Is this destiny?

Chapter 642 - You swapped personalities!

~ Los Angeles ~

JoAnna is on a video conference with Sophia. Jeff went to office, and Felix is making breakfast.

"How is back to work?", JoAnna asked Sophia.

Sophia looked very tired, even though it's eight thirty in the morning.

"It's almost end of the week and everything is still crazy! I don't know how is possible to have so much pending work. I left Leah and Edward in charge. Leah did how much she could, but it seems that last two weeks Edward didn't show up for work… My calendar is packed. Everyone wants feedback and directions and I need to make decisions… and I'm not sure what they are talking about. Even reports from New York don't look promising. At this rate, I will need to go there." Sophia was not happy about this. If she knew that things will be this messy, she would go back to work as soon as they came back from their honeymoon.

"Why don't you empty your calendar for a day or two and use that time to catch up on work? Then meetings will go smoother as well." JoAnna suggested.

"Eh, I tried that. But as soon as few people saw me in the building, everyone started coming to my office directly. They said that they want to congratulate me, but after a minute they switch to work-talk and push their reports in front of me."

JoAnna was about to laugh while imagining that scene in her mind, but she can see that Sophia is troubled, so, she kept it to herself.

"Did you hear from Sarah?" Sophia was anxious. She didn't hear about Sarah's condition since Aiden took her away from the cabin in the mountains.

JoAnna nodded. "Aiden is in touch every day, giving me updates."

"How nice of him." Sophia sarcastically said.

"He is doing his best." JoAnna was telling Sophia to soften up her attitude.

"How is Sarah doing? I see that she is sending a lot of photos full of smiles… but, how is she?" Sophia's expression was still cold, but JoAnna could see that her shoulders relaxed a bit.

"I think she is getting better. Her nightmares are getting shorter and less intense. And during the day she is… happy."

Sophia was still not satisfied with this explanation. She wants to see Sarah in person, and to confirm that she is OK. "When are they coming back?"

"They are heading to Greece for few days, and he mentioned some island in the Adriatic Sea. They will be back for their graduation if not sooner." JoAnna can only tell Sophia what Aiden told her.

Sophia rolled her eyes.

JoAnna can see that Sophia does not approve of Aiden having Sarah all to himself, especially now that Sarah is unwell. And she knows that it's because Aiden hurt Sarah. "Big sis, he is really trying. He even got sofa in their living room replaced."

Sophia frowned. "Why does that matter?"

"Because I told him that anything related to the unpleasant incidents can cause Sarah's memories to come back. And on that sofa they had a talk where he told her that they should split up. By replacing it, the chances of her remembering that are reduced."

"So… he does not want Sarah to remember?" Sophia's displeasure with Aiden increased. This proves he is guilty!

JoAnna sighed seeing Sophia's hostility, and she hopes that Sophia reconsiders her harsh attitude toward Aiden. "Can you blame him? Also, I advised him to avoid triggering her memories if possible. Right now, Sarah is happy, and when her memories come back, we have no idea how that will impact her personality. Do you remember last time? She didn't talk with anyone for a long time, and it took her years to interact with us normally. I prefer that she does not remember few unpleasant things compared to reverting to being a… robot."

"I understand…" Sophia was troubled hearing all this.

She remembers how Sarah used to be uninterested in anything around her, except for her computers. And it took a long time for her to warm up to people. That was one of the reasons why Stella insisted in taking Sarah to trips with her, to get her out of the surrounding where she got hurt. But it took a very long time for Sarah to return to them mentally.

Based on what JoAnna said, it seems that Aiden is having better luck than Stella had about six years ago. Sophia told herself to calm down and reassess the situation… and Aiden. Maybe he is trying his best. Maybe he really wants to help Sarah. Maybe, just maybe, he is exactly what Sarah needs to be happy.

Sophia decided to switch the topic: "How about you? What are you up to?"

"Bridgette will come in about ten minutes, and we are going to my resort. There is a big party, and I want to see how everything works. It will help me understand how resort currently handles these events, and I will use that to plan for my wedding." JoAnna beamed.

"Be careful of that Regina person." Sophia warned JoAnna.

Sophia wondered how can JoAnna be so carefree when she is about to be in close proximity to the woman who has her eyes set on Jeff, and it seems that she will not hesitate to use underhanded methods to get to him. Doesn't JoAnna feel that she is in danger when she is close to that woman?

"Yes, yes. I've got my bag of tricks with me, always. If she tries anything funny, I will knock her out and throw her into the ocean." JoAnna burst into laugh when she saw that Sophia is outraged. "I'm kidding!"

Sophia exhaled and made an exaggerated expression. "I don't know anymore. Sarah is all bubbly, and you are talking about hurting people. It's like you two swapped personalities!"

JoAnna pouted and batted her eyelashes playfully. "I'm still bubbly… But don't worry. Bridgette will be with me, and my two wedding planners are tagging along as well. With so many witnesses, I will not be able to throw Regina in the ocean."

JoAnna laughed again when she saw Sophia's stiff face. "You crack me up!"

"I can tell."

JoAnna almost leaped out of her chair from sudden excitement. "Oh, house update! We got ahold of the owner of that villa yesterday and started the process! Jeff is in charge of negotiations. If all goes well, in few days, we will own that villa!"

Sophia was happy to hear this. "Very nice news! You have about a month to set it up, so your home can be ready by the time you become Mrs. White officially."

"Mrs. White!" JoAnna made a silly face. "It will take some time for that to sink in."

"Yes, it will. I'm still not completely aware that I'm Mrs. Martin."

"What did you say, Mrs. Martin?", JoAnna heard Felix's voice from the speaker.

Sophia tilted her head and based on her smile, JoAnna can tell that she is looking at her man.

"Are you listening in on my talks, Mr. Martin?", Sophia asked.

"No. I came to tell you that breakfast is done. And it seems I need to remind you that you are Mrs. Martin…" JoAnna could not see what Felix did, but she saw that Sophia almost jumped out of her chair and in an instant, her face was red.

Felix's face came into the view of the camera. "Hi, Anna! French toast is hot, and juice is freshly squeezed. Come and join us!"

"Don't call that glutton over here for food! There will be nothing left for me!" Sophia teased, and JoAnna noticed that Sophia is slightly out of breath.

"I will remember this when you come for a visit." JoAnna warned Sophia.

"Not to give me food?" Sophia frowned.

"No... To call you glutton!"

They all laughed before going offline.

Sophia was in the rush to end the call. That made JoAnna wonder, what exactly Felix did to make her big sister blush like that? Thinking about Sophia's expression, JoAnna can tell that French toast will get cold by the time Sophia and Felix head to the kitchen.

Oh, now she is missing Jeff! JoAnna texted him with a question if he can come to the resort for lunch. She hopes that he can join her, and then he can make her blush like that.

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