Is this destiny?

Chapter 788 - Wedding party (J&J) (1)

When Sophia and Felix reached the dance area, they stood next to Sarah and Aiden. Few seconds later, Elanor and Oscar squeezed next to them. Luckily, there was a separate area for the wedding party and family members, otherwise four latecomers would not get 'front row' view.

Dance area is huge, enclosed on one side and covered from the top, providing a shade from the September Californian sun. On the ceiling, there is a system of lights installed, but they are currently off. After nightfall, the light-show will begin as well.

Edward and JoAnna are the only ones in the middle of a large dance podium, standing one step away from each other and speaking softly. No one can hear what they are saying, but JoAnna is smiling and Edward's gaze is gentle.

The slow tune started, and Edward and JoAnna got closer to each other before they started moving over the dance floor.

JoAnna does not remember the last time she danced with her father. It was probably ten years ago, or more. She was in her early teens at that time. Edward does not dance often, but when he does, it's with Stella.

JoAnna was touched when she heard the lyrics.

The song Edward picked for this dance is about father's hope for the future life of his daughter: that her roads lead her where she wants to go, and that if she ever needs to make a choice, that she can pick the one which means the most to her… that her life becomes what she wants, her dreams stay big and worries be small… it is a song where father wishes her a life without regrets… and that she shares all those things with someone who loves her back…

JoAnna could see that Edward is very emotional and struggling to keep a straight face. His façade cracked few times, but only briefly.

The song ended and Edward patted JoAnna's cheek gently before placing a kiss on it.

They both looked around only to see that Jeff is not where he was supposed to be: in the area separated for the wedding party and family members.

Based on the custom, this dance symbolizes father handing over the bride to her husband. That means: after father-daughter dance, Edward should put JoAnna's hand in Jeffrey's and then JoAnna and Jeff should do their first dance as a married couple. But surprisingly, Jeff is nowhere to be seen. This… is unexpected.

While JoAnna and Edward exchanged confused glances, band started playing another slow tune.

JoAnna was stunned to see Jeff on the stage with the band. Her eyebrows shoot up. 'Is that a microphone in his hand?'

Jeff's deep voice came from the speakers and JoAnna held her breath. So far, she heard him hum in the shower once in a while, but she never heard him sing. She was amazed how melodious his voice was. JoAnna thought that she knows all there is to know about Jeff, but right now he showed her that he is a very good singer! Ah! Can her husband be any better?

JoAnna's surprise was replaced with admiration and her eyes were filled with stars and hearts while she walked toward him in a daze. It took her a while to pay attention to the lyrics and to realize that he is serenading her… in front of all those people… ignoring the part that they agreed not to have any displays of affection in front of these guests… this, is amazing!

Jeff was looking straight into her eyes while singing that just how rivers flow to the sea, that is how two of them are meant to be… and that his life is in her hands, because he fell in love with her…

When the song ended, Jeff handed the microphone to one of the band members and walked to JoAnna.

JoAnna was still in a daze when Jeff's lips landed on hers, and not sure at what point her fingers laced into his hair, holding him down while deepening the kiss and (again) ignoring their large audience.

Needless to say that everyone's eyes were on the newlywed couple who was lost in a kiss.

Kyra was watching them from the side and the sight of Jeffrey being so passionate toward someone made her expression crack and show displeasure for few seconds before she snapped out of it. She looked around and saw that Tiffany was shocked by the sight in front of her, while Harriet was… not paying attention. 'Why is she in the back and playing with her phone at a time like this?'

Kyra does not know that Harriet was busy while going through personal and professional information about Benjamin Casano… She wants to find out as much as possible about the man before tonight. And Harriet does not care what Jeffrey White is doing or with whom he is doing it.

As much as Kyra was disappointed in Harriet's lack of interest, she was delighted to see contorted face of Miss Melodie Wright. Kyra smiled at the thought that she found another chess piece… cough, cough… another ally in getting Jeff away from JoAnna… but based on this unexpected public display of affection, that might be more difficult than she originally thought, because it seems that Jeffrey White is in love. Kyra gave herself a task to find out more about that woman.

Kyra's sight landed on Aiden who was holding Sarah from the back, and on Felix and Sophia who were holding each other. Oscar and Elanor were standing between them. It seems that Elanor is very friendly with both Sarah and Sophia because she was holding onto their arms while smiling goofily at the sight of Jeff and JoAnna. Sure, with Sarah is justifiable because of Aiden, but why Sophia? Kyra didn't miss that Sarah and Sophia look similar to JoAnna and concluded that must be more than a coincidence. Just who are these three women who came so close to the White family? Kyra tried being friendly with Mrs. White more than once, but every time Elanor treated her like air. How did these women do it? She concluded that she needs to do more research on this topic. Who knows, maybe she can use Madison for this?

While thinking about Madison, Kyra saw her on the other side and smiled when she saw that Madison is barely controlling her fury while her eyes are not leaving Aiden and Sarah. Yup, she can definitely push few buttons (discretely) and make Madison explode in rage. Madison can rattle the cage, and Kyra can watch from the side what all comes out of it.

Kyra's sight moved over the crowd of spectators and landed on Liam. He got her attention because he was one of few who was not looking at the couple kissing on the dancefloor. Just where is he looking? Ah! He is looking at Madison. Why is he looking at her? And what is with his sly smile? She knows that Liam is a scheming type. He always was. Is he planning to use Madison and her boiling jealousy for something? When this dance-kissing-show ends and people disperse, she will approach him and try to figure out: what is he up to?

Kyra's sight moved an inch and landed on Noah who was slightly behind Liam. Just where is he looking? Is he looking at Aiden? Thinking about high school, Noah should have few grudges against Aiden, but… why is he looking at him like he is infatuated? Or… is he looking at the girl in Aiden's arms? Kyra chuckled. This is getting… interesting.

Kyra was in a better mood because of her latest discoveries. So many possibilities opened! But... why the hell is Jeffrey still kissing that woman? When are they going to stop?!

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