Chapter 153 A unique gift

After hearing what Suisui said, Shaoyao's eyelids jumped wildly. She wanted to stop her but didn't know what to say. In the end, she could only look at Princess Qi with a sad face.

She thought that her master understood her. If she saw it this way, the other party should be able to understand it, right?

Princess Qi naturally understood the way Shaoyao hesitated to speak.

  She guessed that there was something going on, but she didn’t think about it deeply.

At this time, Princess Qi didn't care to look at anything else. She only looked at the box that was delivered to her.

 Her good daughter knows how to give her a gift.

 That’s great!

 The pain for this child is not in vain.

Princess Qi happily took the box. Shaoyao's heart was beating wildly and she couldn't help coughing.

Aunt Qiu was puzzled and thought she was sick, so she leaned over and asked quietly: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

 Princess Qi vaguely understood the hint of Shaoyao.

Aunt Qiu was worried, so she asked.

 These servants, if they feel uncomfortable, can rest.


 Doctor Liu has gone back, there should be some heart-protecting pills left, right?

At this moment, she ran to get it, was it still too late?

 Due to the unusual nature of peony, Princess Qi was mentally prepared to be particularly curious about the gift.

She thought, is it a gift from Suisui, is it particularly curious?

However, no matter how curious it is, it is still what the little girl wants. Princess Qi feels that she has to accept it even if it means mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Feng Xuanrui didn't have so many ideas. He was quite curious about what gift his sister would give to his mother and concubine.

 The main reason is that I am afraid of exposing my masters to my masters if I get over the illness.

 The boxes are all similar, and as Sui Sui said, the items inside are also about the same size, so there is no need to pick them out.

Ah ah ah, life, why should it be difficult for her to be a little maid?

As soon as Feng Xuanrui heard that he also had a gift and it was in the box stacked next to him, Feng Xuanrui immediately ran over happily.

 He was a little unhappy that his mother-in-law had a gift but he did not.

 As a result, Princess Qi raised her head and shook her head.

Shaoyao wanted to rush over and help the princess open it.

Shaoyao thought, I am so miserable!

 Let's say it directly, for fear of hurting the older girl's heart.

He thought that he should kill them all.

 Let's not say it out loud. She really didn't dare to think about how the princess would react after seeing what was in the box.

However, Feng Xuanrui felt sad again when he thought about the other brothers.

Thinking of this, Feng Xuanrui pulled Suisui's sleeves, shook them gently, and said coquettishly: "Sister, mother and concubine have them, why don't I?"

When his brother asked, Suisui immediately raised his hand high: "Yes, yes, don't worry, brother, there are still five boxes, one box for each brother, they are all there! And I have marked the size, they are about the same size." , brother’s biggest!”

Thinking of this, she smiled at Suisui, raised her hand and gently touched the little girl's soft face, then took the box and opened it slowly.

In response to this, Shaoyao shook her head crazily, and then kept shaking her head at Princess Qi.

 In this way, his sister’s gifts are all his own!

Princess Qi opened the box anxiously. When she saw the contents clearly, her pupils shrank sharply, but her hands were steady and she did not throw the things out directly.

Shaoyao watched from the side, nervous and not daring to breathe, for fear that the princess would scream or faint from fright.

 She is always ready to save people in a moment!

 She remembered where the heart-protecting pill was.

 As a result, the princess was very calm after seeing the gift.

 This made Shaoyao feel a little dazed. After being nervous, her body felt a little soft.

At this time, Shaoyao vaguely remembered that a few years ago, when the Sixth Young Master was still young, did he do similar things?

 If she asked, Princess Qi would probably reply with a smile: Yes.

To be honest, Princess Qi was really shocked when she saw that the gift in the box was an earthworm.

 However, she has been scared and her mental quality is now very good.

Therefore, his pupils only shrank, but he was still very calm. He even closed the box with a smile, handed it to Aunt Qiu on the side, and touched Suisui's head with a smile: "It's a very unique gift, concubine... very like."

The last three words are actually quite reluctant.

 It’s nothing more than a child’s wish.

 When a child gives a gift, it doesn’t matter whether it’s good or bad and whether it’s scary or not.

 They think it’s good and want to give it to their favorite person.

Princess Qi thought that she was her favorite person in Sui Sui.

When you think about it, does your mood suddenly become brighter and brighter?

It's just an earthworm. No matter how scary it is, can it still be scary like a toad?

Yes, a few years ago, Princess Qi received a gift box carefully packaged by Feng Xuanrui and with a few small flowers on it.

 The box contains two lively toads.

 The moment the box was opened, the toad almost jumped in her face!

 When she thinks about the scene at that time several years later, Princess Qi still feels flustered.

So, what can this little earthworm do to her?

I was almost sprayed in the face by a toad, and compared to an earthworm, this is really gentle.

 So, it’s better to be younger every year. The girl is gentle and knows how to take care of her mother and concubine’s emotions.

 Princess Qi happily touched Suisui's head.

 Sui Sui saw that the mother-in-law liked this gift, and she was very happy to rub it with her again and again.

Feng Xuanrui also opened the box at this time. After discovering the shrunken earthworms, he ouched: "Ah, they are quite cute. Let me touch them."

 Children are naughty. When they see moving things, they are not afraid, but feel very curious.

Even though earthworms don’t look good, they are quite interesting when they move.

Feng Xuanrui grabbed the earthworm and moved it towards Suisui: "Sister, look, its head is so big!"

It's difficult for Feng Xuanrui to have good eyesight and still be able to tell which one is the head and which is the tail.

Hearing what his brother said, Suisui squeezed over curiously and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't tell which one was the head.

 She shook her head: "I can't tell, brother."

After hearing this, Feng Xuanrui thought for a moment, then grabbed the earthworm with both hands and said, "I'll stretch it out for you to see. After I stretch it out, the head will be obvious."

 A group of servants:…!

 Save me, who will save us?

I usually feel scared when I look at earthworms, but now I have to stretch them out and spread them out in front of everyone.


 Princess Qi’s complexion is not very good-looking either.

Although toads were in the forefront a few years ago, today's earthworms are indeed nothing.

 But molluscs, when they expand and contract, they still feel slightly cool and sticky to the touch...

 Can’t think about it anymore.

 Thinking about it further, I completely lost my appetite for dinner.

Princess Qi wanted to persuade the two children to stop playing and wash their hands and eat first. Listening to the noise in the front yard, the other young masters should have returned.

Before she opened her mouth, she heard Shaoyao coming over and saying in a knotted voice: "Princess, sir, the eldest lady also gave Concubine Ren a box."

Princess Qi:? ? !

  Second update

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