Is this destiny?

Chapter 759 - Brunch

Earlier that day…

Ellie checked the time and saw that it's almost ten o'clock.

She decided to go for brunch through the garden. There are a lot of people there busying themselves, and Ellie observed them while she made her way slowly toward the main resort building.

"Some drunkards wrecked the garden last night.", Jill's voice reached Ellie.

Ellie looked toward source of the voice and her eyes lit up. "Jill, I didn't see you. Sorry… I was focused on this commotion.", she gestured toward the people working. "And Trevor, you are here also. It's always nice to see you. I thought you are coming tomorrow."

"Hehe…", Jill giggled while snuggling next to Trevor. "My fiancé surprised me by coming one day earlier."

"Hi, Ellie. You look lovely, as usual.", Trevor greeted Ellie and then turned to place a kiss on Jill's temple. "I was lucky to find a replacement at the last moment, and in time to take first morning flight here."

After a short chat, three of them headed for the brunch at the restaurant on the fourth floor of the resort's main building.

Jill linked arms with Trevor.

"You don't have +1?", Trevor asked Ellie.

"No.", Ellie pouted. "I'm forever alone."

Trevor glanced at Jill and they shared an understanding.

"How about you join us for this occasion? I will be the luckiest man to attend the brunch with +2.", Trevor extended his free arm to Ellie, bent at the elbow, indicating her to link her arm with his.

"Oh, another gentleman… are you sure it's OK?", Ellie looked at Jill and faced her warm smile.

Ellie happily (with a dose of embarrassment) linked her arm with Trevor's.

They passed the main hallway when Jill got a text. "Oh, Emma needs me. You two go ahead. I will join with Emma in a bit… Ellie, take care of Trevor for me. Don't let those tanned LA girls snatch him away."

Ellie was not sure if she should have her arm linked with Trevor's. They know each other for a while, and they are good friends… and she is a great with Jill. But still… it is a bit uncomfortable.

Trevor looked at Ellie. "Now I'm down to +1, but I don't mind… when Jill and Emma join us, I will be a man with +3. That should earn me an extra drink."

He had a goofy expression, which made Ellie smile and relax. Trevor was always bubbly and managed to make people cheer up. He and Jill are a great match.

In the restaurant on the fourth floor, Jeff is fiddling with his phone. Bridgette texted him few times already that JoAnna is handling something for the resort and will come in few minutes… but few minutes passed few times already. And why JoAnna didn't respond to any of his texts? Jeff told himself to calm down and to focus on the guests. After all, he is the host (with JoAnna, who is still not present!), but he should do his part.

He decided to go and chat with Aiden. Aiden is restless, and Jeff wants to find out what is going on. It will keep him busy until JoAnna shows up.

Jasper was talking with Christopher when his eyes moved to the side and landed on Ellie when she entered the restaurant. She looks fresh, like a spring breeze and her smile made his heart lighter. Jasper's mood worsened when he observed that Ellie is walking next to a man, and their arms are linked?!! His mind raced… didn't she say last night that she is single? Who is that man, then? Did they meet last night? And they are already friendly like this?

"Hey! Are you listening?", Christopher's voice pulled Jasper out of his thoughts.

Jasper was surprised by emotions which washed over him, and he didn't know how to handle it. "I need some air.", he mumbled and walked out on the balcony where outdoor seating is available.

It's quiet, since everyone is inside. Jasper took a seat with intention to calm down and figure out what is happening to him. Why did he react that way? He is not sure how long he stared into an imaginary spot on the horizon before forcing himself to look toward the restaurant. He was trying to think what happened, but he was still drawing blanks. His brain refused to resume its function and provide him with some answers! And his eyes were drawn toward that girl whose back he can see clearly through the glass door and oversized windows. Her hair is pulled back into a French braid and that white summer dress with yellow and green geometric details along the bottom hem make her look like a fairy. Jasper is not able to explain to himself why his emotions are raging when he sees Ellie talk to that man, and she is smiling. There are two other women with them, he recognizes them as JoAnna's friends from Seattle… but still… Ellie is talking to that man!

Jasper wants to be the man with whom Ellie will talk to… but even if he goes inside, and approaches her, what will he say? After how he behaved previous night, what will he say?

Inside the restaurant, JoAnna called Aiden and Sarah to join her at one table in the back.

"I believe, what I have to say should be known to both of you.", JoAnna was looking at Aiden.

Aiden reluctantly nodded.

"Madison Turner was in my office, that is why I was late… You don't know who she is?" JoAnna observed Sarah's puzzled expression.

Sarah turned to Aiden, silently asking for an explanation, and he extended his arm, palm forward.

Sarah let out an 'Ah!' sound and gestured to JoAnna to continue.

JoAnna shook her head while thinking how Sarah is helpless. She needs to start remembering people! In any case, this is not the time to talk about that… JoAnna went back to the topic and spoke to Sarah: "She thinks I'm you. But at the wedding tomorrow, she will realize her mistake." JoAnna's eyes moved between Sarah and Aiden while she continued: "I sent her to a non-existent event downtown Los Angeles, so for today you should not see her. But you need to be vigilant tomorrow. That woman is full of herself, angry, possibly mentally unstable, and she will not give up easily."

"How did she mix us up?", Sarah asked.

"I don't know… At first, I thought that she is after Jeff. She approached me with 'you don't deserve him' , and I was trying to shut her down with 'I'm future Mrs. White, deal with it...' , but she went crazy with 'just because you are his date it does not mean he will marry you!' . At that point I realized that she thinks I'm you." JoAnna nodded toward Sarah. "I'm giving you a heads up. At least one crazy person will cause you trouble tomorrow. Unless you find a permanent solution to discourage her, she will be coming back."

JoAnna gave them meaningful looks before standing up and going to join the brunch. She still didn't eat anything!

Sarah tilted her head and rested it on Aiden's shoulder.

Aiden wrapped his arms around Sarah, and they sat like that in silence, reminding each other that as long as they are together, everything will be OK.

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