaned in frustration that she can't get herself free.

"Who said I'm leaving?", Aiden asked when Sarah stopped struggling.

"You were packing the suitcase! Why would you do that if you don't want to leave?!" Sarah screamed. She was frustrated that she caught him red-handed and he is denying it!

Aiden watched her face almost twisted in anger. He was glad that she didn't break down in sobs again.

He found her impulse to lock him up entertaining. Aiden wished that they can be locked up, just the two of them… it's not so much about locking two of them inside how much is locking everyone else outside, so that no one can come to endanger their happiness.

He observed her lips, partially open while she heaved angrily for air… and he kissed her. He kissed her again and again and it was never enough. Sarah bit him hard and he had to stop because he could feel stinging which only means that he is bleeding.

"Why did you bite me?" Aiden frowned.

"Because you are distracting me! You are doing this on purpose, so that I lower my guard and then you sneak out when I'm not expecting!"

He licked blood which trickled from his lower lip.

"Did you forget that I said I'm sorry and that I can't live without you? I will not leave, and I don't want you to leave either. It was stupid to say that we should not be together… and I didn't mean it…"

"Yes, yes…" Sarah shouted angrily. "I remember that one month ago you asked me to marry you. And you said that we belong together… and that you want to wake up next to me every morning for the rest of your life… and then, today, you told me to leave!"

Aiden closed his eyes and exhaled in frustration. She usually forgets so many things, how come she remembers all these details? But she is not wrong. "I made one mistake. Please… allow me to fix it. I will prove to you that I'm not going anywhere!"

Sarah was furious. How can he lie in her face so shamelessly? "Unbelievable! Do you think I'm stupid or that I have short term memory loss? You said sorry and everything, and now I caught you packing a suitcase!"

"Why do you think I'm packing a suitcase?" Aiden found her to be unreasonable, and he did his best to control his temper.

"Because you want to leave!" Sarah growled at him.

"Did you even see what I'm packing?!" He regretted that he raised his voice, but he was not able to control himself anymore.

Sarah glanced around and saw few tops which are hers. She inhaled sharply when realization hit her: "You are packing my things! You want me to leave!"

"Shit, Sarah! I know you are angry, and I know I wronged you… but I need you to stop jumping to conclusions!" Now he was angry as well. Last few hours were horrible, everyone was scolding him, including himself, and he does not see a way out of this.

Sarah didn't respond. She glared at him with her lips pressed tightly together.

Aiden told himself that he needs to calm down. Shouting match will only make things worse. He released her arms slowly and then moved to sit on the floor with his back leaning on the wall.

Sarah looked at him for few seconds and then moved after him. She sat on the floor and wrapped her arms around him while her head rested on his chest.

He was surprised by her actions. "I thought you are angry."

Sarah made herself comfortable and pouted. "I am. But that does not mean that I don't love you."

Aiden half smiled and wrapped her in tight embrace. He kissed her forehead and sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Do whatever you want, just… don't leave… and don't push me away." Sarah's voice was shaky.

Now he felt like a scumbag, again. Even when she is angry at him, she tells him that she loves him, and hugs him, and... "I'm done apologizing over and over again… let me show you that I'm not going anywhere."

"How can I let you, when I just caught you packing?" She tightened her hold on him, as if she is afraid that he will escape.

Aiden lightly knocked her forehead. "Did you forget about tomorrow?"

Sarah frowned while her eyes darted left-right few times, and that told him that she doesn't know what he is talking about.

"We are going on a trip.", he said with a smirk.

Sarah glanced behind at the scattered clothes and she could see that it's her clothes mixed with his. He was packing for their weekend trip and she stormed in and flipped the suitcase thinking that he is leaving! How embarrassing… She threw a fit for no reason! With everything going on that afternoon, she completely forgot about the trip.

Sarah avoided his gaze. "I will help you pack again."

Aiden craned his neck and looked at her face as if he is searching for something. "Is there an apology hiding somewhere?"

"I thought that we are done apologizing." Sarah mumbled and hid her face in his chest.

Aiden raised his eyebrow indicating his disapproval and held her chin, guiding her face up to look at him.

Sarah cleared her throat. She was embarrassed that she threw a fit, but she didn't want to apologize. "You know that I believe actions are more important than words."

"True…" Aiden's hand moved from Sarah's chin to the back of her head and he kissed her, taking her breath away.

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