Chapter 106 Home is a place to relax

They just came back yesterday, and everyone is in a wait-and-see stage.

 So, everyone did not prepare gifts immediately.

Now that we see Princess Qi’s care and love for Sui Sui, everyone understands each other’s attitude.

 Don’t worry about Suisui’s final identity.

 Those who can get the protection of Princess Qi must be at a high level.

 The two concubines and concubines can leave a good impression on Princess Qi by just giving some gifts and showing some goodwill. It is such a simple thing that a fool would not do it.

 So, as soon as Suisui came back, gifts were given to them.

It was too late, and they were too embarrassed to bother them, so they only sent servants to deliver them.

Princess Qi nodded after hearing this: "Sure, after dinner, I will take Suisui to open the gifts."

Shaoyao nodded after hearing this. After knowing what to do with these gifts, he retreated to make arrangements.

Princess Qi then looked at the person Aunt Qiu had chosen.

Aunt Qiu picked a woman over thirty and taught her the etiquette and rules that should be followed every year to assist her in her daily life.

The other party’s surname is Xiang. He lost his husband in his early years and has no children.

The previous master’s family had no choice but to sell off a number of servants after the family’s fortune failed.

Aunt Xiang had never committed any crime in the previous residence, and she was introduced to her by Aunt Wu, the wife of the housekeeper Uncle Li. She had previously worked as an assistant in charge of affairs in another small village in the palace.

Aunt Qiu thought it was okay after inspecting it, so she brought the person over.

Princess Qi observed carefully and asked a few questions in detail. She found that Aunt Xiang behaved neatly and was quite generous in words and deeds, so she nodded with satisfaction.

The aunt in charge had chosen her, and Princess Qi looked at the maid again.

  Compared with my aunt, I only picked one, and six maids came.

After Princess Qi made the same observation, she inquired again and picked two of them.

 Handmaids are all fourteen or fifteen years old.

Princess Qi chose one with a round face and the other with a square face.

She renamed the two little girls: "Your name is Nuan Dong, and your name is Nuan Xia. From now on, I will take good care of the eldest girl. If I have any doubts about something, I will ask Aunt Xiang or Aunt Qiu for advice in time."

 The two little girls first thanked the princess for the name, and then bowed politely to show that they understood.

The people who will serve around you have been selected, and the rest can be done roughly by Aunt Qiu. Princess Qi does not need to consider it carefully.

After this matter was settled, Princess Qi got up and walked to the dining hall.

After Feng Xuanrui and the others freshened up, they came together to eat while chattering.

There were not many of them. Princess Qi did not ask anyone to prepare a large table, but only prepared a half-sized round table.

 After a group of people sit down, the space is still very spacious.

Princess Qi was worried about Sui Sui, and she always held the little girl's hand when walking.

 When they got to the dinner table, Princess Qi held him in her arms again.

When she found that it was not easy to feed her, Princess Qi thought for a while, then put Suisui on the chair aside, turned her head and said to Haitang: "Bring over two soft cushions."

 Haitang worked quickly, and Nuan Dong and Nuan Xia were still in the learning stage. It would be better to watch Haitang and the others serve their master, and then imitate them and add their own understanding.

Suisui felt that she could eat it, but if her mother-in-law fed her, the food would be cold when she tried to eat it later.

So, she gently tugged on the fragrant sleeves of her mother-in-law, and whispered: "Mother-in-law, I can eat it by myself." Princess Qi was feeling hot now, so how could she be willing to let the little girl eat it by herself?

Moreover, she also saw through why the little girl wanted to eat by herself. She raised the back of her hand and gently touched Suisui's little face: "My concubine asked people to warm the food on the stove. Suisui can eat with peace of mind." That’s it.”

Hearing what the mother-in-law said, Sui Sui had no choice but to refuse, so she sat there obediently, with her little hands on her knees.

Seeing the child like this, Princess Qi felt helpless and distressed: "Relax every year. Home should be the most relaxing place. There is no need to be so formal when eating, so as not to feel uncomfortable after eating."

 Princess Qi’s domestic rules and regulations have never been strict.

She thought that externally, the reputation of Prince Qi's palace should not be ruined, and she needed to always pay attention to her manners and etiquette as a princess.

If you can't relax after you go back to your house, and you are always tense and nervous, then what's the meaning of life?

 The family cannot relax, and the man is no different from a blindfolded donkey.

 Being driven away all the time, it doesn’t feel good at all.

Princess Qi's comfort made Suisui's tense shoulders slowly relax, and her little hands naturally dropped.

Princess Qi rarely nursed children by herself in the past. There were so many wet nurses and servants, so she could only get started when she felt like it.

 At other times, just watch the fun.

 It is rare to start raising a child seriously and carefully nowadays. For her, many things are actually starting from scratch.

However, Princess Qi found it a lot of fun and she quite liked learning.

 Is the rice cold or hot?

Is this bite too big or too small?

 Is this dish safe for children to eat?

 What a delicious dish. Can children eat it?

This meat is too fat, will it be too greasy for children to eat?


 There are many issues to consider.

But it’s also a lot of fun!

 Seeing Suisui's little face bulging out and chewing like a small animal, Princess Qi's heart softened.

 The little girl’s eyes are round, and her face bulges out when she eats. It feels like her whole face has become much rounder.

However, after one mouthful of food, the food on the cheeks was gone, and the little face returned to its original thinness. Princess Qi felt distressed just looking at it.

 What a good boy, Marquis Jinyang is really not a good person!

Moreover, there is no careful investigation and verification on things like bringing children into the house, and others just say whatever they say...

  It’s really teeth-gnashing!

Thinking carefully about the character of everyone in the other party's house, Princess Qi felt that she did not need to be angry with them.

Why bother?

 What kind of people are they? She has been in the capital for so long and she still can’t understand them?

 Besides, it’s pretty good these days.

   The daughter you recognize is not in the mood to return.

 Once you recognize Xu Yueyao, that year will be hers!

It is undeniable that at this moment, some secret joy arose in my heart.

 Princess Qi clearly knew that such thoughts and thoughts should not be allowed.

 But, I can’t control it!

Especially looking at the wet and admiring eyes of the previous year, Princess Qi felt that the tip of her heart was trembling.

 Such a cute child, no one can compete with her!

 Not even the prince!

At this time, Princess Qi had a rare dark thought: How about giving the master some money and asking him to give some advice to the prince, so that the prince can stay in another courtyard for one more month?

King Qi:? ? ?

 Second update at 19:00~

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