Is this destiny?

Chapter 704 - Dinner in Los Angeles (3)

In the same restaurant, at the table nearby, Steve and Bridgette are having their dinner.

"What happened with your appetite?" Steve observed that Bridgette barely touched her food.

"I have something on my mind." Bridgette admitted. She saw Steve's questioning gaze and continued, knowing that JoAnna and Jeff left for the evening. "I have a feeling that Anna is avoiding me lately. When her in-laws visited, she gave me two days off, and since then besides asking me to confirm that Heather and Julia are on track with tasks related to the wedding, I had no other assignments."

Steve started thinking about the things JoAnna is handling. "I don't think she is avoiding you. She is just busy with everything going on: her studies, new house, the wedding, the resort, getting to know White corp., her side-job at that TV show, and did I mention her wedding?"

"Exactly my point!" Bridgette exclaimed. "Shouldn't I have more work because she has so much to juggle? She even gets her own coffee! She will be out tomorrow all day, and the only thing she told me is to follow up on the wedding, again."

Steve now understood what Bridgette was trying to say. "Are you worried that she does not need an assistant anymore?"

Bridgette sighed. "I'm worried that she does not need me anymore."

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"I don't want to burden her." In truth, Bridgette is afraid that JoAnna will confirm that she does not need her as an assistant anymore. She likes Anna and the work, and she gets to be close to Steve often. It's a great deal to be Anna's assistant.

Steve tried do cheer her up. "Don't be silly. How can clearing up the misunderstanding be a burden?"

Bridgette sighed again while thinking that Steve is right. She should confront JoAnna and clarify the situation. "I will talk to her… when she comes back to civilization, in two days."

(In the women's restroom)

Sophia went to the restroom and Sarah tagged along to give her company.

"You have something on your mind." Sophia was washing her hands and noticed in the mirror that Sarah is looking at her with an unusual expression.

Sarah hesitated before asking: "How does it feel to be pregnant?"

"You think you are pregnant?" Sophia was not able to hide her surprise.

"No, but I'm wondering how it feels."

Sarah does not want to explain to Sophia that she is not taking the pill and that she is thinking if she should tell Aiden about it and they use a condom during her fertile days (how JoAnna described them); or should she avoid the intimacy, because she is embarrassed to talk about contraception with him; or should she pretend that everything is normal and see how it ends up. After all, she read statistics that average healthy couple takes up to six months to confirm pregnancy… so maybe this month she does not get pregnant?

"I refuse to believe that you are asking this randomly." Sophia knows that something triggered Sarah to ask this. But if she is not pregnant, is she considering it?

"It's wonderful to know there is a life inside…" Sophia cradled her belly. "At the same it's terrifying… besides all the physical changes in your body, pregnancy makes you wonder: are you are good enough? Do you deserve this? Will everything be OK? There are so many questions that you can't answer."

"Wow… so, how do you deal with that?"

"It helps that I know that I'm not alone. Felix is with me, supporting me every step of the way. Pregnancy and parenthood is definitely a two person's job. So, if you are wondering if you are ready, you should also think if Aiden is ready to go through it. Even if he is a hands-on guy who wants to do everything, during pregnancy at most he can support you. During pregnancy you will be cranky, and tired, and unreasonable… And after baby comes, both of you will be like that. How will he handle it? And if he is not willing to go through it, and you still want a child, ask yourself if you can do it by yourself. It's a lot of work. There is a reason why people admire single parents who do a good job in raising their children."

Sophia observed Sarah for some time before asking: "By the way, how are you doing? How are you two doing?"

Sarah snapped out of her thoughts. "I'm fine… and two of us are great."

"I hear you got more kids."

"Yes." Sarah confirmed.

Sophia was not sure what to make out of Sarah's behavior. "I hope you don't think that you can resolve your issues with Aiden by adding more kids. That is not how things work. Your issues will still be there, and kids will end up suffering in between you two."

Sarah laughed. "No, it's nothing like that. They are great kids, in need of help, and we can help them. It's as simple as that… and Aiden and I are doing great. Never better. Really."

Sophia sighed in relief. "OK. I'm glad to hear that."

"I hope you can come and meet the kids. Maybe give them some lessons in archery? Now that runway there is completed, commute is not so bad."

Sophia pretended that she is thinking about it. "I don't mind spending few days on the beach… and if you provide equipment, I will provide my wisdom."

Sarah perked up. It will be great to have Sophia and Felix join them. "This weekend?"

"Sounds like a plan." Sophia confirmed with a smile.

As soon as girls entered the bathroom, Aiden asked Felix: "How is the progress?"

Felix didn't need more than that to understand that Aiden is asking about wedding bands. For more than a week he is asking him this same question at least once a day.

"I'm almost done in getting the right ratio for the alloy. The molds are completed, the black diamonds are ready, and the green ones will arrive within two days. If I don't find the right equipment in White corp. I will find an excuse to get what I need here from Orion Enterprise."

"OK." Aiden was happy with this news.

Felix hesitated before speaking. "I need to ask again… wedding bands out of black gold? Are you sure?"

"Yes. They will be perfect." Aiden glanced toward the bathroom and pulled his laptop from the bag on his side. "It seems that girls are taking their time. Probably chatting. Let's go again over the placement of stones. It's important…"

Felix rolled his eyes. They went over that at least ten times already… but he can see that Aiden is excited, so he didn't complain. He will treat him as a very demanding customer. "Sure, let's go over it again."

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