Is this destiny?

Chapter 631 - Team building activity is a success

Hill sisters were busy making dinner while chatting.

Most of the talk was focused on upcoming JoAnna's wedding, how she has no idea what she wants for her bachelorette's party while refusing array of ideas that Sarah and Sophia mentioned, and JoAnna's gushing about her amazing newly acquired resort.

Sophia had to admit, she was curious about the spa treatments which JoAnna praised like a true marketing specialist.

The atmosphere got colder by few degrees when Regina came up as a topic.

"Do you still plan to set her up?", Sarah asked.

"There is a slight change in plan. I will wipe the floor with her and make sure she never comes back again."

Sarah and Sophia didn't miss the hostile tone JoAnna used.

"Easy… don't go overboard.", Sophia warned JoAnna.

"Overboard?" JoAnna shoot a side look to Sophia while mixing the sauce on the stove with more force then necessary. "If Regina has her way, she would get me out of the picture without blinking and she would put her nasty hands on MY Jeff! Can you believe that she thinks she is a good match for him, and she is ignoring my presence? I'm done playing games with people who want to ruin my happiness. You know, that kidnapping opened my eyes. It showed me that unless I step up my game, people around me will get hurt. I want to protect what I have and people around me. That is not too much to ask."

"Wow! That is a change in attitude.", Sarah observed.

"Yes. Yes, it is." JoAnna admitted. "I spoke with Elanor about it, and you know what she told me? She said that the only way to get people to back off is to make them fear you. And that is what I will do. No one will dare plot against me or my loved ones when I show them how merciless I can be."

"Be careful." Sophia said in a quiet voice. She was shocked that such words came out of her usually carefree and friendly sister. Sophia was concerned that JoAnna is drifting off into madness where she will hurt innocent people.

JoAnna flashed a smile. "Don't worry. I will make sure not to leave any evidence that can be used against me."

"That is not what I was referring to." Sophia was stunned by JoAnna's response. If this was Sarah talking, it would not be such a surprise.

"It's fine." Sarah stepped in. "If you need help, you know how to reach me. I agree completely. We should show no mercy to people who want to take what is ours. Mom told me once that only the strong ones have luxury of showing mercy. Until we become strongest, we can't allow any enemies a chance to return and backstab us regardless if they are delusional socialites or mafia bosses."

"Strongest, I like that." JoAnna grinned. "Let's do that!"

Sarah nodded in agreement.

Sarah and JoAnna turned to Sophia who looked at them reluctantly.

"You are either with us in this, or you will watch from the side.", Sarah told Sophia.

"How can I watch from the side while you two act recklessly?" Sophia sighed. "Someone needs to keep an eye on you and make sure you don't go overboard."

"I was hoping for a more enthusiastic response, but this will do also." JoAnna commented and they all laughed.

Sisters finished making dinner and were satisfied with array of dishes in front of them.

"Should we wrap this and keep it to stay warm?", JoAnna asked.

Sophia checked time. "Guys should be back soon. It's almost dark."

Sarah got her phone and looked them up on the GPS tracking app. "They didn't move since we confirmed their location last time."

"What do you think they are doing?" JoAnna was concerned. She remembered that Jeff is not an outdoorsy type and they are out in the snow for many hours.

"Who knows… team building, right?" Sophia shrugged. She was not so concerned. She knows that Felix can handle himself in the snow. He is close by, that is what matters.

"It's dangerous not to move around in this weather. They might get sick or freeze!" JoAnna's anxiousness was increasing again.

"Let me go and check on them." Sarah volunteered and headed to dress up.

"I will join you!" JoAnna could not wait to see Jeff. She wanted to make sure he is safe.

"No need." Sarah rejected her offer. "They are close by. It will take me longer to gear up for the weather than to reach them. Stay with big sis and set up the table. I will take my phone with me and will call if necessary."

In the nearby snow-cave guys were chatting and didn't notice time passing. It took them some time to get back to reality and address their current predicament.

"The snowfall is still heavy, and we will run out of daylight soon.", Felix observed.

"Does that mean we need to spend the night here?" Jeff frowned.

"Looks like it." Felix helplessly shrugged. He wanted to go to Sophia, but with this weather, he will probably only get lost.

Aiden was going through backpacks. "We still have some tea left, two chocolates and two granola bars. And one trail mix. We will live… but we should start a fire."

All three of them appreciated the fact that there is still some food left and discussed how to find wood pieces that can be used for fire.

"By morning the snow should at least ease up." Felix was comforting all three of them.

Aiden got an idea: "If snow stops earlier, we might be able to see lights from the villa."

Jeff liked this. There is a chance they don't need to spend the whole night outside. Only the snow needs to stop.

"I'm concerned about the girls. They must be worried about us." Jeff voiced his thoughts. He didn't want to say that he is missing JoAnna like crazy. "Whose idea was to leave phones behind?"

Felix placed his hand on Jeff's shoulder. "Let's not go there. It does not matter. We need to stay focused on right now and next few hours… at least until the snow slows down, so we can see where we are."

They were immersed in the talk and didn't hear muffled sounds of a person making her way through the snow, approaching them.

A figure showed up on their small cave opening. It was Sarah, but they didn't recognize her due to fluffy hat and a scarf which wrapped around lower half of her face. Only her eyes were exposed.

"Hey, sorry to disturb you, but we are wondering when will you be done? Dinner is ready." Sarah's voice was muffled due to the scarf and they didn't recognize her.

Jeff, Felix and Aiden stared at the newcomer without a word and blinked few times.

Sarah looked at their stunned expressions and was not sure what to think. 'It seems I interrupted something important…', that was the only logical explanation.

Sarah realized that her voice was muffled, and they probably didn't understand her. She pulled her scarf lower, exposing her face with intention to repeat that dinner is ready.

"Sarah!" Aiden leaped toward Sarah as soon as he recognized her. She didn't expect it, and he toppled her. She fell backward on the soft snow with Aiden on top of her. The snow was waist deep and it cushioned the fall, but it also caused snow from the sides to fall on top of them almost burying them in the process as they sank in.

Sarah cringed due to cold snow which assaulted her face. She wished that she didn't pull her scarf down few seconds ago. "I'm not sure if you are happy to see me or are you attacking me."

"Happy! Happy!" Aiden exclaimed while helping her get up and pat the snow off from her. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" He hugged her tightly, making the snow from him stick to her. Then he laughed and patted her again.

Jeff and Felix also got out of their snow-cave. Seeing the scene in front of them, they confirmed that it's Sarah. Her being here means that they don't need to sleep out, right? And didn't she mention dinner? Jeff and Felix were overjoyed, and they also gave big hugs to Sarah despite Aiden's protests and Sarah feeling slightly awkward about it.

Sarah saw that all three of them are in a good mood. Her conclusion was that team-building-activity was a success.

The snowfall slowed down and when they looked at the trail through the snow that Sarah left while coming, they could see outline of the villa further on the left.

They were slightly embarrassed that they were so close to the villa, and not aware of it.

When the guys calmed down and stopped hugging her, Sarah repeated: "I came to tell you that dinner is ready. Are you guys coming, or should we keep it in the warmer?"

"We are definitely done. And ready for some food." Aiden announced and Jeff and Felix agreed.

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