Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives

Chapter 156: A school open to both men and women

Chapter 156 A school where both men and women can go

 The medicated bath that I take every night every year is newly prescribed by Dr. Liu. It nourishes and removes scars.

 Aunt Xiang carefully followed the proportions and mixed the warm water with her before letting Suisui sit in the tub.

 It took about a stick of incense to soak, and I added water a few times in the middle, otherwise it would get cold easily when the water gets cold.

 Let’s get sleepy with every passing year.

How effective it is at removing scars? You won’t be able to see it after just one soak.

 But after taking a dip, I felt really comfortable.

 After cleaning up at Suisui, I was carried back to bed by Aunt Xiang.

Princess Qi was worried. After ordering all the things she needed to prepare for offering incense tomorrow, she came over to take a look.

Seeing that the little girl was so sleepy that she couldn't even open her eyes, Princess Qi patted her gently: "Go to sleep, go to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow to burn incense."

There is nothing else going on recently. Princess Qi’s plan is to stay at Lanruo Temple for a few days after going to offer incense.

 What they want is for the child to grow up healthily and happily, not to wake her up in the middle of the night to listen to stories.

Suisui sat on the bed, put his hands on his legs, and whispered, "I don't!" 】

The system responded quickly [Yes, do you want to hear a story in Sui Sui? Or sleep well? 】

Suisui quickly fell asleep. Princess Qi took pictures for a while longer before getting up and leaving.

 With every passing year, under the pats of my mother and concubine, my mind becomes more and more heavy.


   I really didn’t wake up, and it was still responding after I forced it on.

It’s not yet midnight, so it’s still today.

It's coaxing also coaxed out the little girl's stubbornness.

  I went to the clean room in a daze. After I came back, I sat on the bed and reacted for a while, and then asked vaguely, "Lele, haven't I heard the story yet?" 】

 After asking Aunt Xiang about the items she had prepared for Suisui, and knowing that there was no problem, Princess Qi stood up and left.

 Maybe I went to bed too early and woke up in the middle of the night.

However, living well and sleeping well is what the system wants to see.

Even if I didn’t hear the story yesterday.

Suisui didn't react. He sat there in silence for a while, and then said "What?" 】

The system wanted to laugh a little, but was afraid of hurting the child's self-esteem. In the end, it just coaxed softly: "Go to sleep, go to sleep." 】


 So, if you want to rock the sleeper, you can do it.

The system also made no sound.

 So, it’s good to be able to sleep peacefully.

 Children’s thoughts are sometimes easy to understand, but also difficult to understand.

 The system thought about it for a while and then asked her "Want to hear a story?" 】

 Sui Sui nodded obediently【Yes, yes. 】

 She wants to listen every year, and the system must satisfy her.

 The system shakes people very quickly.

 Today, another beautiful aunt is here to tell a story.

 For Suisui, the aunts are all very beautiful.

The name on the opponent's head made the system stunned for a moment.

 Deng Sui.

 Historical celebrities!

 Women who can assist the king and manage political affairs are generally not too simple.

The system is not sure what kind of story the other party will tell Sui Sui.

It can’t interrupt too much, so it can only watch from the side.

 When Suisui saw someone, he would already say hello with a smile: "Hello, aunt."

She was a little awake and forced herself to listen to the story.

She thought that her mother-in-law and brothers were very happy because she gave earthworms as a gift today. When she saves a few stories and tells them to her mother-in-law and brothers, they will definitely be happier!

This is the real reason why the little girl woke up in the middle of the night.

 In other words, Suisi's sleep was not stable from the beginning. She had made up her mind early in the morning and wanted to get up and listen to a story.

For this reason, she drank an extra glass of water after taking a bath.

Deng Sui accepted new things quickly. After knowing the rules, he looked down and saw a round little head with a light layer of green stubble on it.

 Where is this child’s hair?

Deng Sui was confused, but she was afraid that these things would touch the child's sadness, so she didn't ask any more questions, but calmed down and asked Suisui [Hello Suisui, what story do you want to hear? Auntie will tell you. 】

Deng Sui, who hasn’t coaxed a child for a long time, is still a little unaccustomed to it.

Suisui actually didn't know what to listen to, so he could only follow his heart and said: "I want to tell a story to my mother, concubine and brothers. What kind of story should I tell?" 】

 Deng Sui's life was full of ups and downs but also wonderful.

 There are many things involved in the process.

 At first I asked her to talk, she didn’t know which paragraph to choose.

After thinking about it for a while, Deng Sui slowly said, "Auntie, let me tell you about the school. The girl's family still needs to learn some knowledge, otherwise..."

How can she manage the entire country if she can't read a word?

 So, you still need to read more.

 Sui Sui naturally knows that reading is a good thing.

 So, when her aunt said something, she sat there obediently and listened like an obedient primary school student.

 It’s just that I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn’t sleep well.

 So, after listening to it for a while, I started to feel sleepy.

 The little head is little by little.

 I fell asleep completely after a while.

Deng Sui spoke quite energetically, but she did not start with reading and literacy.

 She talked about the current climate and the status of men and women, and finally talked about the fact that both men and women can go to school.

 Unfortunately, at this time, Suisui had already fallen asleep in a daze.

 Furthermore, even if he hadn’t slept, Suisui might not really understand.

 After all, the mother-in-law promised her that she could go to elementary school after her health was restored.

 The difficulties of not going to school year after year have to be faced, so naturally one does not understand the difficulties involved.

 Looking at the little girl's head moving little by little, Deng Sui showed a loving smile.

  She didn’t know how much the children would listen to what she said.

She didn’t know whether her words would have any impact on this child or this era.

However, she still tried her best to say everything she could and should say.

 On the second day of the year, I was called to Auntie Xiang.

 When I got up, it was just Yin Shi.

 The gates of the capital will be opened at the Yin time.

 Therefore, they had to get up early and set out when it was dark.

Lanruo Temple is farther away, and you still have to walk for a while after leaving the city.

After a long and leisurely journey, it was not too early to arrive at Lanruo Temple.

 In order to rush for time, we can only start early.

 Although Suisui hasn't slept in recently, she hasn't gotten up so early either.

The whole person was confused when she was called to her aunt. She subconsciously stretched out her hand to put on her clothes and then wash herself.

 There was not enough time to eat the morning meal, and the soup was too watery, so we had to consider convenience issues on the way.

 So, what Princess Qi meant was to bring some snacks and the like and eat them on the way.

The young masters have to attend classes every day, and Princess Qi is not prepared to take them there.

 Moreover, today passed mainly for the sake of Sui Sui.


After Feng Xuanrui and the others found out last night, they really wanted to follow.

However, Princess Qi didn’t take it with her. When she thought about being punished by Master Shen after skipping class, everyone shrank back and behaved.

  Second update at 19:00

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