Is this destiny?

Chapter 689 - New Boss in Sierra Leone (4)

"Excuse me…" Sarah and Aiden turned toward the voice and their eyes landed on the man in his mid-twenties. Besides being on the skinny side, probably due to malnourishment, he looks athletic. And his chocolate brown skin would be quite good if not for scars on his arms, some are more recent. Even with those scars and ragged clothes, his eyes are dark and clear, and his straight body posture shows that he is a proud person.

"Yes?" Aiden's eyes didn't leave the newcomer as he moved to stand in front of Sarah protectively.

Man smiled and extended his arms in front of him, palms up. "I don't mean any harm."

Aiden raised an eyebrow and he was pleased that the man understood that he should not come any closer.

He bowed his head slightly before talking: "I apologize for intruding like this, but I overheard your talk with those kids. You are doing a great thing by giving them an option to get out of this mine and to make a life for themselves. Even if they didn't end up in the mine from orphanage they would not have this chance."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "And you are…?"

"You can call me Jesse."

"OK. Jesse…" Aiden's voice showed that he is very suspicious of this man. "Why are you here?"

"I wish to come with you." Jesse frankly said.

Sarah furrowed her brows. "With us? You don't look like you need our help for a better life. Who are you?"

Jesse could understand their cautiousness and decided to explain who he is and how he got here. "I am the second prince in my tribe. My brother was captured to work in the mine, and I came here of my own will in exchange. My brother went back to the tribe and I stayed here. That was three years ago. For some time, I had hope that my tribe will send someone to clean up this place, but no one came. And my pride does not allow me to escape and leave these people behind. At the same time, I could not defeat these people by myself… I am ashamed to say that my few attempts ended in failure."

Sarah didn't believe his story. "OK. Mister prince… and why you want to come with us?"

"I have nothing else here. My tribe does not want me, if they did, they would come for me long time ago. This mine does not need me; with you as owners, it will be a good place. I heard the kids talk about you needing personal bodyguards. I am fast and strong, and my spear skills are the best in my tribe."

Sarah looked Jesse in the eyes, and somehow, she almost believed him... almost. She glanced at Aiden.

Aiden saw the way she looks at him and thought how this is a fully grown man, capable of taking care of himself. Is she serious? She wants to take him with them as well?

Aiden rolled his eyes. "Why do you want to collect them all? They are not Pokémons!"

Sarah grinned. "I like you game analogy! But you are wrong this time… I wanted your opinion. Helpless kids are one thing. Jesse the prince is a different story."

Jesse made one step toward Sarah and Aiden which made Aiden assume defensive stance again.

"Boss!", Jesse addressed Sarah. "Let me prove myself!"

Sarah could not believe what she heard. "Why did you call me: Boss?"

"That is how others addressed you.", he gestured toward the kids.

Aiden almost laughed seeing Sarah's helpless look and thought how she should really get used to people calling her Boss. He turned to Jesse. "How do you want to prove yourself?"

"How about we fight?", he looked at Aiden confidently.

"Fight?" Sarah was stunned.

She looked at Aiden and saw an evil grin spreading across his face. He was willing!

Jesse's arrogance rubbed Aiden the wrong way. He was more than willing!

At the same time, Aiden found this Jesse interesting. There is definitely something behind his story.

Sarah tugged Aiden's arm and gestured that it's not happening. No matter how much Jesse's eyes showed determination, he was obviously malnourished and there is no way that he will stand a chance against Aiden.

Aiden's frown confirmed that he got the message, he will not fight this prince.

Sarah turned to Jesse and got an idea. "OK. Fight… Ade!"

Ade was next to Sarah in a flash. "Yes, Boss!"

Sarah gestured toward Jesse while talking to Ade. "This man wants a fight." Then she faced both of them. "You stop when you lose consciousness or surrender. No hitting vital points, no trying to permanently hurt your opponent and no killing intent. You got it?"

Ade nodded excitedly while Jesse frowned.

"Boss, he is a kid!", Jesse complained.

"A kid who will whoop your ass!", Ade cockily announced. "Remember, if you don't want to be embarrassed by passing out, you need to say: 'Ade is the best!' "

Aiden flicked Ade's forehead. "What's with the attitude? Is this what we teach you?"

Ade rubbed his forehead. "Sorry, sorry… it will not happen again."

Sarah smiled while thinking that Aiden looks like a strict father who is scolding a mischievous son.

"Call others here as well." Sarah instructed. "They will get to see what is waiting for them."

Ade called other kids and they made a circle around Ade and Jesse.

Ade and Jesse stood facing each other, and Sarah had to give few tips. "Ade, use his size to your advantage! Don't let him catch you..."

Ade faced Sarah and showed a perfect boyish grin while giving her a thumbs up. He was happy that Boss is giving him advice.

Jesse was not willing to fight against a child, but when Ade started attacking, he had to defend. Gradually, it started looking like a fight.

Sarah was impressed by Jesse's skills. He is fast and flexible. His endurance is above average and even though he is malnourished, his strength is notable and it was obvious that he is an experienced fighter. However, Stella's training is top notch, and that combined with Jesse's poor physical condition, caused Jesse's defeat.

"Say that I'm the best!", Ade demanded cockily while Jesse was struggling to get back on his feet.

Aiden was next to Ade in a flash and flicked his forehead again. "What did I tell you about such behavior?"

"You are hitting me in the head, and it's making me forget what you said!", Ade cheekily responded while rubbing his forehead and stepping back to increase distance between them (just in case if Aiden decides to flick his forehead again).

Jesse looked at Aiden with gratitude and then at Sarah with regret. "I'm sorry to show such a bad performance. I understand why you don't want to take me with you. But if you give me a chance, I will prove to you that I can be useful."

Sarah looked at Aiden questionably and he responded with a smile.

'She really can't help herself…' , Aiden thought while walking toward Sarah.

He hugged her and spoke softly so that only she can hear: "Whatever you decide, I will support you. His foundation is very good... and I find him interesting."

By end of the day, Aiden and Sarah were in the airplane heading back to Los Angeles.

Aiden was updating Jeff on what happened while doing his best to explain additional passengers without using Pokémon references. 

Sarah was happily going through a large pouch of raw gemstones while thinking how they will look like after faceting.

Onboard the plane were also Jeff's men which didn't stay in the mine, Sarah's and Aiden's seven kids, with an addition of Jesse and nineteen boys who experienced mix of excitement and anxiousness while thinking what path is ahead of them.

The flight back was lively, because Aiden's and Sarah's seven kids were explaining to the newcomers about their future home, trainings and lessons. Ade was happy to talk how amazing their Bosses are and that the greatest honor is to reach rank of Boss's personal bodyguard.

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