Is this destiny?

Chapter 752 - Two days before wedding (J&J) (11)

Earlier, in the lobby, in front of the main entrance to the event hall…

Madison is unable to move while staring at the Aiden's retreating back. Her eyes are fixed on the place where he was before the door closed. Jeff was right behind Aiden, but Madison didn't pay attention to him.

Only when the door closed completely her brain resumed its function gradually.

It took her some time to be able to think in sentences.

'Did he call me… used? And he told me to get out of his sight a play dead?' Madison was in disbelief. 'Impossible!'

She looks good, and she knows it. And unless he is blind, he can see that her every curve is in right place, and this dress is not hiding any of them. What the hell happened to him to be able to reject her? And in such a brutal way? Oh, but that is the part she always loved about him… ruthless. He never had a problem telling the hottest girl in the room to scram, and that makes him H-O-T. He is the king, sitting on a throne and he gets to pick a girl who will please him for that night.

Through the narrow glass panel on the door she can see him standing in the hallway… Jeff left him behind.

"Aiden! Aiden!", she screamed while dashing toward the entry door.

Aiden didn't seem to hear her calling, and the bodyguards blocked her way. She was still more than five meters away from those doors! Why are they not letting her get through?

"Miss, don't cause problems here. If you don't leave by yourself, we will make you."

Madison glared at them, but then she realized that there is four of them… preventing her from reaching her goal: that impossibly handsome man, behind that door.

Madison looked at Aiden through the narrow glass panel, while ignoring warnings from the bodyguards. Why is he not looking her way? Why is he staring at the floor? Why is he covering his face with his hands? Is he regretting that he rejected her? Yes. That must be it. He is regretting and he will come out any minute now… any minute…

"Keep your hands off of me!", Madison struggled when bodyguards held her arms and started dragging her away. "Aiden! Aiden!", she screamed while being dragged away.

When she was out of the lobby, in the next hallway, she came to her senses. "Let go of me, please. I promise to leave and not come back here. OK?"

Bodyguards exchanged looks and agreed to let go of her. Worst case, she will be back, and they will drag her away.

"Miss, if you cause trouble again, we will report you to the event organizers. You might get your wedding invitation revoked.", one of the bodyguards warned her before leaving.

Madison didn't respond. She stomped her way angrily into the ladies' restroom.

She is upset, fuming, embarrassed… and needs to cool off. She went to the sink and started cold water. When icy water reached her palms, she remembered that she can't splash water on her face because it will mess up her makeup. And she has lots of it… Madison gasped when she saw herself in the mirror. There was a strange color splotch in the middle of her usually spotless forehead! Foundation, concealer, color corrector… how did that all got smudged and removed? She was never like this in public! Her skin is visible!

Madison remembered that Aiden held her forehead with his palm, not allowing her to get closer.

She was looking forward to his touch, and it turned out to be his palm on her forehead to keep her away from him!

She exhaled in frustration, got her purse and started pulling various makeup out. She needs to fix this!

Inside event hall…

Ellie excused herself. "Restroom…" She glanced behind and exhaled in relief that Jasper is not following her. Since appetizers, he is sticking to her and somehow, he is all around her.

She reminded herself more than once that no matter how good looking he is, he is a player… and she should not allow herself to be charmed by his good looks or his smooth moves or his sweet words. 'Damnit, Ellie! Get yourself together!' , she scolded herself.

Jasper looked after Ellie while amused smile danced on his face.

"What are you doing?", JoAnna's voice got his attention.

"What do you mean?"

JoAnna narrowed her eyes, irritated by his 'I-don't-know-what-you-are-talking-about' act. "Don't play dumb. What are you doing, with Ellie?"

"Why is that your concern?"

"She is my best friend. And if you are doing something with an intention to hurt her, it is my business."

Jasper was entertained by JoAnna's fierce approach. He wanted to see more. "Tell me, what is an intention to hurt her, according to you?"

JoAnna realized that Jasper is not taking her seriously, but she can't give up. She needs to stand up for her friend. "Jasper, Ellie is a good girl. Don't treat her like a one night stand. At least not without telling her that in advance."

"I admire your intention as her friend, but we are not familiar enough for you to give me advices and meddle in my business.", he narrowed his eyes as a warning that she is overstepping her boundaries.

JoAnna smirked. "I agree, we are not familiar enough. If we are, you would not think of what I said as an advice. You would take it as a warning."

Jasper laughed. "I see that Jeff chose his partner wisely."

JoAnna is not sure what is on Jasper's mind, but she is confident that in time he will take her seriously. "Leave Jeff out of this. And remember what I said. If you play her, I will make you regret it."

"Did I miss anything?", Jeff approached JoAnna from the back and placed his arm around her waist.

"Nothing much. Jasper and I are getting to know each other.", JoAnna smiled. She scrunched her nose. "You were drinking?"

"Is that a problem?", Jeff raised his eyebrow.

"Yes! You went drinking without me." JoAnna blinked few times.

Jeff laughed. "I apologize. Next time I will make sure to include you."

"Next time? Include me right now. What did you have? I want to have the same… so that we are even." JoAnna held Jeff's hand and dragged him toward the bar.

"Do you like bourbon?"

"I will find out soon." JoAnna laughed while Jeff's hand snaked around her waist.

Jasper looked after them and could not believe that they ignored him… or that JoAnna was so fierce just before Jeff arrived.

"What did Anna want?", Ellie asked Jasper when she took her seat.

"She told me not to pursue you for a one night stand."

"Oh…" Ellie was surprised by how open he is. And this is not the first time for him to say outrageous things just to see how she will react.

"So, what do you think?" Jasper noticed her discomfort, and he enjoys pushing her buttons and observing variety of expressions she is making.

Ellie blinked few times. "About?"

"About me pursuing you for a one night stand."

Ellie looked at his handsome face and that mischievous smirk and those enchanting icy-blue eyes… and reminded herself that he is only playing with her. Because there is no way that a man will be so brazen if he is honestly interested in a relationship with a girl. And no matter how handsome he is, she is not a girl who plays games. Not with feelings... or with her body.

"Jasper, you are very sweet. And I can't tell you what to do… but if I could, I would tell you not to pursue me at all. I… don't think it would end well."

Ellie stood up and walked toward the sofa while reminding herself not to look back and to keep on moving. Because if she gives in, the only one getting hurt will be her. She took a seat next to Sophia.

Jasper was looking after Ellie with a complex expression. He was overwhelmed with a feeling which is new to him. It was something like… disappointment. Is he disappointed that she left? Or that she is not sparing him a single glance? Or that he didn't try to get to know her… because the only thing he did was play around and tease her…

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