Is this destiny?

Chapter 678 - Climb to the top

~ Los Angeles, I-110 ~

Sarah and Aiden are going to their Cliffside villa. Interstate 110 is congested, but the traffic is moving so it's not that bad.

Aiden is driving, so Sarah can afford gazing through the window while thinking how they spent the afternoon setting up Eve in the Mediterranean villa while JoAnna went shopping with Elanor. Oscar was at White corp. HQ with Jeff that afternoon... They had a conference call with Sophia and Felix before heading for dinner. It was a harmonious atmosphere: White family parents with their sons and daughter-in-laws. No one mentioned Regina, but Sarah knows that JoAnna and Jeff headed to the safe house right after they finished their meal to deal with that bed climber. Sarah was surprised that Elanor and Oscar joined them as well. It looked like Elanor had something on her mind.

'Bed climber' is a new expression for Sarah which Elanor introduced that morning. Sarah finds it funny and strangely… appropriate.

Aiden does not like being stuck in this slow moving traffic. Who does? But then he thought that this is a rare opportunity for them not to do much. Usually they are busy with something, and this is a perfect time to unwind. He likes driving while holding Sarah's hand. He caressed back of her palm with his thumb and felt that her grip on his hand slightly increased. If he needs to be stuck in traffic with anyone, that would be Sarah. He does not mind being stuck anywhere as long as she is by his side.

Aiden thought of last few days and is very happy how their relationship is moving along. Somewhere he read or heard that over time feelings fade, and passion between a couple gets reduced to a boring routine. He finds that hard to believe, because with Sarah is the opposite. His feelings for her are getting stronger every day, and what is happening between them can be described with many words, but 'boring' and 'routine' are not included in those descriptions. And he knows that she feels the same. Just a glance at her and he can tell that she loves him just as much.

"You look happy." Aiden observed that Sarah is lost in her thoughts and smiling.

"Yes. We are almost done setting up Eve for Jeff and Anna, Regina is locked up. Day after tomorrow we are going to New York… I get to see Sophia's growing baby bump, we have a zombie mystery to solve and buy a helicopter… and it's nice to have family around." Sarah admitted. "Your parents are great."

"I'm glad you are getting along with them. What did my mom want?" He was referring to the talk Elanor had with Sarah and JoAnna that morning.

"She said that you will also be involved in the dealings of White family. Probably after we get married."

Aiden frowned. "I'm not interested in those dealings."

Sarah ignored his stubbornness. She knows that Aiden is a free spirit and avoids things that will restrict him, and that is just like her. "I know. But some things come with a price and you can't enjoy the benefits without taking some responsibility…"

Aiden abruptly pulled to the side of the road and stopped the car. "What happened with two of us, being irresponsible… together?"

Sarah was surprised with his mood change. Why did he get so serious suddenly? He was obviously upset.

After a second of shock she smiled and cupped his cheeks in her palms. "We will still be together. And maybe just slightly less… irresponsible. I will be with you and help out with whatever comes. I promise."

His expression didn't soften, and she had to understand why he is this stubborn. "Why are you like this? Is there something I don't know?"

Aiden held Sarah's hands in his and kissed each of her palms. He was quiet for some time before he sighed and started talking. "Sarah, love… it's not just a little bit. Once we are in, there is no way out. It's a full time job, and much more. You always have to juggle work, priorities, business, profits, connections… maintaining good relationships with people who would stab you as soon as you look away. There will be no friends. Everyone around us will be a potential enemy. I don't want us to have such a life. We will not have time to relax or be ourselves because someone will always be watching. And if we ever drop our guard, there will be many who will jump out of the shadows to take advantage of it."

Sarah realized that he actually thought about this already. Well, she should not be surprised. Aiden always thinks about everything.

As much as she agrees with him, she also knows that he can't avoid what is coming. Because he is a White. And Sarah wants him to know that she will stand by his side, always.

"Do you think that this is something we can avoid? Even if we ignore responsibilities, your brother and my sister will be front and center in all that. Can you honestly say that you will look away and not get involved when they are surrounded with hyenas? I admit, I don't know much about your family and what you are into, but I know that as long as we are together, we will figure it out. I don't like it more than you, but I think of it as a game: we will learn the rules, get to know other players and use that knowledge to our advantage. Because that is what we do. We will climb to the top and then make the rules. How does that sound?"

Aiden's heart was moved by her words. She is ready to be with him and they will figure it out. And yes, it's just like her to treat it like a game. "Game analogy. That sounds like something you would say."

Sarah's eyes sparkled. "Are you doubting what we can achieve? Neither of us knows what a loss is because we are the winners. And it's six of us, make that seven with Eve included. With all the skillsets and brainpower we posses, do you think that anyone can bully us?"

She was able to dispel last traces of Aiden's bad mood.

"I admire your enthusiasm."

"Just watch me burn anyone who dares to threaten what we have. I am ready for them, and I will show everyone that I mean business... starting with this wedding." She was determined and it showed in her expression and her tone.

"What about this wedding?", Aiden cautiously asked.

"Mom said that the people attending are not… friendly. And that there will be many who will try to come in between us. And she advised us to trust each other and what we have."

Aiden looked straight into her eyes seriously. "Mother is right. No matter what anyone says or does, I want you to always keep in mind that I love you, only you… and that you are my future wife." Only he is aware how much weight those words carry. Because he knows some of the people who will be attending.

Sarah smiled. She knows that those words will give her the strength to fight off whatever is coming. "Right back at you. No matter what anyone says or does, know that you are my only one. I love you, and you are my future husband, Mr. White."

Aiden felt his heart swelling, and he knows that is the feeling of his love growing stronger for this amazing woman in front of him, his goddess. He pulled her closer and sealed her lips with a searing kiss.


Something metallic was hitting onto Aiden's window and they broke the kiss.

He lowered the window and cleared his throat. "How can I help you, officer?"

Policeman glanced inside car and observed Sarah on passenger's seat. He can tell that she is dazed, and he saw them kissing… well, she does not look unwilling. His attention went back on Aiden. "Is everything OK? You pulled over on the highway. This is a no parking zone…"

Aiden realized that he did pull over on the highway. But he does not have a good reason for that. "Everything is OK… Sorry about that…"

Policeman had a good idea what happened based on what he saw: these two youngsters got frustrated with slow traffic and stopped to make out. Reckless youth…"License and registration, please…"

Not long later, Aiden and Sarah were back on the road.

Sarah was flustered. "Oh, my… what did he think? I'm sure he saw us kissing…"

"Whatever he was thinking, he let us out with a warning. Remind me not to stop on the highway again…" Aiden kissed back of her palm and smiled. "…and we will continue where we stopped at home."

Sarah smiled and turned her gaze toward the window.

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