Is this destiny?

Chapter 653 - Maybe I crack...

~ Fairfield, Aiden's apartment ~

It was later in the morning when Aiden entered the apartment with hands full of grocery bags.

"You got a lot! Is there a catastrophe coming and we are stocking up with necessities?" Sarah teased.

Aiden made a silly face. "If you cook at home, you would know that this is enough for a day or two for two people to eat. How was the chat?"

Sarah ignored his jab which insinuates that she does not cook much, which is the truth. Aiden does not know that she is secretly watching cooking online videos with a goal to improve her kitchen skills and surprise him with a scrumptious meal.

"Both JoAnna and Sophia agreed that you went to do groceries at this time just to avoid them." Sarah smirked.

Aiden paused and shoot Sarah a side glance which told her that her sisters are right. Ever since the weekend in the Canadian mountain he is doing his best not to interact with Sophia and JoAnna, except when he gives updates to JoAnna on Sarah's condition.

"Tell me what you talked about while I arrange groceries." Aiden did his best to avoid Sarah's accusing look.

"Sophia has some big mess at work and is heading to New York today with Felix. She will be there at least a week. She says sorry that they will not come to our graduation. But she promised to watch the video when she gets a chance… That reminds me that we should set up the drone… Anna joined the crew of a popular TV drama…" Sarah paused giving Aiden time to react.

"She has time for another job?", he asked from the pantry.

Sarah giggled because that is exactly what she asked JoAnna.

"It's not a full time job. It's something like a professional advisor. One or two times a week they send her the script in email, and she returns it with corrections. Anna does not go there, even though she has a full access to the set. When we go back to Los Angeles, she promised to take me! It's a drama about doctors, and she is working with screenwriters… I will need to watch at least few episodes, so I know something about the show when I go there. Anna says that the drama is full of super-hot TV doctors…"

There was a sound of glass breaking in the pantry.

"What did you say?" Aiden's head emerged from the pantry revealing a big frown on his face.

Sarah looked at him with glee. She was more than happy that she got his attention. Her body moved slightly sideways while getting ready to run for it: "Anna said: Lots. Of. Hunky. Heartthrob. TV. Doctors..."

Aiden squinted for a moment before dashing after Sarah who was already on the run.

After some time of giggles and squeals through the apartment, Aiden pinned Sarah on the floor of the living room, below him.

"I dare you to repeat that… What did you say?" He breathed heavily.

It's not a small feat to catch Sarah. She is fast! Luckily for him, the apartment is not big, so she didn't have many places to run to.

Sarah was trying to suppress laughter while gasping for air. "Ah! If you don't give me what I want, I might go and look for it elsewhere!"

"Maybe I crack and give you what you want…" Aiden lowered his head and bit her neck.

"Ah! Ah! Don't leave marks!" Sarah protested. "If I knew that I only need to make you jealous, I would do that a while ago!" She laughed.

When Sarah caught her breath, she added: "But you are too late…"

Aiden lifted his head and looked at Sarah. His eyes nervously darted over her face. "What do you mean… too late?"

Sarah found his reaction entertaining and upsetting at the same time. Did he think that she found someone else? He must be kidding, right? She does not want to think about it.

"I got my period this morning, so even if you want to… we can't…"

"Oh…" Aiden exhaled in relief. He knows that she would not cheat on him, but just the though of it made his heart stop even when he is confident that it's not true.

Last two nights Sarah didn't have nightmares, so he thinks they are good to go… and Aiden can tell that he is at his limit. Only he and maybe God know how hard it is for him to keep his hands off from her. And he lost count of how many cold showers he took in last three weeks or so… hearing that she has her period, means that he is forced to hold it in a bit longer. On the bright side, he will use next few days to make their second first time special.

Aiden looked at Sarah and thought: 'This woman can make my whole world shake with few words…'

He lowered his head slowly and initiated a long deep kiss.

Sarah's mind was spinning, and a warm sensation spread from her chest to the rest of her body. It feels like forever since he kissed her with so much passion.

She was looking at him in the eyes, spellbound.

Aiden was on top of her, hard and ready, grinding himself between her legs, their hot breaths mixed, and his devilish smile was on.

"Does this mean you are done waiting, or are you doing this just because I've got my period and you know that we can't go all the way?" Sarah wanted to confirm. She needed this confirmation.

Aiden enjoyed seeing how desperate she is. "I guess you will find out in few days."

She was outraged that even at a time like this he is in the mood to tease her.

"You… scoundrel!", Sarah exclaimed and tried pushing him away, but he would not budge no matter how much she struggled under him.

"Sarah…", he called her in a low voice which was almost a whisper.

She stopped her movements and her heart skipped a beat when their eyes met. His eyes were dark, and deep, and full of love, and she got lost inside them, forgetting that few seconds ago she was angry at him.

Sarah's fingers laced into his hair and she kissed him. And he kissed her back. And they kissed for a long time.

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