Is this destiny?

Chapter 725 - Guests at the Cliffside Villa (2)

Charlie listened to Jarred's description of Sarah and Aiden and could not help but wonder what his motives are. He knows that his uncle does not do anything without a reason. "Your point?"

"I will not be here forever. You need smart and capable people in your network.", Jarred explained shortly.

Charlie heard Jarred's explanation, and came to his conclusion: "So, you brought us here so that I make friends?"

"Not necessarily friends. But I believe that if you are on good terms, all sides can benefit. My gut is telling me that they are good people who know what loyalty is." Jarred turned to face Charlie. "Aiden is from White family. Do I need to remind you who they are? And Sarah's background is not simple. Sophia is a CEO of a company which is one of the leaders in software and security, and her husband has more than thirty confirmed patents in the field of electronics. JoAnna is a medical genius and future Mrs. White. Sarah's mother does not exist before her fifteenth birthday and considering everything I just said, her father has a suspiciously plain background."

"You looked into them?" Charlie was not surprised, but he had to ask.

Jarred didn't deny it. "Of course. Do you think that I'm a good guy who will go and offer services of customizing a military grade helicopter to anyone who says that they can pay?" Jarred chuckled lightly before continuing: "Do you think they didn't do the same? If they didn't look into me and found out about our business, why would they just call and ask for a helicopter?"

Smith family is a large one. Jarred is the closest thing to the leader of the family because he controls Smithsonite corp. which is their core. Many relatives of younger generation in Smith family are hoping to be Jarred's successors, but Jarred believes that Charlie is the best candidate to take over his position. That is why he is taking extra care of his nephew, to get him ready for his future role.

Since Charlie's mother died, Jarred took in Charlie and is caring for him like he is his own son. Charlie's father was never present, and since his wife (Charlie's mother) died he distanced himself from Charlie and the rest of the family completely.

Jarred is preparing Charlie to be his successor for many years already, and everything went relatively smooth until about ten months ago when Charlie got into the 'accident' which put him in that wheelchair. Since then, several people voiced their 'concern' that Charlie is not a suitable to be Jarred's successor, and they became more brazen when they realized that Jarred is not willing to abandon Charlie. Jarred and Charlie successfully prevented several attempts to take Charlie's life which they know where ordered from within the family. This is one of the reasons why Jarred believes that Charlie should find himself support outside family; the more he establishes himself, the more secure his position will be.

Charlie looked at his uncle's expression which gradually morphed from cheerful to concerned, and he understood the weight that his uncle is carrying. Charlie wants to help his uncle, but at this point he feels helpless. Any confidence he had previously, disappeared the moment he found out that he is bound to that wheelchair. That is why he wants JoAnna to operate on his legs. Charlie wants to get back on his feet and stand by his uncle. Until then, the most he can do is listen to his uncle and believe that he has a plan which will work out for the best.

Jarred saw that Charlie understood his intention.

"Good. Play this right and you will get for yourself two powerful allies. In this game we are playing, having allies you can trust is a rare luxury… and I believe that Aiden and Sarah are trustworthy. Get ready so that we go upstairs and spend time with our hosts." Jarred turned to look at the ocean.

While Jarred and Charlie are getting ready for dinner, Sarah and Sophia are on the rooftop terrace.

"This is a unique home. It looks much better in person than in photos. And this view is… amazing.", Sophia told Sarah when they sat to snack on appetizers while waiting for dinner and took a mental note to look for an oceanfront property for their house in Los Angeles.

"I'm glad you like it.", Sarah responded. "Tomorrow I will show you the rest."

Sarah and Aiden showed them less than half of the house. She wanted to show to Sophia and Felix underground airport and the latest upgrades to the VR room, as well as their room with prototypes where 'network opener' is which Felix needs to upgrade. But she does not want to venture in those areas of the house with Jarred and Charlie around because it's rude to tell them that they are not welcome to join the tour.

Charlie mentioned that he and Jarred have some meetings in the city next day, so even if they stay few more days at the Cliffside villa, there will be a chance for Sarah to show the rest of the house to Sophia and Felix at that time.

On the second level above ground, in the living room, Felix was giving updates to Aiden (again) about the wedding bands.

When that topic was covered, Felix asked Aiden if he can train with him.

"After today, I think I should work on my technique.", Felix admitted.

It was the first time he fought someone so skilled. Well, Felix is not really a fighter or someone who gets into fights easily, but he has more than one brawl in his past. Today he was able to sense that the difference in skill between him and the janitor was significant.

This time, thanks to Aiden distracting the janitor-impersonator, Felix managed to land few clean hits which dazed the janitor. After that, it was like bullying a child. But if not for that distraction, Felix is not confident how it would turn out. He is strong and fast, but he needs to add some skills to that as well.

"Sure. It's late now. We can go tomorrow morning to the training grounds, and I will give you some pointers." Aiden is happy that Felix reached out asking for help. So far, only Aiden came to Felix asking for something: promise ring, different gadgets, upgrades, the wedding bands… and Aiden sees this as a great opportunity to return the favor.

Felix explained what he wants to accomplish, and Aiden also mentioned that Jesse can help as well. "Jesse has some unique moves. I will ask him to demonstrate, and if you think it will work for you we will arrange a practice."

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