Is this destiny?

Chapter 684 - If we are close by, we can take care of each other

~ New York, Sophia's and Felix's apartment ~

Sophia, Felix, Sarah and Aiden are having dinner in the dining room.

"How come we didn't go out to eat? When I heard you are coming, I picked few good places… and now you insisted to order delivery?", Sophia complained to Sarah and Aiden.

"We have things to talk about, and we don't want anyone to overhear.", Sarah explained.

"That serious?", Sophia's face fell.

Sarah nodded in confirmation. "We have two topics. One requires you to analyze things and help us figure out the best way to act. The other one is not a pleasant topic. Which one you want first?"

Sophia sighed and kept her fork down. "Since you mentioned there is something unpleasant, let's deal with that first."

"We spoke with Darla… or the person you know as Katherine…" Sarah told Sophia and Felix what Darla told them.

Sarah finished summarizing their interaction with Darla, and added: "We also have everything recorded if you want to listen."

Sophia didn't respond to the comment about the recording. It was obvious that she is uncomfortable. "So, it's him… again. Why would he meddle with that?"

Sarah glanced at Aiden before speaking. "We spoke about it and have few theories… The most probable one is that our maternal family didn't approve of that relationship. Considering what we know about those families who follow old traditions, they probably will not approve of anyone they didn't select in advance. For that incident six years ago, you were the target and Mark was just the one in the way."

Sophia wanted to speak, but Sarah stopped her: "Let me finish… You know that mom always watched after us from the shadows even if we were not aware of that. We believe that you are married to Felix now because mom discovered your relationship before our maternal family, and she protected you. Six years ago, you didn't tell anyone about Mark, so mom didn't know… and they made sure the relationship fails before it became serious."

There were few minutes of silence. Felix and Sophia held hands while thinking about the information that Sarah dumped on them.

Sophia had to admit that theory sounds valid. "Based on all this… and knowing that they are still watching us… we are in danger. Our relationships… and my baby…?" She placed her hand over her slightly bulging belly.

"You need to increase your security and vigilance." Aiden advised Sophia and Felix. "Don't let anyone unknown come close to you. Pay special attention to all medical staff which you are interacting with. With pregnancy, you have scheduled checkups for months in advance, and they might take advantage of that. Also, keep in mind that they are not limited only to physical attacks. As you experienced six years ago, they have other ways to get to you as well, and we have no idea how far they are ready to go with their schemes. We suggest that you go back to Seattle as soon as possible and limit your movements to the area where Eve can protect you."

Sophia and Felix agreed.

"Does Anna know?", Sophia asked.

Sarah confirmed. "Yes. They are increasing security anyway in the light of her new role."

"New role?" Sophia was curious.

Sarah was not sure how to explain this without saying too much. Her impression is that Jeff's and JoAnna's upcoming roles in the White family should be confidential, for now at least. "Do you remember when I told you that I'm dating Aiden? You warned me that Whites are not simple and that they have shady sources of income."

Sophia flashed and apologetic smile at Aiden who could not hide his surprise.

"Sorry, Aiden… at that time I saw you as a rascal who wants to defile my baby sister."

Sophia immediately regretted her hasty explanation when she saw that Aiden's expression worsened.

Sarah smiled while thinking that Sophia was not completely wrong at that time… but they are having a serious conversation and she needs to stay on topic: "Actually, we suggest that you consider moving to Los Angeles. If we are close by, we can take care of each other."

Sophia faced Felix, silently asking for his opinion.

Felix squeezed her hand gently and smiled. "Whatever you decide, I will support you. It will not be my first time to move, and I don't care where we live as long as we are together." He kissed back of her palm. "My home is where you are."

Sophia thought that she is going to melt from all the love she feels for her husband. With few sweet words and affection, he can melt away her anxiousness. Yes, Felix makes her feel safe and she knows that their relationship is rock solid. No matter what those people do, it will be difficult to separate her from the man she loves.

Felix also mentioned that if they move to Los Angeles, he will be closer to his sister. That is a bonus. Sophia likes that, because she is fond of Bridgette as well.

Sophia was grateful that Felix is supportive, and then she remembered... "What about my work? There are things I can do online, but not all of them. This is not something that will be resolved in few weeks or months… this can last for years, a lifetime…"

Aiden agreed with Sophia. "Yes. This is a long term situation, and the only permanent solution is that we attack and get them out of the way. Unfortunately, at this time, we are lacking information, so we can only do our best to stay safe while gathering clues."

Sarah thought of a solution: "One thing keeping you in Seattle is work, right? How about you move HQ to Los Angeles? It will not be the first time for HQ of a company to move… I'm sure that Jeff can help. You two might even consider a merger…" Sarah saw that Sophia frowned. "…or not."

Sophia knows that Sarah wanted to be helpful, and she should not scold her baby sister. Moving is a maybe. But a merger??! Considering sizes of two companies, merger means that White corp. will swallow Orion Enterprise. She is not willing to let go of her baby (company)!

Work aside, Sophia loves lounging on the sun, next to a pool. She can do that a lot in Los Angeles. In Seattle it's mostly raining, so even if pool is available, she can't enjoy it because of the weather. Without realizing, Sophia started thinking about them living in Los Angeles... Oh, and the beach… she can lounge in the shade with a drink while Felix rides the waves. She remembers him surfing during their honeymoon, her husband was steaming hot! If they move, she can enjoy that view every day…

Sophia snapped back to reality. "We will head back to Seattle tomorrow. Unless there is an emergency at work, we will work from home where Eve is watching. While there, we will discuss and consider moving to Los Angeles. What is the second thing you wanted to talk about?"

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