Chapter 117 Don’t be afraid

After Princess Qi heard Aunt Qiu’s explanation, she froze and her face turned quite pale.

She opened her mouth, wanting to ask something, but no sound came out.

Princess Qi thought that yesterday it was because she thought Ying Zhi was cute and wanted to see her beautiful sister for a while longer, so she invited the eldest princess and her entourage to stay at Zhuangzi.

Had it not been for Sui Sui, Princess Qi would not have taken the initiative to invite her.

 After all, the conditions at Zhuangzi are not very good, and it is somewhat rude to treat guests.

Furthermore, the eldest princess is also a picky person. If she hadn't wanted to accommodate her children yesterday, she wouldn't have accepted the invitation.

Yesterday, no matter which link was missed, maybe the eldest princess and her party were included in the crowd...

Thinking of this possibility, Princess Qi's face turned a little paler.

Aunt Qiu was startled. She took two steps forward and gently helped Princess Qi along her back. Her voice was also very gentle: "Princess, don't panic. It's okay. It's okay. No one was injured. It's just that we are in another hospital." It will definitely need to be renovated, and the fields that have been planted will be ruined.”

 For these powerful people, this is not a troublesome matter.

 As long as people are still there, everything is easy to talk about.

Aunt Qiu felt lucky that in addition to being afraid, Princess Qi also felt...


 She wanted to control herself, but she couldn't help but look at Suisui.

The little girl looked at the two people confusedly, obviously not understanding what they were talking about.

 However, the reason why the eldest princess and her party were able to avoid danger yesterday was because of the little girl in front of them.

 Sui Sui…

 This is not the first time.

If Suisui belonged to someone else's family, Princess Qi might have thought that it was a lucky star and enviable.

 But if the child was her own, Princess Qi would only be worried and distressed.

 God has given this child such a profound blessing, she...

 Can you afford it?

 Can it be suppressed?

 Furthermore, everything has a cause and effect.

 What did you get in exchange for such good luck in these things?

 Is the hardship she suffered in the past really not a punishment?

Some things, the more you think about them, the easier it is to get into trouble.

The more Princess Qi thought about it, the more she couldn't control her cold sweat.

 Aunt Qiu was really frightened.

She thought to herself, the princess is not timid, how could she be so frightened after hearing this?

Furthermore, to take a step back, even if they didn’t invite them yesterday, it would still be fine for them and the whole group, right?

Aunt Qiu didn’t understand, but she still comforted the person carefully.

Princess Qi knew that she was frightened by the incident and got into trouble.

 But, my brain is not under my control!

 What should we do?

 When she was panicked and helpless, a pair of small but gentle hands gently touched her heart.

When Princess Qi came back to her senses, she looked down and saw the worried look on her face.

The little girl doesn’t understand why the mother-in-law suddenly feels uncomfortable?

She doesn’t know how to heal, nor does she know anything else. She can only learn from Aunt Qiu, and help her mother and concubine to feel comfortable.

Looking at this scene, Princess Qi was moved and scared at the same time.

The tears could not be controlled. She gently pulled Sui Sui over and held the little girl in her arms. Tears fell on the top of Sui Sui's head.

Tears flowed and it was a little itchy, but Sui Sui tried hard to hold on, not letting himself move, and stayed close to his mother and concubine obediently.

Suisui thought, if this can make the mother-in-law feel more comfortable, then let her stick to her like this all the time.

 She likes the embrace of her mother-in-law, and also likes the smell of her mother-in-law.

 Warm and fragrant.

 This is warmth and love that she has never experienced before.

 She likes it very much and cherishes it very much.

 Princess Qi cried silently while holding the little girl.

Aunt Qiu became more and more confused on the side, but she didn’t ask any more questions.

After a while, Princess Qi slowly controlled her emotions. She raised her hand to signal Aunt Qiu that she didn't have to go back, and then gently wiped her tears.

 After tidying herself up, Princess Qi directly hugged Suisui in her arms. Sui Sui obeyed her mother's movements obediently, and could not hear her mother's slight sobs. The little girl raised her head uneasily, and her voice was soft and uneasy: "Is mother's concubine feeling better?"

Princess Qi regained her composure and smiled reluctantly: "The concubine lost her composure for a moment and made Sui Sui scared. It's okay. The concubine just thought about something and was a little scared. Be good."

As he spoke, he gently held the little girl in his arms.

I heard that my mother-in-law was fine, so I responded obediently and gently kissed my mother-in-law.

After briefly comforting the little girl, Princess Qi then signaled to Aunt Qiu: "Carefully prepare tomorrow's tea and other snacks, and send someone to inquire about the weather tomorrow. If the weather is good, let's go to Lanruo Temple to burn incense. "

 After finishing speaking, he emphasized another sentence: "Let's set off at the right time."

 Isn’t it the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year and you suddenly go to offer incense?

Although Aunt Qiu was puzzled, she could really feel at peace if she went to burn incense sticks and pray for blessings after something like this happened.

Aunt Qiu didn’t ask any more questions, nodded and left.

This is not the first time that the eldest princess has come to the house as a guest, so Aunt Qiu is well aware of all the necessary matters.

 After Aunt Qiu left, Princess Qi still held Suisui in her arms.

She thought that there were some things that she could not change. She could only ask for more and pray more in front of the Buddha. If she was so lucky every year, she would have to exchange it for something.

Then, let all those troubles come to her!

She has no other abilities, but she can still endure the hardship!

Suisui didn't know that the mother-in-law was feeling entangled and helpless at this time.

With her little head resting on the mother-in-law’s shoulder, she could just see the fish in the pond not far away.

 There was a big red goldfish jumping out of the water.

 At this time, no one was feeding, but the fish jumped out of the water.

 The picture is somewhat nice.

Although it passed by in a flash, Sui Sui still wanted his mother to see it: "Mother, the fish is jumping!"

Hearing the voice, Princess Qi turned around subconsciously.

 She only saw the bright red fish tail flashing in mid-air.

 The fish has jumped back into the pond.

Although she missed this scene, the flash of red fish tail was actually quite stunning. Princess Qi felt that such a scenery was rare.

This kind of relaxation and pleasure dissipated the fear and helplessness deep in her heart.

She thought that no one could predict what would happen in the future.

there is always a solution to a problem.

It’s not good to be too panicked now.

 After consoling herself, Princess Qi's mood slowly calmed down.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief and smiled softly: "Well, the scene of the goldfish jumping is very beautiful."

Suisui actually felt a little regretful, and whispered in a low voice: "But my mother and concubine didn't even see everything."

 Princess Qi did not feel it was a pity.

She was about to explain when she saw the little girl raising her hand excitedly: "Hey, concubine, look!"

 A bright red koi carp suddenly burst out of the water, as if it was about to break through the sky.

But in mid-air, it suddenly bent, and the whole koi curved into the shape of an arch bridge.

 Then, the beautiful koi swooped down again, and after successfully entering the water, it caused a circle of ripples.

 The water rippled for a while, then became quiet again.

 It was as if the amazing scene just now had never happened.

 The fish passes by and the water moves.

 Fish swim, water stops.

 At this moment, Princess Qi seemed to have realized a lot more.

She thought that panicking in advance would be of no use, as it would easily scare the children.

 At her age, she must be God’s most loved and favored child.

 So, don’t be afraid.

  Cute second update

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