Is this destiny?

Chapter 814 - Daddy will get justice for you

1:52 AM

Mr. Turner returned from the event hall. After the fireworks, he stayed for few more drinks. It's always a good idea to increase and strengthen one's network, especially when he is in business of buying and renting office space. The more people know him, the more they will turn to him.

He is happy that he got another chance after dinner, to talk to Sophia. Orion Enterprise is providing software and hardware used for securing all of the properties that he manages, and he needed to make sure that Sophia is not offended by Madison's rash behavior earlier that afternoon. Their contract is due to be renewed soon, and if Sophia is not happy, the terms can be worsened, or she might even refuse to renew it. That contract might not be important for a big company like Orion Enterprise, but for him it would be a huge financial blow.

Mr. Turner hummed a tune while walking down the hallway, he was in a good mood. His room is few doors down the hall from Madison's. He was surprised that the door of her room is not fully closed.

"Madison?", he called while slowly making his way inside. The room is tidy, and it does not look like someone came to steal anything.

"Madison, sweetie… it's dad…", he announced his presence, but no one responded. Everything was quiet.

He concluded that she is not there. After all, she is young, probably partying somewhere with other young adults her age. He will reprimand her later to be more careful and to close and lock the door behind her.

Mr. Turner was about to leave when he heard some noise from the bedroom. "Madison?"

Shock is a mild word to describe what he felt when he saw his daughter in a pitiful state, tied up to the bed.

"What happened? Who did this?", he frantically asked while untying her. "Are you hurt? Let me call for a doctor."

She held her father's arm, not letting him reach for the phone.

"Water…", her weak voice was croaky.

"Madison, who did this?" Only now he noticed that her cheek is swollen, and there are some finger marks on her neck.

Madison was taking sips of water to soothe her sore throat. She was tied up for hours, her mix of cursing and cries for help were muffled, but that does not mean that her vocal cords were not strained.

Her mind was racing. What should she say to her father? That she drugged son of the White family and tried to spend the night with him, but instead was tied up and left like that? Her father will ground her forever! On the other side… it seems that her father thinks that someone hurt her. An idea popped in her mind… Aiden thinks that he can treat her like this? She will show him! And that bitch of a fiancee as well! If she is not getting her happily ever after, neither are they!

"Aiden… Aiden White.", she responded weakly.

"What? That White boy did this?", Mr. Turner was enraged. He reached for the phone.

Madison saw that her father is unlocking his phone, and she panicked. "What are you doing?"

"Calling the police!"

"No, daddy… you can't call the police." 

Mr. Turner looked at his daughter and her distress was impossible to hide. "Madison, I know you are afraid, but we can't let him go unpunished. Even if he is from White family, he needs to pay for what he did. Did he… force himself on you?"

Madison didn't respond.

Her silence was confirmation for her father. He blamed himself for staying so long at that party. If he came back earlier, would he be able to prevent this?

"We need to call the ambulance as well!"

"No!", Madison grabbed his phone. 

No matter what, Madison knows that her father loves her, and he will make sure that people who hurt her get punished, but needs to find another way... to use his connections... police can't be called!

"Madison, sweetie… you are not thinking clearly. He needs to pay for what he did! We will call the ambulance and take you to the hospital so that doctor checks you and collects the evidence... and also call the police, so that they can start the case… Don't worry. I will be with you every step of the way. I will call my lawyer immediately."

Madison panicked. If they involve police and lawyers, the truth will be revealed. Then what? She needs to think fast. "Daddy… if we alert the police, and the White family is pulled into this… your business might suffer."

Mr. Turner was touched. His daughter is thinking about him and his business in a situation like this. He sighed. "Honey, my business can't be compared to you… Give me my phone. Let me make the calls. I know that in these cases, the longer we wait, the more evidence is compromised."

Madison refused to give him his phone back.

"Be reasonable!", Mr. Turner was losing his patience. "If you don't give me my phone, I will use resort's."

Madison broke into sobs and he could not raise his voice at his daughter. His heart ached at the thought that she was handled like this by a young man she admires for many years.

4:12 AM.

Mr. Turner is in the living area of his suite. He finished a long phone call with his lawyer and checked on Madison before going to sit on the sofa and think about this situation they found themselves in.

Madison is sleeping in his bedroom. He was not able to leave her in that room where she was… violated.

He knows his lawyer for many years, and they trust each other. After Mr. Turner explained how he found Madison and what she told him, his lawyer advised him not to act rashly against White family. If he wants to go to the police, he needs to have an ironclad evidence, and even then Whites might have someone in their pocket and the police report might disappear before it reaches anyone who can do something about it. He also told him that going to a hospital is the same as calling the police, because doctors are required to inform law enforcement when rape victim comes to check in.

Mr. Turner shivered at the words 'rape victim' . His heart broke at the thought that his daughter, his sweet innocent little girl, ended up in such a situation. Sure, she is infatuated with that White boy for many years, but is that giving him the right to treat her like that?

His lawyer told him that it's not uncommon for young ladies to refuse to go to see a doctor after someone forced themselves on them, because they feel ashamed. And there are many cases where even after girls go to the hospital and bear through those uncomfortable exams and embarrassing questions, evidence collected is not enough or it stays shelved for many years without getting the culprit in front of the court.

He asked his lawyer if he can demand that White boy takes responsibility for his actions. Mr. Turner was disappointed to hear his lawyer laugh and say that these are not middle ages, and that he can't force anyone to a marriage. The most he can achieve legally, is in case that Madison is pregnant. Then they can go after White family requesting them to cover childcare cost after the child is born, and that will happen only in case that DNA test proves fatherhood.

Mr. Turner gritted his teeth at the thought that his hands are tied. Who cares about the money? He has the money! What he wants is for that bastard to suffer for what he did to Madison!

He rubbed his temples while thinking, is there really nothing he can do to get justice for his daughter?


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