Chapter 161 Gifts from Nature

 Sui Sui slept very deeply and well this night.

 Perhaps it’s because children don’t have any worries, so they have a simple mind and sleep soundly.

Even though Tang Lingheng made such a noise outside that the pilgrims complained, he didn't wake up Suisui.

 The first time he woke up, he didn’t see his mother and concubine. Suisui flattened his mouth unhappily.

 Xiang Gugu quickly put down what she was doing and immediately went to coax the little girl.

 Aunt Xiang’s hand felt warm when I clapped it, Suisi wasn’t particularly sad, and he got better soon.

Hearing the footsteps outside and smelling the familiar fragrance approaching, Suisui poked his little head out from the side of his aunt. When he found out it was the mother-in-law, he jumped to the ground happily: "Mother-in-law!"

 The child's voice contained undisguised joy.

After Princess Qi heard this, she felt much better instantly.

She walked over very quickly, caught Suisui, and happily said to her: "My mother is here, good boy."

Tang Lingheng was making a lot of noise, and Princess Qi only felt annoyed when she heard it.

 However, if Sui Sui was noisy, Princess Qi felt that she would most likely feel relieved.

Her children are bold enough to make noises.

 What a great thing!

 When I woke up, I didn’t see my mother-in-law. I stayed with my mother-in-law for a while, and then I was carried by my mother-in-law to drink water.

As Princess Qi walked away, she smiled and said to Suisui: "Aunt Qiu has cooked longan, red dates and cherry sweet tea for you. You can drink it later and see if it tastes good? If there is anything you like, you can ask Aunt Xiang to add it for you. "

Longans and cherries are both very good things.

Moreover, I never had the chance to eat it before.

Now that I hear cherries, I think about the texture and taste of cherries yesterday, and I can’t help but swallow my saliva.

Feeling the little girl's greed, Princess Qi gently touched the side of the little girl's face and said with a smile: "When the time comes, my concubine will drink with Suisui, okay?"

Suisui nodded obediently, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Concubine, please drink more!"

 Children’s words are the most innocent and the most coaxing.

 Princess Qi smiled so hard that her teeth could not be seen.

 The two of them quickly drank sweet tea.

Sweet tea is based on black plum and osmanthus, with longan, red dates and dried cherries added.

The taste is quite sweet, and most of the things added are nourishing.

 Dried cherries are the kind that are dried and taste quite chewy.

 Princess Qi was quite nervous yesterday when she learned that cherries were the only trees that grew from cherries.

Now that she has probably asked for a fortune, her heart is at peace, and Princess Qi is finally in the mood to appreciate the gifts of nature from spring and summer.

Princess Qi took a few sips before turning her head to look at Suisui sitting next to her: "Does it taste good?"

 For children, sweet things are of course the best to drink!

 So, when the concubine asked, Suisui nodded heavily: "It tastes good, concubine."

The way the little girl nodded was also very cute. Princess Qi couldn't help but want to raise her hand to touch it.

The couple drank scented tea for a while, then got up and went out, preparing to go on to listen to the scriptures.

As soon as I went out, I saw a lot of young novice monks walking towards the back mountain with their tools.

 Many pilgrims, also carrying similar tools, followed.

This made Princess Qi quite curious. She couldn't help turning her head and asked Aunt Qiu softly: "What's going on?"

Aunt Qiu replied softly: "I said I went to the back mountain to dig wild vegetables. Spring is when wild vegetables and herbs are most abundant. There are many resources in the back mountain, so all the young masters went there. I heard that some of them wanted to experience it." For the sake of safety, pilgrims are only allowed to stay in this area of ​​the circle, and only the young masters can go further away. "

 Young masters, even the worst ones have a good foundation in kung fu.

Moreover, they all walk together in groups.

 Even if they do encounter wild animals, they can still cope with them for a while. But the pilgrims who come here are hard to say.

Especially among them there are some young ladies from wealthy families, and they are not very old. If something happens, the temple may be in big trouble.

However, there is a piece of land enclosed in the mountain behind the temple, where vegetables and various fruits are grown.

There are a lot of wild vegetables growing in that area, which is enough for many people to dig.

 Potherbaceous vegetables?

 Princess Qi has actually eaten it too.

 Some of them taste good, and the chef’s skills are good and they are well handled.

 Sometimes, catch the season and eat something fresh.

 For them, it is just something to adjust the taste, but for many ordinary people, it is a very precious food given by nature.

Princess Qi had no idea about digging wild vegetables. She stood and watched for a while and found that many people were quite happy.

 Especially for some children, this may be their first time experiencing such a life.

 So, I am very active and want to jump directly from one end of the grass to the other.

 As for digging wild vegetables?

 They dug that thing?

 They prefer to play close to nature.

 Watching the group of children having fun, Princess Qi was thoughtful.

She thought: Would Suisui like to play like this?

 Children prefer the outside world and the excitement outside.

Princess Qi did not make a decision directly on her own. Instead, she lowered her head and asked Suisui: "Suisui, do you want to dig wild vegetables with us?"

  I dug wild vegetables every year.

 If she didn’t dig up the roots of wild vegetables, she would have starved to death long ago.

  At this time, when the mother-in-law asked, she actually didn’t really want to go.

 It’s not that she doesn’t like working.

 Just digging wild vegetables reminds her of the difficult and difficult life in the past.

 Sui Sui has been telling myself that all that has passed.

 She now has a mother-in-law, a brother, and a family.

 Life is getting better, and I am no longer as miserable as before.

 However, if the mother and concubine wanted to go, Suisui would be willing to go against her wishes and accompany her.

 The mother-in-law is happy, which is more important than anything else.

Thinking of this, Suisui asked softly: "Does the concubine like to eat wild vegetables?"

 Do you like to eat?

 When I eat fresh food occasionally, I think it’s okay.

 But do you eat it often?

forget it.

 Some of the taste is really not particularly good, although Dr. Liu said that the medicinal effect is not bad.

However, Princess Qi thought, she was not sick, so why would she eat wild vegetables when she had nothing to do?

Princess Qi didn't like it, and she didn't hide it. She chose to tell the truth: "I don't like it very much. I eat fresh food occasionally."

Hearing that the mother-in-law said she didn't like it, Sui Sui could finally relax. She shook her little head gently: "Then don't go, mother-in-law. It's very tiring to dig wild vegetables, and it's also very sunny. It doesn’t taste good, it’s a bit bitter.”

 Princess Qi had only wanted to let her children play with peace of mind.

At this moment, after listening to Suisui's words, I suddenly realized what kind of life a child used to live.

 She almost unintentionally brought back the memories of her past life!

Thinking of this, Princess Qi took a deep breath, and was about to comfort Suisui, and then take her child to listen to the scriptures, when she heard a gentle voice from behind: "Your Majesty, Princess."

  Second update

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