Is this destiny?

Chapter 647 - Private job interview

~ Los Angeles, Jeff's and JoAnna's penthouse ~

Jeff and JoAnna are chatting on the balcony on this warm summer night. She is telling him how her day went.

JoAnna was disappointed that Regina didn't approach her again. "After her humiliation in front of the fake TV doctor, I thought she will come at me for a second serving. But she didn't. Before I headed home, I checked the surveillance, and confirmed that she left home early."

"Even if she does not know what you did, she knows that she made a fool of herself and is blaming you. She is angry and thinking how to get back at you." Jeff warned JoAnna.

"Let her try. I'm ready for her." JoAnna was in a good mood. She ignored his concerned expression. "Oh, talking about fake TV doctor, he apologized."

"Was it good enough for you?" Jeff relaxed a bit, even though he was still concerned about Regina.

JoAnna thought for some time. "I don't know. He apologized for many things and asked to be invited to our wedding. As my friend!"

Jeff looked at JoAnna seriously. "You want to invite that corny actor to our wedding? You told me that he is not important over lunch, and now you are inviting him to OUR wedding?"

JoAnna laughed hearing Jeff call Jules 'a corny actor'. "I didn't say that he is invited. I have troubles believing that he just wants to be friends. Everyone has some agenda…"

"So… you are thinking that by interacting with him, you can find out what his agenda is?" Jeff guessed.

"Something like that."

"What if he wants to get under your skirt?"

JoAnna didn't like the idea that Jules is hitting on her. And even if that is true, she does not want to talk about it with Jeff. "You think that it can be that simple? He has plenty of women fawning over him. I'm not confident that he likes my skirt so much."

Jeff tapped her nose. "Don't underestimate appeal of your skirt, Mrs. White. And don't underestimate him. No matter how many women are ready for him, you are the one who is resisting his charms. Men are hunters, they like challenge. And you are his challenge."

"I understand. He will not get an invitation, and if he tries to get in touch with me, I will ignore him. OK?"

Jeff noticed that JoAnna's mood dropped. "I see you are enjoying playing with him. Do whatever makes you happy."

JoAnna was surprised by Jeff's words. What happened with over-protectiveness and jealousy? "You trust me that much?"

Jeff kissed her forehead and looked her in the eyes. "I trust you more than you think. Have fun, but stay safe. Also, I don't trust him, so I have my eyes on you, and If he tries anything, I will not show any mercy."

JoAnna was touched. As much as she was tempted to play a bit with that actor who is full of himself, she does not want to make Jeff uncomfortable. "Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that. But I would rather focus my energy on our wedding and home. Also, I want to work on my residency in next few weeks. I think that if I do everything right, I can get all the requirements in place to graduate before our wedding."

"What's the rush? As Mrs. White you can take your time and do whatever you want.", Jeff dotingly said.

JoAnna smiled. "This is about what I want… Did you like our lunch today?"

Jeff grinned. "Yes, yes… very much!"

"What if we can do that every day?"

Jeff took a deep breath and spoke his mind: "As much as I would like to, realistically, I don't think I can leave work every day to visit you. I mean, I could… but that would result in me working late in the evening. If I need to pick, I would rather work during lunch and come home on time."

"What if you don't have to make a trip to visit me?"

Jeff thought for few seconds. "I guess you can come to White corp. on some days. We will get another helicopter, to be available for you. It will be more convenient."

JoAnna laughed thinking that Jeff is considering to buy a helicopter for some intimate time with her. This man is really too much!

"What if I don't need to come? What if I'm there from morning?"

Jeff looked at her with a blank expression.

JoAnna found him to be adorably oblivious to her intention, and she gave him a smacking kiss on the lips.

"CEO White, I am considering joining medical research department at White corp. when we come back from our honeymoon. If that offer still stands."

Jeff took a deep breath and nodded repeatedly. "Still stands. Are you sure?"

"I would like to get a chance to visit and see what you have, and what you do, and to meet people who work there currently… and to discuss conditions."

Jeff was still nodding. "Conditions? Whatever you want."

JoAnna laughed. "You are easy to negotiate with."

Jeff cheekily smiled. "I will even sweeten the deal and add that you have an exclusive right to a private lunch with the CEO every day!"

"Oh, my! I don't think I can say 'no' to that… When can I start?" JoAnna was entertained with his smugness, and she was tempted to say that the lunch is not important, but she would be lying.

Jeff scooped her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. "Let's do the introductory interview right now."

"Is this how you interview all job applicants?", JoAnna teased.

"This will cover only the lunch break part. It's exclusive only for you." Jeff responded with a straight face.

In the morning, JoAnna is lazily stretching in the bed next to Jeff who is observing her. Both of them have matching goofy smiles.

"Mr. White, you are lucky I'm not an average girl, and my body can keep up with your… appetite." JoAnna remembered that the 'interview' lasted long into the night.

"Mrs. White, I will take that as a compliment." He pulled JoAnna close to him and kissed tip of her nose.

JoAnna snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Their morning cuddles were interrupted by JoAnna's phone. She scooted off the bed and checked the caller. JoAnna didn't recognize the number, so she picked up reluctantly.

Besides few 'yes' and 'mhm', she didn't speak much. Few minutes later she ended the call with "I will get back to you" and looked at Jeff with a surprise on her face.

"I just got a call from executive producer of TV show ' Good Heart 911 '…" She sat on the bed.

Jeff frowned. "Isn't that the show where that corny actor plays a doctor?" JoAnna nodded and he continued. "What do they want?"

"They want me to join team of screenwriters to collaborate on the script as a professional advisor!"

Jeff saw that JoAnna's face lit up. "You are interested?"

JoAnna paused before answering. "I don't need a job… But I've spent countless hours watching that show and bashing it because from medical point of view it's a complete rubbish. If I do this, I can fix the show!"

"If you do this, you will be close to the corny actor." Jeff reminded her.

"What happened with: ' I trust you more than you think '?"

Jeff pinched her nose. "Me warning you of the danger does not mean I don't trust you. What's next?"

JoAnna smiled. "Producers want to meet with me."

"Don't go alone, and don't sign anything until someone from my legal team looks at it first."

JoAnna agreed with both conditions and they headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

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