Is this destiny?

Chapter 756 - Waking up into a nightmare

Madison woke up in the middle of the night, feeling dizzy, disoriented and sore all over.

'Where am I? Why am I laying on something hard and bumpy?' , she tried moving, but every part of her body which moved hurt as if being prickled by thorns. She groaned.

Moving her fingers, she felt something relatively soft and grainy between her fingers. 'Is this dirt? Am I on the ground?'

Madison told herself that she can't stay sprawled on the ground like that. Based on the breeze at the cradle of her thighs, she can tell that her mini-dress rode up and that her legs are positioned unceremoniously.

She clenched her teeth and fought against all the pain and prickling until she sat up. She fought with herself not to make any noise, because she does not want attract attention. No one should see her like that.

With horror, she realized that she is stuck between two bushes.

Madison is not sure how she found strength to crawl out of the mess she found herself into, onto the pathway which is covered with small, white, decorative pebbles. She knows this pathway… it's the garden in the resort. Resort! Yes, she remembered now… she is here for the wedding… and she dolled herself up to go and see Aiden. But those guards blocked the main entry and dragged her away. Because of that she tried to get in from the side. Last thing she knows is that bodyguards blocked her way… and then she found herself in between bushes. Now that she looks carefully, she can see that those are rose bushes! No wonder everything was prickly!

Did someone get his way with her? She checked herself… the dress was up, but her underwear is intact… and she does not feel anything out of the ordinary… so, no one touched her inappropriately.

Did someone rob her? Madison exhaled in relief when she saw that the strap of her purse is still wrapped around her wrist, and her phone, wallet and makeup are all inside… so, she was not robbed.

That means… they just tossed her in the garden!

Madison randomly started kicking pebbles from the path everywhere. "How dare they! How dare they!", she repeated while releasing some of her anger on the pebbles, ignoring the fact that she is ruining her shoes in the process.

Those bodyguards will get what they deserve!

Madison pulled her dress down and stomped toward the main lobby of the resort.

Bright lights of the resort almost blinded her, and she paused.

Madison glared at two people at the reception. "What's up with those stupid faces? Have you never seen a girl before?!!", she shrieked at two dumbfounded receptionists who are staring at her without blinking.

One of the receptionists pointed to the side in slow motion, as if he is afraid to provoke wild animal in front of him.

Madison turned toward that direction and her heart stopped when she realized that she is looking at herself in the mirror which shows her appearance from chest up. Her hair is messy, and some branches and leaves are sticking out of it… and there is dirt on her face. DIRT! She is filthy! She looked down at herself only to see that her dress has few tears, and it's dirty… her snowy white legs are full of brown splotches. Dirty! SHE IS DIRTY!

Madison let out a strange screech while rushing out of the main lobby, toward her room. She needs to wash up all this dirt. Ah! She thought she is losing her mind.

And if she saw that receptionists exchanged knowing glances and snickered while crossing her name off the list of seven people, she would probably lose her mind.

"Two more left.", one of the receptionists said.

"This one was the noisiest so far.", the other one commented.

Madison reached her room and looked at herself in the mirror. She really looks horrible. If those cuts are not stinging like crazy, she would be certain that she is having a nightmare and that she is still sleeping. Yes. Nightmare would explain this. Unfortunately, she woke up into a nightmare. How embarrassing and infuriating at the same time!

Madison was so upset that she was not able to get any sleep even after cleaning herself up.

She decided that in the morning, when more people are present, she will go to the reception and file a report against those bodyguards who mishandled her. And while at it, she will file another one against those two security people who were making out during the day, and then used an empty room on the fourth floor for their personal hanky-panky activities. Yes… she is sure that once managers find out about this, it will not go unpunished!

The whole security department of this resort is horrible!

8:49 AM, main reception desk of the Golden Ocean Resort…

"Miss Turner, are you sure you want to file a complaint about our security?", receptionist asked politely.

The whole staff knows that there are always some people who try to get into events without invitations. It's not an uncommon occurrence at the Golden Ocean Resort who has a reputation of hosting events for prominent people. That is why they have good security procedures, and trained staff. Everyone employed at the resort got a memo that previous night seven people attempted to get into an event without invitations, and to expect that they will come and complain. JoAnna informed all of them that as long as she is at the resort, she will handle those people personally.

By now, the commotion Madison caused attracted quite a number of spectators. But she saw this as her audience, who will witness her justice.

"Yes, yes… they prevented me from going to the event, and somehow knocked me out, and I woke up in the rose bush in the middle of the night! And they are making out in the garden in the middle of the day! And using empty rooms for their shameless acts!"

The receptionist sighed. "Miss Turner, let's address this one issue at a time. Are you sure that you didn't drink one too many and ended up in the garden?"

Madison was shocked by the question. "Drink one too many? I didn't drink anything!"

"Are you sure?", receptionist asked while glancing at the fellow employee who was suppressing laughter.

Madison lifted her chin proudly. "Of course, I am sure! I didn't have an invitation, how can I even get in to drink?"

"Allow me to rephrase, so that I make sure I understand this correctly…", receptionists lips twitched. "You wanted to go to an event last night?" He saw Madison nod in confirmation and continued: "There was only one, private event last night hosted at our resort. And as you said, you didn't have an invitation. And security didn't allow you to get inside… and you want to file a complaint for that?"

"Yes!" Madison paused. "No! Not just that… they left me in the garden!"

"Miss Turner, where do you think they should leave you? Did you expect them to escort you to your room?"

"You are doing this on purpose!", Madison screamed.

"Doing what?"

"Twisting things! I want to speak with your manager!"

"Let me see if I can get someone who is above me to speak to you."

At that time, JoAnna entered the reception hall and a gardener followed her. "…four rose bushes will need to be replaced and one cherry tree…"

JoAnna sighed while thinking how she will scold Sarah for telling security just to dump those unconscious people anywhere. They destroyed half of the garden! Some plants are beyond salvaging and need to be replaced, pebble paths are all messed up, the garden is in a horrible state... and her wedding is tomorrow! 

"Please do that today. Everything needs to be perfect for tomorrow. If you can't get ahold of our regular suppliers by lunch time, or you are lacking manpower, let me know and we will figure out something together."

"Yes, Miss Hill."

Madison turned toward the voice and looked at JoAnna's back. That posture, that figure… and hair… Madison never got a very good look at the girl, but she can't be wrong about this… The girl in front of her is the one from yesterday, the one in silvery dress! The one Aiden is bringing to the wedding as his date!!!

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