Chapter 119 Why don’t the potatoes grow?

 The carriage of the Protector’s Mansion?

After Princess Qi heard this, she was stunned for a moment.

Soon, she came to her senses and said with a smile: "You should be going to deal with matters in other courtyards, right?"

There is nothing left over there because of the explosion, but there must be some aftermath, right?

 Huguo Hou is the second son of the eldest princess. He currently serves in the Ministry of Works and should be relatively good at repairs.

 If it really doesn’t work, you can also ask your colleagues for help.

Whether it's a matter of skill or reason, it would be more appropriate for him to come forward.

 Princess Qi slowed down her carriage and deliberately waited for the carriage of the Marquis Protector.

The Hu Guohou probably also noticed it, so they quickly speeded up.

Knowing that there were either women or children in the car, Su Wei, the Protector of the Country, did not open the curtain directly, but said hello through the curtain, first expressing his gratitude, and then exchanging a few words.

 The relationship between the two houses is harmonious. In addition to the elder-younger relationship between the prince and the eldest princess, Princess Qi’s natal family and the eldest princess’s house are also related by marriage.

Therefore, Princess Qi didn’t hide the purpose of today’s trip, and she just treated it as a normal conversation: “Take the children to play with some charcoal.”

Su Wei frowned when he heard that they were going to play with charcoal?

That dark thing, what’s the point?

However, after thinking about the group of monkeys in Prince Qi’s Mansion, I think it seems reasonable?

Think about the group of monkeys in my house. They play with fireworks or sulfur every day.

 The risk factor is close to setting yourself on fire.

Comparing the two, Su Wei actually felt envious.

 Playing with charcoal is better than playing with fire, right?

 Their good Zhuangzi was blown up!

Su Wei doesn’t feel sorry for Zhuangzi, he is afraid of him!

Yesterday, if there was a slight delay, half of the grandchildren from his and his brother's houses would have to be folded in!

Thinking about this, the cold sweat became uncontrollable.

Su Wei quickly adjusted himself. Out of politeness, he smiled and said, "If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

 Isn't it too polite to say this?

Su Wei is actually a straightforward person and is not very good at beating around the bush.

Thinking about what his mother had taught him, Su Wei tried his best to say one more sentence: "Well, after I finish handling the matters there, I will come over and have a look. I have quite a lot of experience in Tuantan, and maybe I can give some guidance to the children." them.”

Regardless of whether the other party is well-intentioned or polite, Princess Qi is too embarrassed to refuse: "Then I will trouble Mr. Hou."

Su Wei waved his hand carelessly. After realizing that Princess Qi couldn't see it, he quickly replied loudly: "It's okay, it's just a matter of convenience."

 After everyone was polite, Su Wei gave way. Princess Qi said a few polite words and took the initiative to walk in front.

When Princess Qi was greeting the Lord Protector, Sui Sui would obediently lie on her mother's knees, letting her mother gently stroke her little head.

Feng Xuanrui was watching from the side, jealous, and he also came over to touch it.

Feng Xuanbin noticed that everyone was touching him, and even after they didn’t take him with them, they forced their way over.

 Three hands suddenly fell on Suisui's little head.

 Fortunately, the two children's hands were not big, so they managed to squeeze down.

However, Feng Xuanbin's little fleshy hands really took up a lot of space. After Feng Xuanrui said something disgusting, Feng Xuanbin said angrily: "Huh, I won't eat tonight!"

Hearing what he said, Feng Xuanrui smiled nonchalantly and said, "Ah, I heard we're having fish noodles tonight."

Fresh and smooth fish noodles?

That’s not possible, he has to eat!

Feng Xuanbin became anxious after hearing this: "Then I won't eat tomorrow night!"

Feng Xuanrui said without thinking: "Tomorrow night, we will eat soup dumplings."

  Feng Xuanbin:…!

Wow! !

 Sixth brother is bullying someone.

Feng Xuanbin was so angry that he screamed, and Suisui couldn't help laughing while watching.

  Although the brothers fight, they control each other's restraint very well.     Even if it is noisy, it will not affect the feelings.

 This is so good!

 The carriage swayed all the way to Zhuangzi.

When they arrived, Master Shen had already arrived, and was watching people clearing up the place, waiting for the young masters to start training as soon as they arrived.

Seeing that Master Shen was already waiting for them with a smile on his face, Feng Xuanrui jumped out of the carriage and whispered: "Master Shen arrived so early!"

Feng Xuanbo, who was sore all the way, squeezed over at this time and faintly said: "You are riding a horse, you are also fast."

After Feng Xuanrui heard this, he thought about it carefully and then shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. My little pony is not very good. It doesn't feel as fast as a donkey."

Little Pony:?

Who do you look down on? ? ?

Feng Xuanbo listened on the side and finally showed a smile: "Don't let your little pony hear what you said."

Horses become quite spiritual after being raised for a long time.

 Don’t think it doesn’t understand.

 When you scold it, it can understand it.

 Thinking about how he was almost thrown off his horse last time, Feng Xuanrui's face darkened.

  Sui Sui doesn’t quite understand.

However, the mother-in-law said that she would not attend classes with her brothers for the time being.

 Let's wait until the new clothes are ready, and wait until the new friends arrive, and then we can follow them together. There is no need to be in a hurry.

 Furthermore, she has a mission today.

  Going to Tuantan.

 The little girl adapted quickly. If the concubine said it was charcoal, then it was charcoal.

The system watched from the side, feeling pleased and sad at the same time.

It is good that this child is obedient, but is he too obedient?

Sui Sui is like this now. Even if Princess Qi refers to a deer as a horse, Sui Sui will still say that everything the mother and concubine said is right.

 Systematic sorrow, Sui Sui doesn’t understand it.

 She said that charcoal requires charcoal residue, yellow mud, and water.

Princess Qi sent someone to prepare the food. Before everything was ready, she took Suisui to look at the potato sprouts that had been moved to the greenhouse.

Although the temperature in the greenhouse is good, potatoes need a period of time to germinate.

 So, the potatoes were not planted yesterday and the greenhouse was heated, so the potatoes could sprout directly and be transplanted.

The mother and daughter went over to take a look and found that everything on the Tukang today was the same as yesterday, and there was no change at all.

 Sui Sui is a little sad.

Looking at the little girl's depressed look, Princess Qi said softly: "Suisui, plants need time to grow. They are not planted yesterday and will grow up today. Children still need time to grow up, and plants also need it."

【Potato sprouts are affected by the external environment and usually take about 7 to 15 days. Don't worry. 】

 The concubine and Lele came together to persuade Suisui.

After listening to what they said, Sui Sui knew that potatoes didn’t last long after they went bad, but that they needed time. He laughed happily again: “Well, Sui Sui knows!”

After answering, he cautiously asked Princess Qi: "Concubine, can we come over often to see them in the future?"

Facing the child's bright eyes, Princess Qi smiled gently: "Of course, as long as I have time, I will accompany Sui Sui to see it, okay?"

Having received the promise from his mother and concubine, he happily circles around Princess Qi every year.

 Compared with the worry-free happiness every year, at this time, Xu Yueyao was sitting there, practicing etiquette, while doubting life in her heart.

  Second update

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