Chapter 123 Physical Training

Seeing that Sui Sui agreed, Princess Qi raised her head and smiled at the Protector: "I'm really sorry. After all, the child came out after a hard day's work. I have to ask her."

 The Protector of the Country usually doesn't discipline his children much. Although he doesn't understand many things, he also understands the underlying meaning.

 He felt that Princess Qi's approach was quite good for the children.

The Protector of the State felt that he had learned something. He smiled and waved his hands: "It should be true."

 The charcoal has not dried yet, so it is not easy to move it for the time being.

However, the Protector of the Country has already made an agreement with this side, and he will just send someone to take it back later.

Although this Tuantan was not quite the same as their current ones, it was just because of the difference that the Protector of the Country became interested.

he thinks…

 Perhaps there will be a surprise?

He came over originally to give guidance, but the little girl had already finished her tour, and the Protector of the Country didn't speak again. In addition, he had other things to be busy with, so he quickly said goodbye.

 Princess Qi politely stayed and then sent the person out.

After bidding farewell to the Protector, Princess Qi returned to the backyard with Sui Sui.

The little girl has already passed Tuantan's interest, and now she doesn't want to get started anymore. She wants to watch her brothers in class.

Princess Qi naturally followed her lead and held her hand to watch the previous courses.

 There is no need for archery and horseback riding today, and everyone’s lessons are relatively quiet.

However, it is also more tiring.

 All young masters train with weights.

 Leg strength needs to be strengthened, arm strength also needs to be improved, and all parts of the body need to be strengthened.

 A good physique is the foundation of riding and shooting.

 So, basic exercises must be kept up.

 As the years pass, the brothers are doing arm training.

Everyone has his arms straight, holding a stack of books in his hands.

Master Shen held a ruler in hand and walked among the young masters, correcting their irregular movements from time to time.

 “Arms raised.”

 “Don’t move your wrists.”


Master Shen’s voice was low and his tone was still smiling.

  However, the princes are all afraid of him.

 The students' fear of the Master seems to be a habit.

  Feng Xuanbin, who was making noises about skipping class before, is now training honestly.

 He is younger and carries less weight.

Each arm carries three small books.

 Actually, the weight is average, but the difficulty is to stick to it.

Feng Xuanrui and the others could no longer hold on. They all grinned and said: They are tired and need to rest.

 When they saw that the year was coming, each of them refused to admit defeat. They worked hard to straighten their backs and their arms became straighter.

The result is…

 More tired!


 It’s so difficult to get additional training!

 When Sui Sui looked at his brothers, he couldn't help but reveal his envious eyes.

  The little girl whispered with adoration and admiration: "Brothers are so awesome!"

From Suisui's point of view, any brother who can carry such a thick stack of books is a strong man!

Princess Qi looked at the young gentlemen. They were in good spirits, but their expressions were occasionally distorted. She knew that they were not exhausted and could continue to practice, so she felt relieved.

 Furthermore, she believed in Master Shen.

The other side will at best squeeze the physical limits of the young men, and will not really train without brains and damage the children's foundation.

 So, Princess Qi gently touched Suisui's head: "Suisui should eat more to keep his body strong, and then he can practice with his brothers."

 Sui Sui is still too thin now.

 With poor physical foundation, forced training will not be good for the growth of children.

 In addition, she had no one to accompany her, so Princess Qi did not let Suisui stay with her brothers for the time being.

After hearing what the mother and concubine said, Suisui nodded solemnly: "Well, don't worry, concubine, I will eat more and grow up!" The little girl became serious and put on a cute face.

 Actually, it’s not accurate to say that you have a bun face. The little face you have now is not really like a bun. It is swollen, cute, and soft and easy to pinch.

However, Princess Qi believes that it will be soon.

  If you keep it for a while, you will be able to have a really cute and touchable bun face every year.

 The arrival of the new year has allowed the brothers to persevere for a while.

Soon, Master Shen asked them to rest first, adjust the strength of their arms, and move their whole bodies.

 Then, it’s time to get into leg strength training.

 run with weight.

As soon as Feng Xuanrui and the others got some free time, they went to Suisui's side.

“Sister, sister, are you in trouble?”

"Is it fun?"

“You guys are all together, let’s burn it for my brother. My brother has been a little afraid of the cold in the past two days.”


Feng Xuanrui was the first to squeeze over. As soon as he said a word, before he could get a response from Suisui, Feng Xuanbin successfully squeezed him away with his weight advantage.

Before Feng Xuanbin could say anything, Feng Xuanjie and Feng Xuanbo worked together to squeeze him out.

A group of children squeezed the weak Suisui in the middle. Although the brothers were not polite to each other, they either squeezed or pinched each other, so that the crowd screamed.

 However, they all made a tacit understanding not to squeeze in until the end of the year, leaving enough space for their lovely sister.

Regarding the brothers’ questions, Suisui tilted his head and replied obediently: “We are in a group, it’s fun!”

“There are many groups, but I have to give some to Uncle Su. If the brothers like it, I will join the group again tomorrow!”


 The little girl talked about it again and again, and everyone became interested.

Especially the youngest Feng Xuanbin, this is the time when he loves to play the most.

 So, as soon as I heard that I could play in the mud, I immediately turned my head and looked at Princess Qi eagerly: "Concubine, can I join in too?"

Princess Qi was amused by his appearance. She raised her finger and pointed at Master Shen who was not far away: "Ask Master if he can give you leave and whether you can skip classes."

Feng Xuanbin skipped class on the day Feng Xuanrui returned home, and was punished by Master Shen the next day.

Even now I still remember the feeling of being punished.

 So, when it came to not being allowed to skip class, he shrank his head guiltily and responded with lack of confidence: "...Okay, okay."

  That's what Feng Xuanbin said, but Feng Xuanbin didn't dare to really ask Master Shen.


 Once you say something wrong, you will definitely be punished again.

Feng Xuanbin felt that he had to find another way.

 A way to skip class without being punished.

Their rest time was short, and Master Shen soon coughed lightly.

Feng Xuanrui and the others have to go back to class honestly no matter how unhappy they are.

 For them, running with heavy weights is already commonplace and is not difficult.

 But from Suisui's point of view, it is still very novel.

 She looked at her brothers with curiosity and longing, running around the field, circle after circle.

During the process, Feng Xuanrui also fought with Feng Xuanbin.

They really started to fight. The two brothers even fell to the ground and pulled each other's hair!

 Looking at this scene, Suisui's eyes were particularly round.

She couldn't help but lift her feet and rush over there, but she forgot that her hand was still in the concubine's hand.

 She did not run away when she rushed, but was subconsciously pulled back by Princess Qi.

Suisui turned half a circle in confusion in front of Princess Qi before returning to his mother's lap.

She looked at her brother blankly, then at her mother-in-law, and said a little aggrievedly: "Brother Qi is beating him, I'm going to help him!"

  Second update

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