Is this destiny?

Chapter 786 - Wedding ceremony (J&J) (2)

JoAnna walked toward Jeff, while her mind was on repeat: 'This is happening! This is happening!'

Her heart fluttered, reminding her of the extreme excitement she felt first few days after she moved into his apartment. Her hands were trembling, and she could not control her desire to be with him. That is how she feels right now. She needs that man… and soon he will be hers, officially, forever.

Jeff's gaze was fixed on JoAnna. He can see through her sheer veil that her eyes are on him, and an enchanting smile lingers on her face… She is more than beautiful in that dress which symbolizes that she is coming to him, to spend her life with him, officially, forever.

Jeff is sure that he spaced out because next thing he knows, Edward placed JoAnna's hand in his.

Jeff leaned slightly toward JoAnna and murmured: "You are so beautiful."

JoAnna's smile widened. "And you are exceptionally handsome."

Guests took their seats and Mr. Price started talking regular introductory things about the marriage.

Jeff and JoAnna held hands and gazed into each other's eyes and they got out of their daze only when Mr. Price said that they can say their own vows.

Jeff took the rings Jasper handed him and kept them in the pocket of his pants.

He lifted JoAnna's veil, and now he was able to see her smiling face and eyes full of love without that pesky fabric obstructing his view.

He got one platinum band out of his suit jacket pocket and slowly slid it on her left ring finger while saying: "With this ring I promise to be faithful, and to respect you as an equal. I will be your strength and I will not allow anyone to come in between us. Our forever starts now."

It was nothing overly romantic, but they agreed to keep the sentimental parts for their privacy and show it only with closest friends and family around… with people they know will not think of their feelings as a weakness.

JoAnna looked into Jeff's deep dark eyes which stirred with emotions. She knows that this man in front of her will give her the world… as long as she asks for it, he will make it happen. From the beginning of their relationship he said that many times, and from the beginning she only wanted one thing: him. And she is getting him now. Officially.

When he said his vow, Jeff held JoAnna's hand in his, and one of the drones responsible for recording streamed video took a closeup of the ring.

Even the people at the beach had a good view from the two large screens available for viewing the video stream.

Audible gasps shook the venue.

"Is that the…?"

"Did he just use the Madam's ring as a wedding band…?"

People who knew significance of that ring were not able to wrap their heads around what they just witnessed.

Most of them were still in a daze when Jeff handed second band to JoAnna and she spoke while sliding it on his left ring finger: "With this ring I promise to be faithful, and to respect you as an equal. I will be your strength and I will not allow anyone to come in between us. Our forever starts now."

Jeff looked at JoAnna and her words rang in his head: 'Our forever starts now.'

They practiced this few times, so he knew that she will say exactly the same thing he did. They decided on this approach in order to show everyone that they are equals. And even though he was expecting those words, this time his heart was beating wildly, and he thought that he might pass out from happiness. Because this time... it is real.

Another round of gasps enveloped the venue when camera showed that two of them are wearing matching rings. Both are simple platinum bands with a 'W' engraved in it.

To people who knew the significance of those rings, this is a monumental occasion… they are witnessing the change of generations in power. This is not just exchange of wedding vows, it is a ceremony where Oscar and Elanor are acknowledging Jeffrey and JoAnna by passing them the torch of leadership… and they just got married!

Marcus's eyes were glued to those rings and he was unable to hide all the emotions that are raging inside him.

His father denied him that position many years ago. Seeing that Jeff is getting it at such an early age made him remember all the humiliation he went through when his father announced Oscar as the next Master.

Why was he not good enough? His father never saw him as good enough!

Marcus wanted to glare at Donald and to release some of the pent up hatred at his father, but his eyes were unwilling to move away from the sight of those rings!

In Marcus' eyes, Oscar was always the favored son. How he saw it, whenever Oscar did better in his studies it was because teachers liked him more, when Oscar did better in sports it was because others gave him way, when Oscar did better with handling finances, it was because someone was secretly helping him… Marcus was confident that if it was a fair competition, he would be the one on top. Because he is the older one, how is it possible that his younger brother is better from him in every way? Oscar even got Elanor's heart! And Marcus saw her first, he even introduced Elanor to Oscar! Everything that Oscar has: money, power, respect, Elanor, two outstanding sons… all that should belong to Marcus!

And why is Oscar handing over power to Jeff? What's the rush? Why is he not making Jeff work by his side for several years first, how usually transfer of power works? Is Oscar terminally ill? That might explain it… But even with that, if he is in a rush to give power away, why is he giving it to someone as green as Jeffrey? Why is he not giving the power to his elder brother? It was supposed to be his in the first place!

"…husband and wife… You may now kiss the bride.", Mr. Price's words rang through the grounds of the resort and pulled Marcus out of his thoughts.

Jeff and JoAnna closed in the already small distance between them.

Jeff lowered his head for a kiss and stopped when they were fraction apart.

"Mrs. White, can I have your first kiss?", he whispered in her lips.

"Of course, Mr. White. All my kisses are just for you.", she whispered back.

Regardless of the feelings anyone had at that moment: joy, jealousy, rage, indifference, fear, envy… everyone stood up and loudly clapped and cheered when Jeff's lips landed on JoAnna's.

When Jeff and JoAnna broke the kiss, Jeff pulled her into a tight embrace.

"Thank you.", he told JoAnna in a low voice.

JoAnna smiled. Only she knows how much weight that 'thank you' carries, for both of them. It felt as if Jeff poured all his emotions into those two words, and her heart swelled from her ever-growing love for him.

She leaned into his embrace and took a deep breath. She was happy.

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