Chapter 143 Should I pierce my ears?

After listening to the mother-in-law’s explanation, Sui Sui realized that it was not just a hook on the earring that was inserted directly into the earring, which made her feel much more at ease.

The purple jade earrings are still very beautiful, and I like them every year. After thinking about it again, Sister Mengmeng just accepted them generously, so I should be able to have them too, right?

Thinking of this, she hugged her mother's thigh, raised her head, and said thank you softly.

 The voice of a child has real healing power.

After hearing this, Princess Qi wished she could pluck all the stars in the sky and give them to Suisui!

Princess Qi picked out earrings, jade pendants, safety buckles and the like.

Color styles suitable for children have been selected.

It can be seen that when the eldest princess prepared things in her house, she obviously also considered the child Suisui.

There are a lot of things suitable for children in the jewelry. Two of the beads have very small rings. They look like they are for children. The color is emerald with beeswax, and there are a few chalcedony in the middle.

 The color scheme is a bit exaggerated, but it is very popular with children.

 Children, most of them still like bright colors.

After Princess Qi made many gestures on Suisui, she put these two directly into Suisui's private treasury.

Aunt Xiang also followed Aunt Qiu's example, taking the newly acquired account book from the eldest girl's private treasury and keeping accounts quickly.

 After looking at the jewelry, I looked at some other ornaments.

 Suisui doesn’t have his own separate room yet, but he needs to have one in the morning and evening.

 The ornaments delivered today are more dull in color.

Princess Qi felt that it was not bright enough, so she planned to pick some other colors from the library to decorate Sui Sui's future room.

However, one of the gilded incense burners looked pretty good, so Princess Qi singled it out.

 The last thing a few people look at is the materials.

 As for the other colors, Princess Qi looked at them and asked Aunt Qiu to keep the accounts.

After seeing one piece of water pink and one piece of moonlight soft silk, Princess Qi's eyes lit up: "This is suitable for Sui Sui. This is so suitable. It is best for pajamas. It is soft and close-fitting, and warm in winter." It’s cool in summer, so it’s comfortable to wear.”

While talking, Princess Qi was still holding two pieces of cloth and kept gesticulating on Sui Sui's body.

 The little girl is getting whiter as she grows older, so she looks so good with such a bright color.

The more Princess Qi looked at it, the more satisfied she became. She wished she could transform into a tailor and turn fabrics into ready-made clothes.

It's a pity that Princess Qi's craftsmanship...

 Just take a look.

 Thinking of her craftsmanship, Princess Qi's emotions slowly calmed down.

 She asked Aunt Xiang to put away the two pieces of cloth, and then asked her about his craftsmanship.

 In fact, you can tell by looking at the hat that my aunt sewed that her craftsmanship is not bad.

Even so, Princess Qi was still worried and wanted to ask more questions.

If Aunt Xiang is not good at the craftsmanship, then let Haitang do it.

Haitang’s craftsmanship is pretty good.

 Princess Qi is not going to give away the little girl’s pajamas and will let others do it.

Aunt Xiang was suddenly asked by the princess, so she didn't panic and quickly responded: "My craftsmanship is still good, and I will try my best to make clothes for the big girl."

Princess Qi noticed Xiang Gu's humble attitude. She nodded and motioned for her to put the ingredients away.

After reading the corresponding gifts, Princess Qi took Sui Sui and Liu Hemeng to find Dr. Liu.

 Doctor Liu has just mixed some medicine, mainly for Suisui to use for medicinal bath.

 There are many scars on the child's body, some of which are old, and Dr. Liu is not sure that they can all be removed.

However, you have to give it a try.

 Giving up without trying it is always a sign of dissatisfaction.

 Physicians should not give up before patients.

 He worked all morning and prepared a month's supply of medicine.

Of course, medicated baths are not taken every day, but once every three days, for at least one stick of incense each time.

Although the process is troublesome, if you can get a good result, the hardships in the middle are actually worth it.

 Seeing the princess coming with her people, Doctor Liu greeted her first and then talked about the medicinal bath. Hearing that it was a medicinal bath, Princess Qi cheered up, listened carefully, and memorized it.

 Aunt Xiang also pricked up his ears, fearing that he might have missed something.

However, Dr. Liu was very careful in his work. He deliberately recorded it on paper so that he could refer back to it for comparison.

 Aunt Xiang is literate, so Princess Qi can rest assured by giving this to her.

 After talking about the medicinal bath, Princess Qi asked about the ear piercing.

This life…

 It’s not easy to do, and it’s easy for children to hold grudges.

After listening to this, Doctor Liu hesitated and asked, "Are you willing to do it Suisui?"

Ear piercing will definitely hurt, and it will still hurt due to repeated pulling of the thread during the next few days of maintenance.

 So, if you are not mentally prepared, it is better not to get stabbed.

This is not like a child who is young and doesn't remember things. The pain will be over after a few days.

It would have been better if Doctor Liu didn't say anything, but when he said it, Princess Qi felt unsure.

She lowered her head hesitantly and asked Suisui: "It will be a little painful, Suisui, do you want it pierced? You can wear beautiful earrings after it is pierced."

Princess Qi feels that it is actually acceptable to pay a little pain for the sake of beauty.

However, children’s ideas are different from those of adults.

 I heard it would be a little painful, but Suisui is actually scared.

 However, looking at the small earrings dangling on Mengmeng’s ears, I feel envious.

 She wants it too.

 However, she lacked a little courage in her heart, and she asked the system in a low voice [Lele, do you want to be stabbed? Will it hurt? 】

 There is no modern technology today. Just apply anesthesia and shoot it, and the ear piercing is completed.

Thinking about the simple and crude method now, the system was silent for a while and chose to tell the truth.

【Sui Sui can **** it if you like, but it's very painful, so you have to endure it for a few days, and then it will be beautiful! 】

 After a few days of patience, you can wear all kinds of beautiful earrings.

I think it should be possible, right?

 The child's worries are written on his face, and the way he twists his eyebrows in confusion is so cute.

 Princess Qi wanted to hug her and give her a kiss. Doctor Liu also found it interesting.

But his granddaughter is still with him, so he can't be too enthusiastic.

 It’s not easy to coax a child into jealousy!

 Doctor Liu turned around and began to prepare the necessary tools.

This thing…

 As a doctor, he naturally has it.

Although the palace does not have a girl’s family, the prince has always looked forward to having one.

 So, let him prepare it early.

Although Dr. Liu had doubts for a while, the prince was so crazy about wanting a daughter.

 After the little princess is born, are you really willing to have her ears pierced?

Suisui hesitated for a while, then nodded to his mother-in-law: "Mother-in-law, go ahead and pierce it, I'm ready!"

Although Suisui was afraid of the pain, she saw that the cute sister had pierced ears, and the pretty sister who came before also had pierced ears.

The beautiful aunts I have seen all have beautiful ears.

 I think about it, piercing the ears may be a symbol of the girls in the capital.

If she doesn't, will it embarrass her mother-in-law and her brother?

 She doesn’t want to be an embarrassing child.

 So, it only hurts for a few days.

 It’s pricked!

  Second update

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