Is this destiny?

Chapter 637 - It happened before

JoAnna didn't like that Aiden immediately became defensive. That told her that something happened, even though he denied it. She squinted at Aiden while explaining: "She was throwing up, and it can't be food poisoning because everyone else is fine. And before your mind starts going wild: she is not pregnant. This is much more complex than just a digestion issue. I haven't seen Sarah like this in a long time."

Aiden didn't miss that there is more behind JoAnna's words. "She was like this before?"

JoAnna confirmed. "Once, how much I know. She was in high school. Maybe five or six years ago."

Aiden's mind was in overdrive. Five or six years ago? He remembered Sarah's friends which call themselves ' Sigma's army '. And at that time, while talking to them, he concluded that for some reason, about five to six years ago Sarah's personality became colder. Something happened and she stopped helping people, focusing only on her family. Is that event from high school the cause of her change? He needs to find out more.

"In high school… What happened?"

"I'm not sure." JoAnna honestly responded. "But I know that it was something big. She came from school trembling and refused to talk to any of us. She locked herself in the room for days. Whatever happened, changed her. Since then she declined contact with any of her classmates. I believe that it was something that caused her a heavy emotional blow. She became cold and detached, and that is her way of defending herself emotionally so that people don't come close to her."

JoAnna packed her medical gadgets in the bag and was about to leave when her eyes landed on the laptop which had photos flashing on it. She approached it and her face showed disgust as she looked at images of Aiden partying with various girls.

"What are these?" JoAnna's voice was so cold that it felt like temperature in the room dropped.

Jeff glanced at the laptop and frowned while his eyes darted to Aiden.

Aiden was embarrassed that JoAnna saw that, but he can't avoid the question. "Sarah is looking at my last three years with a goal to find who is watching me…"

"She saw these?!!" JoAnna's tone carried accusation which was impossible to ignore.

Aiden's silence provided a response to her question.

JoAnna glared at Aiden. She wanted to slap him until his head spins, and the only thing that stopped her was that he already looked defeated. Hitting him now would be the same as shooting at a dead horse.

"Aiden, Sarah might look tough and strong-willed, but she is a very gentle soul. She never defied our parents or stood up for herself before she met you. I know her since she was born, and I can tell you that she changed a lot because of you. When she brought you into our home first time, she looked me in the eyes and told me that you are special, and she said that with conviction I never saw before in her. And when I warned her that she is getting too attached to you, she defended you. She defended your relationship… I can't imagine the pain she went through while looking at these photos. I know that you can't change what you did in the past, but do you need to rub it in her face like this?"

Aiden listened to JoAnna's words and felt a mix of emotions he never felt before. He was embarrassed, angry, afraid, helpless. He wanted to say that it's not his fault that Sarah saw those photos, she started digging into his past by herself, but he knows that argument will only sound like a lame excuse.

Aiden exhaled. "What do you want me to do?"

"What do I want? Why don't you ask yourself what you want to do? Once you figure that out, knowing how to do it will be easy."

Aiden shook his head helplessly. "I don't want to hurt her… I never wanted that…"

"Then delete them!" JoAnna snapped. She was furious how can he be so thick sometimes. "Or at least make sure she does not see them, if you need to keep mementos of your previous conquests! How would you feel if she had numerous boyfriends before you and photos of them hugging and kissing and who-knows-what end up in front of you?!! It is one thing to know that someone had a past, and completely different when it's put on a display like this!"

Aiden wanted to say that there is so much wrong in what JoAnna said: it's not his fault Sarah saw those photos, and those are NOT mementos of his conquests, he didn't even know that most of those exist, and… none of those would change the fact that Sarah saw those photos and got hurt.

Aiden remembered how Sarah looked at him when she woke up. Is it possible that her nightmare was about him and those girls? That would explain a lot, especially because after that she didn't even look at him.

"Will she hate me, when she wakes up?"

"I don't know." JoAnna shrugged. "If she refuses to talk to you, will you blame her? She still didn't heal from two days ago, and now this… I know that she loves you very much, and you are the only one in her heart. But that also means that you are the only one who can hurt her. You asked her to marry you, and not long after that you told her that you want to be away from her, and now she saw these photos. That rollercoaster would be difficult for anyone to handle. Additional stress is that you almost died out there because you had a brilliant idea to go out and chop a tree in heavy snow while keeping your phones behind!"

JoAnna tilted her head and spoke with a sneer: "Every day with you is fun, isn't it? Why can't you give her security and comfort which two people in love should have? And I'm not talking about security from other people or things or events you can't control... I'm talking about security between you two, that you know that no matter what you will be there for each other! Instead of being her pillar of support, you are the one shaking her foundation!"

Rage in JoAnna was building up and she did her best not to raise her voice. "Sarah being detached like this is a sign that she is cracking because she can't handle anymore… and she is protecting herself. I can't imagine through what stress you put her through if she is reduced to this! And let me tell you one more thing: If she started doubting your sincerity, I don't know what she will do when she wakes up."

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