Is this destiny?

Chapter 772 - Wedding day (J&J) (1)

~ Golden Ocean Resort ~

Saturday, September 15… wedding day…

7:00 AM…

Ellie flapped her arm clumsily while trying to turn off the alarm clock. She didn't get enough sleep because she was up until 2 AM, but she does not have time to lazy in the bed, there is too much to do.

Ellie's two designers who are going to help will be at the resort by 8 AM, and Brian and Tom promised that they will come by 9 AM.

As much as all the dresses and accessories are completed, Ellie's experience tells her to be ready for last-minute fitting changes, because always at least one person had too much sparkling drinks previous night and feels bloated… or suddenly breasts don't fit as expected… in any case, something happens. And of course, everyone wants to be dressed up at the last minute before the event starts. No one likes to come for fitting three hours in advance.

It is stressful, but it's nothing like all the rush she gets on the day of the fashion show.

Luckily, she got few bridesmaids to come earlier with a promise that when their final fitting is done, they can go back to their rooms. And she can double-check her dress before anyone else comes.

Ellie called room service for breakfast and headed to get ready for the day.

7:53 AM…

Ellie got out of her room and was happy that the door closes automatically because her hands are full. She is carrying two large bags filled with extra fabric, several sketches which show last minute changes she came up with previous day, and of course, three bolts of ribbon which she got from her villa last night.

Ellie stood in the hallway and watched her room door close slowly. It's automatic, but she still wants to make sure it's fully closed before she leaves.

A split second before her door closed, Ellie heard too-familiar giggles from down the hallway. She glanced that way and saw three figures standing in front of the open door.

"You got to be kidding me!", Ellie mumbled. She wanted to go back inside her room, but her room cardkey is in her back pocket, and her hands are full.

Now what? Does she just stand here, and risk being seen like some idiot? Or does she just move toward the elevator? Of course, she needs to go toward the elevator… After all, what happened in that room is none of her business.

Ellie took a deep breath and walked down what seemed like the longest hallway ever.

"Good morning, Ellie! You are up early!", Sharon chirped happily.

"Good morning.", Ellie responded dryly, without looking directly at the trio.

Even without a good look, she can tell that they are wearing the same clothes from last night. As a person who is into fashion, she notices these things. And based on who is at the door and who is in the hallway, she can guess whose room that is. How come she didn't figure out earlier that her room is on the same floor as Jasper's?

She told herself that she has no right to be upset, or hurt… after all, nothing happened between her and Jasper.

Ellie is not sure if she increased her grip on the bolts of ribbon, but just as she passed Jasper's room one bolt sprang out of her hand and started rolling down the hallway.

"Crap!", Ellie bent to reach it, and it just caused other two bolts to fall on the floor. These two started undoing themselves. Ellie exhaled in frustration while thinking that this is NOT a good way to start the day. She can only hope that this is not an omen on how the rest of the day will unfold.

She switched bags in one hand together with the sketches and started collecting the ribbon as carefully as possible in order not to wrinkle the delicate fabric.

Ellie was surprised to see man's hand reach for the ribbon.

"Don't touch it!", she snapped at Jasper.

Based on Jasper's expression, he didn't expect her fierce attitude.

Ellie cleared her throat and continued in a calmer tone while her eyes didn't move off the floor: "I can do it myself, thank you. You should go back to your lady friends."

Jasper was still squatting while watching Ellie swiftly move down the hallway. She was bending on about every five steps to grab the thin strips of fabric, ignoring that she is wrinkling it in the process. It was obvious that she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"You are worried about a girl who does not want to have anything to do with you." Millie's half-mocking voice came from above Jasper.

"What?", Jasper looked up at her.

Millie smirked. "We asked her yesterday if there is anything between you two and she told us that there is nothing and even gave us her blessings to pursue you."

Jasper stood up and narrowed his eyes at Millie. "You asked her what!?"

He looked furiously at Millie's bewildered face for a second before going around her (and Sharon). He got inside his room and slammed the door behind him.

"What's with the noise?", Bradley mumbled from the sofa. He was not happy that sudden noise woke him up.

Vincent also stirred in a sofa chair.

"Get out!", Jasper bellowed. "Everyone, get out of my room! I don't want to see any of you here by the time I get out of shower!" He went through the bedroom into the bathroom and second sound of the door slamming jerked awake Christopher and Russel who were sleeping on the king sized bed.

Ellie is not sure how she reached the large conference room in the main building of the resort which JoAnna transformed into Ellie's temporary design studio. But she was relieved when she closed the door behind her. And she was happy that her two designers texted her saying that they are going to be there in few minutes. They will force her to focus on what needs to be done… she needs a distraction from the ever-returning thoughts about Jasper.

Ellie wondered, why is she even thinking about him? Sure, he is handsome and charming… but she knows many handsome and charming men. Great examples are Brian and Tom. They are super-charming, but they never invaded her thoughts. And they never flaunted their woman-seducing skills in front of her either.

Also, other than her talking to Jasper for few hours during the rehearsal dinner, they didn't have any other interaction. There is no logical explanation why she is feeling this way. Why is she this… possessive? Why is she upset when he flirts with other women? It should be none of her business with whom he flirts… or with whom he sleeps... yet, why does she feel this pain? Why nothing makes sense?

Ellie looked at the now wrinkled ribbons in her hands and sighed. She needs to start ironing…

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