Is this destiny?

Chapter 659 - Last visit to unit 12A

When they left the cocktail party, Sarah was disappointed that she will not spend more time with Bridgette. But Bridgette and Steve made plans with Gabriel and his family, so there was nothing two friends could do. Two of them promised to meet for a coffee when Sarah comes to Los Angeles, and they parted ways with those thoughts.

After cocktail party at the University, Sarah and Aiden headed to the penthouse she got as a present for Christmas, to make sure movers took everything out and nothing is damaged before the apartment is put for sale.

Sarah and Aiden calculated that it would pay off more to keep the place and rent it out, but they do not want to keep that apartment, considering who is the across-the-hall neighbor. So, the only option is to sell it.

Stella is not going to let Sarah and Aiden go there without her, so she is tagging along. Edward is coming in package with Stella. Elanor and Oscar are curious about the penthouse as well. They want to see where their son spent more than six months, and they said that until dinner they don't have any other plans anyway… so six of them went to check out the apartment.


"Ah! Movers forgot to empty this!", Sarah looked at things piled up in one of the storage rooms and shook her head while thinking that she needs to pack things. She is not very fond of packing and hopes that Aiden will help her.

Aiden went downstairs to get few boxes from the car.

Elanor appreciated the nice view as soon as she got in the living room area. "Pity that you are selling it…"

"If you like it, we can buy it.", Oscar immediately said.

"There must be a reason why kids are selling it.", Edward gave a kind warning.

Elanor and Oscar looked at Sarah who came out of the storage right at that moment. Even if they are not seriously thinking of buying this apartment, they want to know the reason why Sarah does not want to keep it. In such a good location it would not be difficult to find renters, and who would say no to a good income property?

Sarah overheard the conversation and stumbled with providing an explanation. "Uhm… the neighbor is creepy…" She swiftly went inside one of the guest bedrooms to continue looking if movers left anything behind while avoiding any further questioning on that topic.

Stella was on the terrace, observing surroundings. Her gaze stopped on a man who was standing on the roof of a neighboring building. Their eyes locked on each other and after about one minute into a staring contest, Stella jerked her head upwards and man gave a small nod.

"I'm going to step out for a minute. I will be right back." Stella said as she entered living area from the terrace.

Edward got alerted. While passing by him, Stella patted his shoulder to assure him that it's OK. "Keep an eye on kids…", she whispered and headed out.

Edward followed after her but stopped at the open door of the storage room where Sarah and Aiden are packing things into boxes. He watched as the front door closed behind Stella and glanced inside storage room toward Sarah and Aiden. He saw them squatted, going through things and discussing if something is trash or they want to keep it. After a second of silent contemplation, he turned back and joined Oscar and Elanor.


Inside storage room…

Aiden inched closer and kissed Sarah on the neck.

Sarah nervously glanced toward the door.

"He left…", Aiden murmured and kissed her on the lips.

"At this rate, it will take us whole day to pack these few things." Sarah spoke between kisses.

"Do you have anything better to do?" His eyes were burning from desire.

"Not really…", she whispered and kissed him again.

Sarah concluded based on Aiden's behavior last two days, that he can't stay away from her anymore. And that makes her… more than happy.


Few minutes later, on the roof …

"Why are you here?", Stella was facing a man known as Ivan, King's right hand man.

"To deliver a warning. He is not pleased that your daughters are getting married without an approval… and I hear that Sophia is pregnant? Tsk, tsk…" Ivan shook his head condescendingly.

"They don't need his approval!", Stella snapped. "That was part of the deal."

"That is not how sees it." Ivan smirked seeing that Stella is ready to attack him. "Do you really want to alert your… friends of my presence?"

Stella glared at him. "Tell him to back off. He is too close. And remind him that my daughters are out of his reach."

Ivan calmly put his hands in his jean's pockets. "The deal was for your freedom. Did you forget?"

Stella understood the meaning behind his words: deal was for her freedom, not for her children. Her hands were shaking from anger and she clenched them into fists.

"You can't twist it like this…", Stella squeezed through her teeth.

Ivan chuckled. "You made a deal with his old man. Him respecting it, is a sign of his good will. You should be grateful."

Ivan raised his arm to stop Stella from talking. "I'm just a messenger. No use arguing with me. I will see you around, Milena." He smirked before dashing toward edge of the building and jumping on the adjacent one, disappearing out of sight between structures on the rooftop.

Stella rubbed her temples in frustration. She took few deep breaths to calm down her fury and turned to head back inside. She froze in place. "I didn't notice you are here…"

"As Madam of the White family for so many years, I can be unnoticed if I want." Elanor calmly explained.

Stella could see based on how Elanor looked at her, that she heard conversation between her and Ivan. She hesitated for few seconds before asking: "How much did you hear?"

"Enough to know that we need to talk."

Stella didn't deny this. After all, she is hoping that Whites are willing to help out and they can work together in keeping their kids safe. At first, she thought not to involve them, but with Aiden's background, she knows that he is the target as well. It is only natural for them, as parents, to cooperate. Stella nodded in agreement. "Tonight. After dinner."

"Sounds like a plan." Elanor smiled. "Sarah mentioned that she is selling the apartment because of a neighbor…"

"It is that guy's boss." Stella decided not to hide this.

Elanor was surprised. "Sarah knows she is being watched?"

"Aiden as well." Stella confirmed.

"I see…" Elanor told herself to reevaluate Sarah and Aiden. Two of them are so carefree, that she was confident they don't have any problems, or at least they are not aware of them. Did Stella tell them about the danger they are in? Or did they figure it out by themselves? How much do they know?

Stella and Elanor walked back to the apartment in silence. Each deep in her own thoughts.

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