Is this destiny?

Chapter 651 - Nikola Pajic (1)

~ Split, Croatia ~

In a villa, with a great view of the city, Nikola Pajic (aka Nick) is in his room, surrounded with numerous screens, frantically typing on his keyboard. Screen in front of him flashed with light blue notification and he revealed a wide smile. Another personal record. If Sarah could see him, she would be proud. He is improving his hacking skills rapidly.

With this result, he might be a match for Omega. Nick frowned. Thinking of Omega brings him unpleasant memories.

Nick looked through the window and saw a wonderful azure Adriatic Sea. But he didn't enjoy the view. Every summer last five years he would spend in this villa, and he would have a lot of fun, starting with few days with the 'Sigma army' and then improving newly acquired skills in this room for the rest of the summer. But this summer is different.

Nick got a message from his father, Dragan Pajic, notifying him that someone is interested in buying the same piece of land which Nick begged him few years ago to acquire at any cost. He didn't need to think which land that is, since there is only one time he asked his father to buy land for him. Nick looked at the message for few seconds before calling his father.

"Someone wants it?", Nick didn't waste time on pleasantries.

"Yes, I would never think that someone else is interested in that barren and unapproachable land. Is there something I'm not aware of? Maybe gold or oil?", Dragan joked.

Nick didn't find it funny. "Do you have a name of who wants to buy it?"

"Yes… give me a second…" Nick could hear shuffling of papers. "It's Sarah Hill."

Nick froze. It's Sarah! The same girl who haunts his dreams in the night and thoughts in the day.

"When will you meet her?", Nick asked under his breath.

Dragan was confused with Nick's reaction. His tone told him that Nick is excited. "I just told my secretary to ignore her… Or do you want me to sell it?"

"Of course, not! But you should meet with her. And bring me with you!"

"Oh…" Dragan was surprised. Nick never showed any interest in anything other than games, computers and sometimes he would talk about some girl. What are chances that this is the same girl he mentions once in a while? "When do you want to see her?"

"As soon as possible!", Nick exclaimed.

"OK. I will have my secretary arrange a meeting, and let you know." Dragan ended the call.

Nick jumped while pumping his fist in the air. He does not remember when was the last time he was this excited! He will see Sarah! And she wants to see him! Why else would she have this crazy request to buy that land if not as an excuse to see him? Sarah knows that his father purchased it. She should also know that as soon as she showed interest in buying it, his father would let him know. This must be the signal: she wants to meet with him. In person!

There is a high chance that she broke up with that annoying Omega, and she came to her senses… Sarah wants to be with him!

Nick smirked. His plan to ignore her worked like a charm. Now she is the one requesting a meeting with him!

'Oh! What will I wear when I meet her?' Nick dashed into his closet and started picking clothes.

Sarah and Aiden are in a restaurant, waiting for Nick's father, Dragan Pajic, to join them. They hope that he will agree to sell them the land where 'Sigma army's lair' is located.

Dragan's secretary confirmed a lunch meeting with Sarah, and she arrived with Aiden few minutes early.

Restaurant is on the ground level and large glass windows provide great views of the street made out of white stone. It's a hot and sunny August day, and the streets are devoid of people due to high temperature.

Aiden noticed that Sarah is nervous. "Relax. Remember that the worst outcome is that he does not want to sell, and we find something else."

"I know." Sarah faintly smiled. "It's just that if we can make this happen, it will be more convenient."

"Do you have a negotiation strategy in place?"

Sarah didn't have one. She is not good in negotiating, that is something Sophia does best. "Almost-honesty? I will tell him I'm interested in buying it. As long as he does not suspect that there is something special about that piece of land, it should go smoothly, right?"

Aiden squeezed her hand gently and smiled. "Let's go with that."

Sarah's mood dropped when she saw that Dragan didn't come by himself. He came with Nick.

With Nick present, her plan where they get the land like there is nothing special about it, failed before it began.

Considering how Nick behaved last time they met in person, and how he ignored any communication after that, there is a good chance that he came just to give her a hard time and is not willing to sell the land no matter what they offer. There is also a possibility that Nick will try to get back at Aiden, because Aiden humiliated him last time. Well, no use thinking about it now. Sarah can try to talk it out and see where it goes.

"Thank you for meeting with us Mr. Pajic. Hi, Nick." Sarah smiled while greeting them.

Nick nodded but didn't say anything. His back was straight, and head held high, like a true proud young master of a prominent family. He was nothing like friendly Nick that Sarah knew previously.

Nick's father shook Sarah's and Aiden's hand. "You should thank my Nikola. If not for him, we would not have this meeting."

Dragan took a seat and observed Aiden and Sarah for a moment before speaking again.

"You see, Miss Hill, when I heard that someone is interested in purchasing that piece of land, I thought of rejecting it right away because I know it means a lot to Nikola. And then I told him that Sarah Hill is interested in purchasing it, and I was surprised to hear him say that he wants us to meet with you. And here we are."

Sarah nodded in understanding that Dragan is making a point: this meeting would not happen if not for Nick. She spoke to Nick: "It seems that this negotiation is between two of us."

Nick's eyes didn't leave Sarah, and he was practically ignoring Aiden. Maybe because he was ashamed of his big hacking loss or because he could not stand that Sarah is with Aiden, probably both.

Nick requested that Sarah moves with him to a separate table and discuss the deal.

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