Is this destiny?

Chapter 736 - Confronting Stella

After interrogation of four prisoners was done, everyone had a need to process what they found out before discussing next steps.

Aiden and Felix went back to the training grounds. Physical activity will help them release some stress. Aiden decided to show one move to Felix and to get him to practice it until he performs it perfectly. Only then he will teach him next move. Felix agreed to it.

Sophia went to her guestroom with a plan to check if anything is happening at work and then to rest. Work tasks will keep her mind busy, and rest… she could always use a nap.

JoAnna called Bridgette to come to the Cliffside Villa with a change of clothes for her, and two of them will go to the Golden Ocean Resort to follow up on preparations for the wedding. JoAnna hopes to get a chance to talk to Bridgette and find out if she is willing to take the risk and stay by her side as an assistant. While waiting for Bridgette to arrive, JoAnna is going through latest script for the TV drama she is involved in. She is reading from her laptop while enjoying the pleasant September weather at the rooftop terrace.

Sarah is sitting on a bench in the garden and observing tropical birds in an oversized cage. She is thinking about what she found out in last twelve hours. Her father is some skilled hacker, while her mother is Milena Lebedev. She can't help but question what else is a lie. Is her whole family a polished tangle of lies?

Sarah told herself that it's not a big deal, after all, she is operating as Sigma and she didn't tell her family about it. No one other than Aiden (and her Sigma army) knows about Sarah being Sigma, at least how much she knows… but still… her whole life she believes that her father is a software developer whose passion grew into a company. And she thought until recently that her mother is distant from her family because of some internal scuffle. In last few months she found out that her maternal family is some mysterious powerful organization from which her mother escaped, and they want to pull her and her sisters back in. And now she found out that her mother's name is Milena, and she didn't escape… if she escaped, why would those four people call her: 'star of Lebedev family' ? Is Stella working with King?

"Hey, pumpkin…", Stella's voice pulled Sarah out of her thoughts.

Sarah nervously shifted in place when she realized that it's her mother. She is not ready to talk to her. She still needs time to think things through and organize her thoughts. Sarah is aware that she is too agitated to have a calm discussion. Her mother's timing is off.

"You look worried. Will you tell me what is going on?" Stella took a seat on the bench next to Sarah.

Sarah looked at her mother's smiling face and could not prevent herself from frowning. 'Just how much is she lying to me, and how much is the truth?'

"Are you OK?" Stella showed concern for Sarah.

Sarah shook her head. She can't lie to her mother, not about this. She is NOT OK.

"Tell me, what is bothering you?", Stella persisted.

"Secrets. Lies." Sarah honestly responded.

Stella frowned slightly. "Can you explain?"

"You are not telling us anything. Why should I tell you?"

Stella realized that Sarah is probably thinking about the events from previous day. That clubbed with the fact that Sarah knows that they watched them, Stella has her own conclusion: "Is this about King?"

"Him also…"

"What do you want to know about him?"

Sarah looked at Stella and wondered if her mother will finally speak up. Will she tell her all the things she is hiding? There was a hope in Sarah that since Stella saw them being openly attacked, she will talk and there will be no more secrets between them. "What do I want to know? Everything!"

Stella smiled faintly. "That is too generic. Can you ask a more specific question?"

Sarah looked at her mother's forced smile and realized that she will not talk. She will not tell her anything useful. Sarah was unable to hide her irritation. "More specific? How about you start by telling me: who is he? Why is he watching us? What does he want? Why are his people surrounding us wherever we go? What is his role in Lebedev family? And why are we attacked by the Volkov family members?"

The more Sarah spoke, the stiffer Stella's expression was. Sarah could see Stella twitch at the words 'Lebedev' and 'Volkov' . It is obvious that Stella didn't expect Sarah to know so much.

Sarah exhaled in frustration at Stella's silence. "Why did you ask me what I want to know if you are not willing to tell me anything?"

"You need to stop digging. You are putting yourself in danger."

Stella's voice was dangerously low, but Sarah didn't care.

Sarah could not believe that Stella is still saying the same thing. "Really? I am putting myself in danger? What is wrong with you? Do you honestly believe that keeping us in the dark is protecting us?"

Sarah saw that Stella is tightlipped.

With every passing second, anger boiled inside Sarah and she stood up with an intention to walk away, but Stella held her hand.

"Don't go.", Stella pleaded.

Sarah yanked her hand free. "Why? If I stay, what will you give me this time: silence or lies?"

"Don't talk to me like that. I am your mother!", Stella snapped.

"I have difficulty to accept that you are the same mother who raised me with principles of honesty and supporting family as first priorities. You are keeping for yourself important information. Is this your way of staying in control? But you see, you are not in control." Sarah paused for a second before continuing: "Yesterday, Sophia was openly attacked. Where were you? Since your silence was not able to protect Sophia, at least you should be there. Can you protect all three of us? Do you know that besides you watching us, King was watching as well? Your silence is putting us in a position of sheep, waiting to be slaughtered! And they are coming for us! Your behavior is making me wonder if you are working with King, because you are definitely helping him."

Sarah turned to leave.

"What will you do?" Stella called after her.

Sarah stopped walking and responded without turning to her mother: "Don't ask me questions you already have an answer to."

"Sarah, you need to trust me on this one. Don't do anything rash!"

Sarah turned to look at her mother. "Trust? You are talking about trust? How long are you keeping things from us? Is everything a lie?" Sarah took a deep breath trying to calm down before looking Stella in the eyes. "It's too late to talk about trust, Milena."

Shock flashed over Stella's face. She didn't expect Sarah to address her by that name. "How much do you know?"

Sarah sneered. "Obviously, more than you think. Don't follow me if the only thing you are offering are lies."

Stella watched Sarah walk away and she didn't move from her spot for a long time.

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