Is this destiny?

Chapter 731 - Confronting Edward

~ Los Angeles, Cliffside Villa ~

Next morning, Sarah woke up early. She was not able to sleep more than few hours because too many things are on her mind.

What helps her relax usually is shower and exercise. Shower didn't help much, so she got ready to hit the training grounds. Letting out some steam will help her relax, hopefully.

"You are up?", Aiden drowsily asked when he saw Sarah exit the closet fully dressed for exercise.

Those black biker's shorts and a tight tank-top make her look so sexy that it made his throat dry, but she is far away, and he is still too drowsy to go and get her.

"Yeah, I can't sleep." Sarah admitted while securing her hair in the back tightly with a rubber band. "I'm going to steam out a bit."

Aiden realized that she is not in a good mood and reminded himself that he should support her, and not be grabby.

"Let me join.", Aiden sat up on the bed and rubbed his face while trying to wake up faster. He looked at Sarah. "You know what will help more than exercise? Clearing out things."

"What do you suggest?"

"Talk to your father. Tell him what you know and see what he has to say about it."

Sarah didn't like this idea. "What if we are wrong? What if he is not some mysterious hacker and I tell him what I know? … I will just expose myself."

Aiden didn't see that they can be at a loss. It does not matter if Edward is that person, or he has someone capable working for him… in any case, he probably already knows what Sarah can do. "It's either him or someone who works for him. He knows about your work on Eve and the VR, and there is no way that he will believe that is where your capabilities end. In any case, if you don't clear this out, no amount of running and hitting will help you calm down."

"Do you really think that he will admit that he is a hacker just because I say so?"

Aiden shrugged. "That does not matter. The point is to let your father know that you are aware of who he is. By doing that, you are getting back in control."

Sarah had to admit that he is right.

"Regardless if you are going to fight or talk, I will join you… give me few minutes." Aiden stood up and gave her a quick kiss before going to the bathroom to get ready.

"What are we doing?" Aiden got out of the closet while pulling black tight fitting T-shirt over his head.

Sarah was staring at him while thinking how is it possible that someone is so handsome in sweatpants and a t-shirt. She snapped out of her daze when she saw him walking toward her with his devilish smile on.

Sarah swiftly got on her feet and walked out. "Edward is in the study. Let's go there first…"

She hoped that her voice didn't show how panicked she was at that moment. 'It's not safe anymore, and if we end up getting intimate, I will need to explain myself and ask him to use a condom or…' She doesn't want to think about other option. It's too early to think about it, both of them are too young.

Aiden caught up to her in few steps and held her hand in his. "It's OK. Don't be nervous. I'm with you."

Sarah exhaled when she realized that Aiden thinks she is nervous because of her father. She is touched that he is supporting her, and grateful that he didn't catch on the fact that her anxiety is increased due to a more… sensitive issue.

In the study on the first floor underground…

Sarah and Aiden found Edward working on his laptop.

"I hope I don't disturb you.", Edward said when he saw them entering the room. He assumed they came to work since he is not aware of their computer room six levels below. "Stella is still sleeping, and I came here so that I don't disturb her rest.", he explained his presence.

"Not a problem. We came here because of you." Sarah nervously bit her lower lip while looking at her father.

Edward can see that Sarah has something on her mind, and Aiden is here to support her. "Yes?"

Sarah felt Aiden's hand holding onto hers and knowing that he is here for her gave her a courage boost. She took a deep breath and looked Edward into his eyes while saying in one breath: "We know that you saw what happened yesterday by hacking into security of LA Medical Center. And you shared a streaming link with Whites. You had triggers planted in the system which would alert you if any of us enters that facility. Yes, you removed the triggers after the incident, but there are still some traces left… Is there something you want to tell us?"

Edward looked at Sarah blankly for some time before responding: "Yes, I watched you yesterday."

Sarah looked at her father with a mix of emotions. She was surprised that he admitted, yet disappointed that he didn't elaborate on it. "Is that everything you have to say?"

Edward closed his laptop and walked toward Aiden. He gave him a big hug.

Aiden was frozen and he directed a 'what-a-heck?!' look to Sarah who was equally stunned while observing the scene in front of her.

Edward smacked Aiden's back few times before taking a step back and holding onto his shoulders firmly. "Son, I apologize for mistreating you earlier. As a father, I hope that one day when you have your kids, you understand the meaning behind words that no one is good enough for your baby girl. But I stand corrected. You two are a great match for each other, and I honestly believe that no one can take better care of Sarah than you. I am at ease knowing that you are by her side."

Edward glanced at Sarah with a faint smile on his face before letting go of Aiden's shoulders and walking out of the study without looking back.

Sarah and Aiden both stood frozen for some time while processing what happened.

Aiden pulled Sarah into a hug. "I know he said these things to divert from your question. But I'm not bothered by it, not even a little bit."

Sarah observed huge grin on Aiden's face and could not help but giggle. "Even if it's just a diversion, my father would not lie. He apologized to you. I think this is my first time hearing my father… apologize."

Aiden lifted Sarah and made two steps before putting her to sit on the desk. He was standing between her legs and kissed her few times before speaking again: "He said that we are a good match, and that I know how to take care of you."

Sarah looked at Aiden's big smile and smiled back at him. His good mood was contagious, and she was in the good mood herself. Getting such a praise from her father is not a small thing. And considering how rocky their beginning was, this small speech from Edward means a lot to both Sarah and Aiden.

"Yes, you are the best." She laced her fingers into his hair and pulled him in for a kiss.

The mood was good, and the kiss was just right. They held each other tightly, and Sarah wrapped her legs around his, crossing hers at ankles. It was a deep kiss, and they didn't go beyond that (yet), but their position was… suggestive.

There was a sound of someone repeatedly clearing his throat from the door.

Sarah and Aiden broke the kiss and turned to the door to see Edward looking their way.

It took a moment for Sarah to realize why Edward's expression is so dark. She pushed Aiden away and got off the desk clumsily.

"We didn't hear you knocking", she said awkwardly while avoiding Edward's gaze.

Edward walked toward the desk and his icy expression told them that he is not happy with what he saw.

"I forgot my laptop.", Edward mumbled while taking his laptop.

When Edward left and the door closed behind him, Aiden exhaled the breath he was holding in. "I hope this does not change his mind about me being able to take a good care of you."

Sarah hugged him and giggled while rubbing her face on his chest. "He said it, and he can't take it back."

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