Is this destiny?

Chapter 777 - Wedding day (J&J) (6)

~ Golden Ocean Resort ~

In the suite on the fourth floor, Aiden kept his and Sarah's clothes in the garment bag which he hang outside their suite door, and texted Jeff to send someone to pick it up.

Now both of them are standing in the middle of the living area, in their underwear, holding each other.

Aiden asked Sarah what is going on few times, but she refused to answer. Based on how clingy she is, he can tell that something shook her confidence. 

A thought alarmed him: 'Did she find out about Madison? Or Kyra? Or any other woman from his past who might be in the area?' After a second, he dismissed that thought because if Sarah found out about that, she would be raging.

Aiden lifted Sarah up and carried her to the bed.

They held each other, and besides occasional sighs, Sarah didn't make any sounds.

Aiden kissed Sarah's forehead. "Are you ever going to speak with me again?"

Sarah knows that he is exaggerating on purpose just to make her talk… and it's working.

"Yes. It's just that right now I need to know that you are by my side, and that what we have is real."

Sarah's words made him think that maybe she did speak with one of those women. Panic creeped in his heart and he started talking: "Where did that come from? Did someone say something? Don't let anyone's words put you in a distress like this…", Aiden touched her chin to lift her head so that he can see her expression. "Sarah, my love, about nine months ago our worlds collided, and it changed me fundamentally. Since then, for me, there is no one, NO ONE other than you. My happiness depends on your proximity, and I will always be by your side." 

"I know…", she responded.

Sarah saw a flash of panic in Aiden's eyes and she was moved by the realization how much he does not want to hurt her if she finds out how he acted before they met. At that instant she told herself that he can't find out that she knows… because it does not matter.

Sarah quickly 'corrected' herself: "I mean, I believe you. That world collision from nine months ago changed me as well. And I can't imagine my life without you."

Aiden exhaled and his expression relaxed visibly. He looked at her questionably. "Then what is all this about?"

Sarah reminded herself not to talk about the past… but that does not mean that she will not talk about the present.

She gave him the best puppy-eyed-look she could produce. "You know that I am clingy and needy… and only when we are together I feel at ease. Maybe this wedding is messing with my head. You should be less handsome, then I will not need to worry about all those women lusting over you."

He chuckled. "If I am less handsome, you will not like me either."

Sarah blinked few times, charmed by his smile… and the fact that they are holding each other, in the bed, almost naked. "We crossed that line when I liked you only because of your body. Now I see your other qualities as well."

"Really? Like wh…", Aiden closed his eyes and inhaled sharply when he felt her hand gripping his erection.

When he opened his eyes a second later, he saw Sarah's mischievous smile. Ah! He realized what other qualities she was talking about.

Aiden cleared his throat. "I hope that there is something about my mind that you like as well… and my personality is not bad either..."

"Do you really want to talk about it now?", Sarah asked while kissing his neck.

In response, he let out a low humming sound from the back of his throat while his hands swiftly undid clasps of her bra.

Few rooms down the hallway, Madison is checking herself in the mirror.

She is happy that those pesky rose-bush cuts are much less visible, and they are not stinging anymore, so she was able to apply her makeup.

Besides covering the cuts, makeup is also covering up few hickeys which she earned previous night.

Madison gritted her teeth in frustration while remembering how much time she spent in the shower last night, trying to scrub off that man's scent from her body.

After shower, images from the Dark Prince club were flashing in her mind and it made her disgusted and heated up at the same time.

Due to her mental state last night Madison had trouble sleeping off.

Few things about that evening didn't add up, so she replayed their conversations on the way to the club and then after the… unfortunate event. Kyra had everything planned, so how did it go wrong? And considering how Kyra was confident that the room is reserved for Jeffrey's party, how come she didn't seem surprised when they told her that Jeffrey and Aiden were not there? Also… she got back into their room few minutes after them, yet she told them 'if you came out earlier, you would help me' . How did Kyra know when they got out of the room with those men? Considering how much later after them Kyra arrived, there is no way that she saw them in the hallway… so many little things don't add up. But she does not know how to investigate this, and if she confronts Kyra… there is no way she will end up on top.

She checked the time… it's almost two o'clock.

Madison is irritated because she does not want to go out this early. She knows that Aiden is going to be part of the wedding ceremony, and he will probably not show himself until then. But her father arrived that morning and he made a point that since she recently acquired her degree in Bachelor of Arts in computer design she needs to go down to the party and mingle. She needs to meet people. Huh! Who cares about that?

Her father repeated few times that she needs to secure her internship because no one will hire her without any experience.

Really? A job? Who wants a job? Since when Mrs. White needs a job? But she can't say that to her father. He has his own business, and he still thinks that she needs to earn her own money! Hmph! She will show him one day...

Madison told her father more than once that unless she goes to White corp. she is NOT interested in any internship nonsense… but it seems that White corp. is not accepting interns this year. How annoying! Even to join as an entry level, White corp. requires at least one year of work experience!

She is angry at her father because he is not allowing her to take a year off. He threatened that he will cut her off financially unless she continues education or gets a job. There is no way she is going back to school; her family is always checking her attendance and grades, so if she goes she actually needs to take it seriously. And getting a job is… exasperating. But she can't tell her dad that she is not interested. The best she can do is pretend to try and then be very sad when they don't accept her. Her goal is next year: White corp.! But if she manages to get Aiden by then… then she does not need to worry about any stinky internship. She will be Mrs. White!

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