Is this destiny?

Chapter 668 - Next morning at the Cliffside villa

~ Los Angeles, Cliffside villa ~

Sarah went upstairs to the kitchen and found it empty. Smell of freshly made breakfast lingered and made her smile. Based on the scent, it can be only pancakes or waffles and considering it's a product of Aiden's work, they are made from scratch.

She headed to the dining area, and just as she stepped behind the separation wall, her legs left the ground.

Aiden scooped her in his arms and twirled few times before stopping and planting kisses all over her face.

"Good morning, beautiful…", he greeted her between kisses.

She laughed. "Good morning, handsome…"

He was beaming, and even his eyes were smiling.

Sarah does not remember last time he was this happy.

"You are in a good mood.", her voice was almost singing when he kept her down.

"Of course, I am. Life is great, there is nothing to complain about… not with my goddess by my side! And I even made you breakfast.", he winked and gestured toward the dining table which is set up for two.

"I am honored." She smiled widely while agreeing that life is great.

Sarah enjoyed freshly made waffles with fruits and praised how she never had better. Aiden proudly said that it's his personal recipe and that secret is in vanilla and a dash of cinnamon.

While sipping chilled fruit smoothies that Aiden prepared, two of them discussed helicopter options. Sarah doesn't know much about helicopters, so Aiden took his time explaining important features which impact the aircraft and she listened carefully.

She was impressed with his knowledge on this matter.

As much as she does not know technical points of helicopters like Aiden, she has an idea what they will need when they look at the functionality: "I think we should get two. One which will prioritize speed, and we can use it when we need to be somewhere quickly, and one which will prioritize capacity. At minimum ten people. That one will be used when we move with our kids. I'm sure there will be a need for all of us to go somewhere." Sarah was explaining her reasons for two helicopters.

"I don't disagree with you, but with all other requirements together, I think that we might need to look into military aircrafts. And they are not easy to find…"

"Military?", Sarah's eyes lit up. "Old man!"


"The old man from Vegas, remember? We gave him that blue gem thingy and he said to call him for anything… What is funny?"

Aiden laughed while thinking how only Sarah can call a 34-carat flawless blue diamond a 'blue gem thingy'. He coughed few times in order to stop his laughter. "Nothing, nothing… please continue."

Sarah squinted at him. "As I was saying… Old man's business is related to weapons and military. I'm sure he can help us find what we need!"

Aiden approved her idea. Well, it can't hurt trying. It's not like they want helicopters for free, they will pay for them, and the old man only needs to put them in touch with the right people. Worst case, old man will refuse to help them out.

He thought that if they manage to get military aircrafts, that brings additional options on the table: "Do you want them to have weapons?"

Sarah thought for a second. "It can't hurt, right? Zula and Masika have amazing results with guns and rifles and other kids are not shabby either."

"While thinking about aircrafts, we can look at airplanes as well. After all, we have an airport right here..." Aiden's phone rang and interrupted him.

He picked up the call. It was from work.

"I need to log in for a while." Aiden was frustrated that his time with Sarah got interrupted. "Something is wrong with deployed app in production and they don't know how to handle it. We will finish this talk later."

He gave her a quick kiss and headed to their home office.

Sarah cleaned up the table and headed upstairs, to the rooftop terrace.

It's a warm sunny day, so she opened a large umbrella and got comfortable on the chaise in the shade. The ocean breeze was soothing, and the sound of waves crashing onto the cliff below was relaxing.

Sarah smiled while recollecting things from previous night.

She remembered that he said that he can't make love to her and she panicked… her impulse was to call out to Eve and lock down the house, but she held back. She giggled at the thought of locking down the house in order to prevent him from escaping. But… it feels like it's not the first time. It took her few seconds to remember that she locked down the house once. Recently. Why did she do that?

Sarah dug through her memories trying to remember…

'Oh! He wanted one of us to leave because of the people who are after him.' Sarah felt a pang in her heart at that thought, and she remembered dread that consumed her at that time. Now that she remembers it, she wonders why did that hurt so much? Probably because it came unexpectedly.

Now that she thinks about it calmly, she is confident that Aiden needs her just how much she needs him, and he said those words only because he wanted to keep her safe. She would never leave! And even if he was foolish enough to step outside with such intention… he would not be able to make more than few steps before regretting it and coming back to her. Because staying away does not mean that she will be safe, and she is confident he would realize that as soon as she is not in his sight. The only way for them to be safe is to be together.

She knows that they made up that evening… and even though she was a bit clingy after he said those words, they didn't argue about it… not that she can remember, anyway. She should not think about that incident anymore. It's not relevant. The only confusing thing is why did it seem that she forgot about it? 'Huh… I forget many things. This was probably one of them.'

Sarah's thoughts shifted how she should call that old man and see about his availability. Considering nature of their request, they will need to meet in person.

She was coming up with a plan what to say when her phone rang. It was JoAnna.

"We got the house! Everything is settled! When can you come to set up Eve?" JoAnna's excitement was difficult to miss.

Sarah smiled. "I can come today, if you want. I have everything I need."

"Helicopter will pick you up in half an hour. Is that OK?"

Sarah thought about Aiden and remembered that he is working on a production issue, and that can easily take few hours. He needs to investigate issue, fix it, find who messed up and follow up on that, as well as come up with a plan so that this does not happen again.

Yes. He will be busy for a while, and she would just lounge around while waiting for him to finish. "Treat me lunch and you have a deal."

JoAnna almost squealed from excitement. "Great! Deal! Helicopter will bring you to the penthouse, and we will take my car from here. Be ready in half an hour!"

Sarah headed to the study room to tell Aiden about her plans and to get equipment for Eve.

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