Is this destiny?

Chapter 91 - Jealousy? (1)

Sarah was going through list of things to do, when someone knocked on the door of her office.

"Come in."

Door opened and a young woman entered. She has a long blonde wavy hair, attractive face and her clothes didn't hide her curvy figure. Deep V-neck on her shirt was exposing her cleavage. Sarah could imagine that most of men could not help but to turn around after her.

"Hi, you must be Sarah. I'm Evalina. You can call me Eva." She introduced herself with a friendly smile.

"Hi, Evalina. Nice to meet you." Sarah nodded.

"When Fox and Danny told me that you stopped by when I was not there, I decided to come and say 'hi'." She explained. "I'm working on scripting. So, if you need any scripts done, feel free to let me know. It's nice that another female joined. Working with three guys can be tiring. I'm sure that two of us can have good chats..."

Sarah was trying not to frown. 'She talks a lot. Is she always like this?' Sarah didn't respond to Evalina's chatting. She did her best to keep a friendly face. Sarah is not very social and likes to focus on task in front of her. And compared to Bridgette from that morning, Evalina seems much more forced. Sarah could not pinpoint what, but something about Evalina made her uncomfortable. Sarah wanted Evalina to leave soon so that she can go back to her list of things to do.

Evalina didn't close the door behind her, and while she chatted another voice came from outside. "Oh, Eva, you are here... I was looking for you." It was Daniel. He stepped inside and looked at Sarah. "I see you are settling in. Good, good." Then he turned to Evalina and two of them started talking about some script that Evalina needs to update for servers.

Sarah was getting irritated with these two, 'Why are they feeling at home in my office? I can't work like this at all...' She started counting in her mind, waiting for two intruders to leave. To her horror they actually sat on the sofa and continued their talk. Sarah leaned her forehead in her hand, and closed eyes. She was thinking if she should tell them to leave or leave herself.

Then she heard a familiar voice from outside "Sarah has work to do. How about you two take that outside so she can focus?" Sarah looked up and saw Aiden at the door. She smiled with gratitude.

"Yes, yes... we were leaving…" Daniel stood up swiftly and scrambled outside.

Evalina stood up as well and walked out without a word behind Daniel. As she passed next to Aiden, she looked him in the eyes flashing a smile. Sarah didn't miss change in Evalina, her cheeks were lightly blushed and how she looked at Aiden... Sarah knew what kind of a look that was. Sarah clenched her fists under the desk.

"If you don't tell them to leave, they will spend the day here." Aiden said as they left. He looked at Sarah for few second. He noticed that something is off with Sarah. "Are you OK?"

Sarah snapped out of it. "Yes. Thank you."

He was not convinced but didn't press the issue. "You can lock the door if you don't want to be disturbed."

Sarah nodded observing the rage that subsiding inside her.

"I will leave you to it." Aiden left, closing the door behind him.

When she was by herself, Sarah realized that she is still angry. Not because they disturbed her but because how Evalina reacted to Aiden. 'I need to think what am I doing, why am I this upset?' Sarah tried to analyze the situation. 'Aiden didn't look affected. But Evalina is attractive, that can't be denied. And she knows Aiden much longer than me...' The more Sarah thought about it, the more infuriated she felt. At the same time feeling of being helpless engulfed her. 'Is this jealousy?' Sarah took deep breaths repeatedly. She felt like running, running until she runs out of energy... Every time she felt surge of energy within her, running helped. 'I need to focus and finish these tasks. I can't leave now.'

She forced herself to go back to her list of tasks and managed to finish them with great difficulty. Watching videos was a torture, after each video there was a quiz to confirm she understood the content, but because she was not able to focus, she ended up watching videos several times.

She breathed sigh of relief when she finished with her list of tasks from the folder. She checked the time, and it was after four in the afternoon.

Sarah walked out to Aiden's office. The door was closed, and she could hear a female voice from inside.

Sarah reluctantly knocked on the door. "Come in" Aiden's voice came from inside.

Sarah opened the door and saw him at his desk, and Evalina standing next to him with a wide smile, leaning on his desk. Her posture made her shirt move in such a way that her cleavage was clearly visible, and Sarah can even see that she is wearing a pink lace bra. Sarah froze. Her mind was spinning, and she could feel pulsating in the back of her head how enraged she was. She forced herself to lock everything she felt at that moment and put on her mask of a frozen queen. "I completed my tasks." She said in a cold voice.

Aiden noticed change in Sarah. "We will finish this later" He told Evalina while his eyes didn't leave Sarah.

"But..." Evalina started complaining.

"Later!" Aiden cut her off and gestured with his hand toward the door.

Evalina looked confused, but she left. Aiden walked to the door, pulled Sarah inside and closed the door. "What happened?" He observed her face.

Sarah clenched her teeth. Other than that, there was no other reaction, she was staring in front of her, unfocused.

"You need to tell me what happened. Otherwise I don't know what is going on."

After some time, Sarah calmed down enough to speak. "Don't tell me you didn't notice how she is looking at you. And how she is standing next to you, with her… exposed!"

"Evalina?" Aiden looked confused. He didn't understand how could Evalina cause Sarah to act like this. They were just talking. Or maybe something happened earlier? He was not sure what to think.

Just hearing him say her name made Sarah's anger shoot up again. She inhaled and closed her eyes. Staying here is only making it worse. She needs a space not tainted by Evalina's presence. "I'm going home now."

"Give me ten minutes and I will go with you."

"Finish your work." Sarah didn't give him time to respond. She walked out and closed the door behind her.

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