Is this destiny?

Chapter 649 - Back on the island in the Adriatic Sea (2)

After breakfast, Sarah and Aiden met with Toma.

Toma was in charge of their treasure hunt where they found numerous well-preserved items from ancient Greece inside trireme from ancient Athens's navy.

Toma was excited to show them newly built basement where items they pulled out of the shipwreck are stored. Basement is a separate underground structure with an entry hidden between two large rocks. He was explaining how there are air exhausts which are virtually invisible from outside, while light and humidity are controlled so that items are preserved in pristine condition.

Sarah's attention was more on the basement itself. "You can dig a basement on the island?"

She remembers reading that basements are usually not something you can find close to water, because of danger that underground water will flood it. And this is an island, water everywhere!

"Yes." Toma confirmed the obvious. "We can have basement on this island."

Sarah's eyes lit up. "How deep we can go?"

"The geologist and engineer that came here approved for fifteen meters, but I asked for ten, so they didn't check deeper than that." Toma explained.

"You think it can go deeper?" Sarah could barely hold back her excitement. She loves basements! In her mind she already built underground dwelling which will host at least her computers, and several bedrooms and a storage with a kitchen in case of emergencies.

"Probably. It's confirmed that shape of the island below the sea level is like inverted funnel, so the foundation is solid. But if we want to go deeper than fifteen meters, we need to check for the type of soil and rocks below to make sure island does not collapse." At this point, Toma confirmed that Sarah wants to dig multiple levels below.

Sarah looked at the current setup in the basement and told Toma that next time they come, they will bring with them items to improve security such as electronic keylocks and surveillance. Having treasure on the island means that someone might find about it and try to rob it or take it by force. Also, people could be hurt in the process.

It can't hurt to have more security on the island, especially knowing hers and Aiden's backgrounds. Also, it's a good excuse to bring Eve to the Adriatic Sea. Sarah would bring equipment this time, if she knew that they are coming here, but Aiden kept everything from her like a top-secret, so she was not prepared.

When they got out of the basement, Toma led them to his living area and shared some documents and maps. He explained that he found another shipwreck which seems intact, and asked Sarah and Aiden if they are willing to finance further research and treasure hunt. Sarah and Aiden were excited but told him that they will look at the documents first before responding.

It didn't take them long to check out everything and to agree with Toma.

After all, he already has the boat and equipment, and he didn't ask for a lot of money to finance his expedition.

Toma was very happy and he promised to keep them updated with any progress he makes.

Later that day, Aiden and Sarah compared their impressions about the basement for the artifacts. They agreed that it's well done.

"Besides extra storage, do you have something else on your mind for digging deeper?" Aiden didn't miss Sarah's excitement about going up to fifteen meters depth, and possibly more.

Sarah didn't want to hide anything from him. "Yes. I would like to have secure room from where we could do our thing. This is much closer to Eastern Europe and having multiple secure locations will benefit us. Also, few bedrooms. I have a feeling that we will need something like this, especially because you are being targeted."

Aiden thought about what she said. He wondered if she would be this serious if it was not for that kidnapping which was organized with the help of someone who is after him.

That reminded him… if she remembers JoAnna's kidnapping and that it was because of him, does she remember the talk where he suggested that they should split up? He was about to ask but controlled himself. Sarah didn't mention that incident at all, and before her meltdown she would rub those horrible words in his face few times every day. This uncertainty made him uneasy, but he decided to push back his urge to clarify this.

He decided to focus on what they talked about: "Don't you have a secure room on the mainland?"

Sarah knows that he is talking about the Sigma-army-hideout which they visited during her birthday. "That one is not mine. Nick's family owns the land, remember? I don't want to count on it or to invest anything in it, since Nick can come and claim it as his anytime. After all, it is his."

Aiden agreed with her logic. But she missed where he was going with his question. "Isn't it simpler to buy that land?"

That sounds right, but Sarah is not optimistic. "Do you think Nick will be willing to sell it? He does not lack money, how much I know."

"You don't know if he will sell it or not until you ask. If I know anything, that is: everyone has a price."

Sarah agrees with this. Even if it's not money, everyone wants something. She used to think that she is immune to this, and that there is no incentive that can make her do things she is not willing. But recently she realized that is not true. She would do anything for Aiden and for her right to be with him. Even if he is frustrating her with this newly found idea that they should not go all the way, she can't even pretend that she does not love him more than anything. If Sarah needs to pick between Aiden and the world, she would pick him. That is an easy choice for her because world does not make sense without him in it.

"OK. I will try." The best she can do is to talk with Nick. And as much as she knows, the land is officially on his father's name. That means there is a chance that she needs to meet and negotiate with Nick's father, and maybe she will not even see Nick. That would work great!

Part of her would like to see that overzealous teenager. Who knows, maybe he got over her and is willing to re-join their little merry group? Last few Sigma-army group emails they bounced around, Nick ignored. That can't be a good sign, but Sarah hopes that he is over it, and that he found some girl who is worthy of him and available to return his feelings.

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