Is this destiny?

Chapter 694 - Betrothal gift (2)

Aiden could not stop smiling while looking at Sarah.

"Yes. A castle." He confirmed. "On a large piece of land: two hundred and sixty acres. Sixteen bedrooms, eighteen bathrooms… and a basement."

"Basement?" Sarah took the laptop from him and scrolled through images and description.

First image showed a castle with multiple towers and a concrete-looking staircase which splits in two and connects at the grand entry on the second level. The staircases form a letter 'O'. It is unusual and very eye catching. In the middle of the 'O' is a landing with stone benches and full-human-body statues which reminded Sarah of the ones she can see in Greece.

The second image is from the same angle, but from further away. It revealed that the castle is surrounded with a well maintained landscape and tall trees, and there is a wide driveway which circles around a large fountain.

Next photo is the aerial view, showing that the castle consists of a main building and five smaller ones. Two side buildings are connected with the main one via sky-bridges. And further away, in the distance, there is another large building with grounds which look like they are for horses.

Sarah was stunned to see the garden in the back. Area is divided in four symmetric rectangular areas, each a spitting image of the other with well-trimmed bushes surrounding fountains in each of the four areas. Flowers created colorful designs, emphasizing various statues… the garden looks like it belongs to a castle which is used as a tourist attraction.

Sarah was so excited that she was not aware that she is mumbling: "Built in 1429? … 2100 square meters of living space? … Wow! Look inside, it's modern! … Massive entrance… Marble everywhere… High end kitchen! I would not expect this based on the exterior… That's a huge walk in closet! … Oh, and the bathroom has a bidet. Hehehe… I've never seen such a big jacuzzi! … A ballroom? … It has some family crests on the walls! Lions, I like lions…"

Sarah held her breath for some time before saying in a robotic voice: "65. Kilometers. Away. From. Paris?"

She blinked few times and turned to face Aiden's smile.

He can tell that she likes it.

Sarah cleared her throat while trying to play it cool. "How do you know it has a basement?"

"I called to find out more about it. It's a 600-year-old castle, fully renovated two years ago. Heating, AC, latest electricals and networks are in place, and even the windows are energy efficient. The owner swears that castle has a connection with templars and that under the property there are catacombs which are not explored."

Aiden's smile widened when he saw that Sarah's eyes are sparkling from excitement, and continued: "Staff consisting of a stable worker, gardener, chef, butler and five maids is included, and they hope that the next owner keeps them, because all of them are employed there for more than fifteen years… only one thing is missing."

Sarah could not think of anything that is missing. If their Cliffside villa is a spy-dungeon this is a knight's-castle… and did he say 'templars' ?

"What is missing?", Sarah asked, unable to hide her curiosity.

"I need to know if you like it." Aiden looked at Sarah expectantly with a smile lingering on his handsome face.

Seeing that she is stunned and not responding, Aiden continued. "It's a good place to meet with Emir and the gang… they don't need visas, and they can take a train or drive…"

Sarah stopped his next words with a kiss.

"I love it.", she whispered.

Aiden smiled and kissed her back. "Give me three weeks to get this on your name and to arrange for hardware to be delivered, and then we can meet with your army there. You can give them heads up that they should prepare for a trip to France, and that we will be waiting for them in your Chateau… First week of October."

Sarah was in disbelief. "You are getting it? Just like that? How about we talk about it first? How much does it cost? And what do you mean by 'my Chateau' ?"

"Don't worry, honey… I got it covered. Treat it as a betrothal gift." He tapped her nose lightly.

"As a what?" She was not sure she heard him right.

"Betrothal gift. From me to you. To show my sincerity."

"Sincerity?" Sarah was not sure what sincerity he is talking about. She is crazy about him, and she knows that he feels the same about her. There is absolutely no need to prove any sincerity. Also, they are a modern, independent couple, cohabiting for more than half a year… Is there a need for such old fashion formalities between them? Then she thought that he must be kidding, and decided to play along: "Are you expecting a dowry as well?"

He laughed and cupped her cheeks in his palms. "No. No such expectations… I only hope that you know how much you mean to me, and that the only future I see for myself is with you, by my side."

Sarah's heart swelled from emotions and she wanted to say that he is the sweetest man in the world, but her lips were sealed with a searing kiss.

"Mr. White…", she was catching her breath. "I accept your betrothal gift with one condition."

"Anything." He looked at her expectantly.

Sarah kissed him on the lips and caressed his cheek. "I want it to be on both of our names. We are going to share a lifetime. I want us to share everything… and that includes this castle."

Aiden smiled. "OK."

She could not hide that she was moved. Everything he does moves her, closer to him.

"You are the sweetest man on earth.", Sarah voiced her thoughts.

"I am like this because of you. I was not like this before."

Aiden remembered his disturbing past and his mood dropped. It seems that the closer Jeff's and Anna's wedding is, the more anxious he got. He knows that many people from his past will be there, and he fears that Sarah will find out from them what he used to do. He knows very well that more than few will be looking to get back at him, and there is no better way to do so than to attack what he has with Sarah.

Aiden wants to tell her everything and get this weight off his chest, but he does not know how to do it without hurting her in the process.

Sarah saw that Aiden is troubled. She cupped his cheeks in her palms and looked into his eyes while talking: "This is not the first time that you bring up the past with a frown. Does it matter who you were before? Not to me. Because right now we are together, and you are treating me very well. You don't need to tell me about your past if it's making you uncomfortable. Know that I see it like this: whatever happened made you the man who you are today. I can't imagine a man loving me more, or better, or stronger, or gentler than what you are doing. And if you were different before we met and I was the catalyst for this change, I will wear that as a badge of honor. Because you, Aiden White, in my eyes, are perfect… and nothing from your past can change that."

Emotions swelled inside Aiden and he felt that he might pass out. Even though Sarah didn't hear what he fears saying, her response was spot on. It's exactly what he hoped she would say: that nothing from the past can change the way she feels about him.

Aiden closed his eyes and pulled her into a tight hug.

"You have no idea how much it means to me… to hear you say that.", he whispered.

Sarah smiled, because she knows that this time, she was able to express her feelings and her emotions reached him.

Sarah and Aiden held each other and exchanged kisses in silence until pilot announced that they are about to land.

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