Is this destiny?

Chapter 742 - Two days before wedding (J&J) (3)

About ten minutes earlier...

In the resort suite on the fourth floor, Madison is sitting on the sofa and shaking her legs anxiously while thinking what to do next. She came here early to see Aiden and get a head start. With any luck, she can get together with him today and they can attend the wedding as a couple. But without knowing where and when the event is, how can she see him? This resort is huge! The rehersal dinner could be on the same floor where she is, and she would not know about it.

Her phone was ringing, and she saw caller ID. It's her friend, Kyra.

Madison picked up reluctantly. "Hi Kyra..."

"Hi… something bad happened?" Kyra noticed irritation in Madison's voice.

Madison denied the obvious. "Nothing… why are you calling?"

"I thought that we could go to Los Angeles together, but I just found out that you already left. Why didn't you tell me? You know that my family is also invited, and I plan to come, right?"

"Oh, sorry. I was in a rush." Madison awkwardly mumbled.

She knows that Kyra is also coming to the wedding, but she didn't want to come with her. After all, Kyra hooked up with Aiden at least once, and Madison knows from her own experience that Aiden's intimate embrace is something… memorable. Besides that, Aiden has the looks, the brains, the great family and financial standing, as well as the right attitude which comes with all that. Even if Kyra repeats few million times that she is not interested in Aiden, Madison will be crazy to believe her. At this point, everyone is a competition. Including Kyra.

"So… are you in the resort already?", Kyra asked.

"Yes." Madison didn't want to deny it.  

"Did your family come as well, or just you?" Kyra continued probing.

"My dad will come on the morning of the wedding day. My mom still didn't decide if she is coming."

Madison walked toward the window and looked outside. The resort grounds are beautiful, but she was too upset to appreciate it. Her eyes landed down at the garden and she saw two people making out. She snorted.

"What is going on?" Kyra heard the unusual sound Madison made. So unladylike!

"I'm looking at two people from the resort security making out in the middle of the garden." Madison honestly responded.

"Really? For such a high ranked resort… employees to make out during work hours in the open… are you sure they are resort security?"

Madison remembered that she packed binoculars.

"Hang on…" She dashed to the bedroom and few seconds later she was back and looking at two people sitting in the garden and making out. Binoculars provided her with a closer view. The man's back is facing Madison and he is obstructing girl's face, but she can see that both are dressed up like resort security. Man's hat is turned backward, and that gives her a good view of the logo on it.

"Yes. They are wearing uniforms of resort's security." Madison lowered her binoculars. She has no intention to look at those two.

"Did you meet with Aiden?" Kyra went to the point.

This question hit a sore spot for Madison, but she has to answer it. "No. There is a rehearsal dinner tonight, but the staff does not want to give me any information."

Madison didn't expect to see Aiden before the event, but she wanted to at least have some information about it by now.

Kyra giggled, amused by Madison's lack of resourcefulness. She decided to give her few ideas: "Why would you ask staff? They probably have policy of not disclosing information to the guests who are not invited. Use your head! Based on what we know, the resort is closed off for general public, and available only for wedding guests. Look around you. Whoever is not in a uniform, is a guest. Why don't you ask them? Worst case is that they will say they are not invited, and they came early, like you. In that case, you move on to next person."

"I see…" Madison was ashamed to admit that she didn't think about that. "When are you coming?"

"I will be there tomorrow, around lunch time. Hey, keep in mind when you find someone with information about tonight's event, that person will attend tomorrow's event as well… probably."

Madison didn't understand. "You are saying…?"

Kyra was frustrated, but not surprised that she has to spell it all out. Madison was never the clever one. "Don't forget to ask about the plans for the bachelor's party as well. Tonight's event is only for people participating in the ceremony and maybe few extras. But bachelor's party will be outside the resort, and with more guests. Security can't be so tight, and it will be easier to get to Aiden."

Kyra has her eyes set on Jeff, but Madison does not need to know that. If Madison manages to get information about the bachelor's party, Kyra is more than happy to help out.

Madison had to admit that is a great idea. "Thanks!"

"Don't mention it. Just keep me in the loop what is going on, OK?"

"Sure. No problem. See you tomorrow." Madison ended the call and looked through the window at two people in the garden.

She lifted her binoculars and saw the back of the male security person as he turned his hat the right way, took something off the table and went inside a building nearby.

With the man out of the way, Madison observed the young woman who was sitting and staring toward the building's side entrance. 'It's that girl from the reception!' Madison does not like her, because she interrupted her when she tried getting the information about the today's event… She lowered the binoculars and watched the woman as she walked toward the building where her makeout-buddy went.

Madison had a hunch: that is the building where the event will happen today! Why else would security go inside?

She got the resort map and confirmed that is the event hall.

Madison continued looking at the map, pinpointing few locations where she might bump into people. It's the afternoon. Lunch hours are over and it's early for dinner, so restaurants are not a good option to meet guests of the resort.

She will follow Kyra's advice and find someone who can tell her about the event schedules for today and for the next day. Even if she knows that is the hall which will be used for today's event, she needs to know the time when it starts and schedule. Madison does not want to show up too early, but not at the end either... knowing schedule will help her plan for 'accidentaly' getting lost and ending up at that place.

Madison exited her room and stopped after two steps toward the elevators when she heard giggles behind her. She glanced backward and saw at the end of the hallway back of the male which was almost completely blocking side view of the female, both wearing vests and hats of the resort security. They were fiddling in front of the door of a suite.

Madison guessed that they are the same two who were making out down in the garden.

Madison turned toward the elevators and shook her head while thinking how resort employees are using empty rooms to indulge into who knows what activities. How shameful! She will report this to the management!

"Do you need help?", mesmerizing male voice followed by a low chuckle traveled from the end of the hallway a split second before faint sound of door clicking open was heard.

That voice made Madison hold her breath and stop in her tracks. She would recognize it anytime. No mistake… it must be him… it's Aiden!

Madison abruptly turned around and saw through the shrinking crack of the closing door two people who can't wait to embrace each other.

"Impossible…", Madison mumbled. 'My desire to see him is making me imagine his voice… there is no way that he is working as a security in this resort…'

She also noticed that the man has a short hair under that hat. Madison saw Aiden last time about a year ago, and he was definitely letting his hair grow long… Such a long and great looking black hair. There is no way he would cut it that short. Not Aiden… He always took pride in his hair. He would not allow anyone to even touch it.

Madison took a deep breath to calm her emotions before walking toward the elevator.

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