Chapter 165 He Shuran

Tang Youqing screamed so miserably.

Even though Princess Qi and Sui Sui were far away from the living room of the Tang family, they could still hear clearly.

Seeing that Suisui was frightened, Princess Qi hurriedly picked up the child, patted her gently, put her forehead against Suisui's, and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my mother and concubine are here."

Aunt Qiu has already asked Haitang to go out and inquire about the news.

Screaming so miserably, maybe something happened.

If the situation is not right, they have to send someone to the ward to give a signal.

Although we had a bit of a quarrel in the past that was not very good-looking, we still have to have social interactions in the future.

 The world of children does not hold grudges.

 I won’t play with you now. Maybe it will be fine soon and we can still hold hands and be friends.

 The adult world is full of grudges.

 However, you have to pretend that you don’t hold grudges. Sometimes, you even have to pretend that nothing happened.

 It’s tiring to say it’s tiring, but that’s just the way the world is.

 It’s not black and white, it can also be arbitrary.

There are always some helpless and helpless things happening.

Mrs. He and He Shuran lived in the outer room of Huizijian, some distance away from Suisui.

The two women had just returned, freshened up briefly, and were about to have some refreshments and see what the evening meal would be.

Hearing this scream, He Shuran turned pale with fright, and Mrs. He was also frightened.

The two mothers hugged each other and comforted each other for a while, and then sent someone to check on the situation.

Mrs. He was worried. After comforting He Shuran, she took the child's hand and prepared to come to Princess Qi to have a look.

When Mrs. He brought He Shuran over, Sui Sui had already been comforted and was sitting down to have a drink.

Today Aunt Qiu made ginger, date and tangerine peel tea, and added mint to enhance the flavor.

 The tea is made with tangerine peel as a base, and a slightly bright tea soup is made, and then ginger, dates, and mint are added to cook together.

 It is not the season for mint to mature, so there is no fresh mint for the time being.

If it is fresh mint, you can wait until the tea is brewed and then add two leaves to garnish and enhance the freshness. It will also taste refreshing.

If you feel that today’s tea is too light, you can also add chopped peanuts and dried longan.

Considering Suisui’s health issues, Aunt Xiang finally added two dried longans to the tea cup.

 Not for the taste, just for chewing it dry after age.

 The snack is prepared with five-spice cake.

I reminded my aunt in a low voice that there was glutinous rice in it, so just eat less to satisfy your craving, don’t be greedy for too much.

Suisui is an obedient child. Although he was frightened before, after being coaxed by his mother and concubine, he sat there obediently and pushed a cup of poured tea in front of his mother and concubine.

 She took the next one obediently.

Before the two of them could drink, Mrs. He came over with He Shuran.

Princess Qi pressed Suisui's hand and signaled her not to move. She stood up and welcomed the people in: "You are here at the right time. The tea is just in time. They are all hot. Come in and sit down."

Princess Qi had a good impression of Mrs. He, so she greeted her with a smile.

He Fu was a little embarrassed and waved his hands to refuse, but Princess Qi enthusiastically took her in.

Mrs. He had no choice but to hold He Shuran's hand and come in. She didn't forget to show concern during the process: "Are you scared? I don't know what happened over there. The sound was very sad, but don't let anything big happen." Son."

 Because He Shuran was in poor health, Mrs. He would take her children to Lanruo Temple to stay for a while every spring.

It can be as short as three to five days, as long as seven days or even half a month. If something unexpected happened, it would be hard for her to live here with her children.

 It's just that Mrs. He always felt panicked when she prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha without sincerity.

 She came over to ask Princess Qi, one out of concern and the other for peace of mind.

As Mrs. Qi led the couple inside, she responded with a smile: "I guess it's not a big deal, it's just children playing around. I've already asked someone to inquire about it. I think we'll find out in a while. Don't think too much, just go inside first." Sit down."

The fasting room is small, and when there are many people, it is easy to get overwhelmed.

He glanced at Auntie Auntie and Auntie Qiu, and then left.

At this time, there was only Aunt Qiu who was still waiting nearby on Princess Qi's side.

Mrs. He only brought one servant with her.

 Sui Sui saw her beautiful aunt and sister coming in. She jumped off the chair and reached out to He Shuran: "Sister Shuran."

He Shuran smiled shyly and stretched out his hand shyly.

 When Suisui held his hand, He Shuran's ears turned red, and he was embarrassed to move forward.

When Mrs. He saw that her girl liked her, she encouraged her softly: "If you like my sister, you have to express it bravely, otherwise how will your sister know that you like her?"

After Mrs. He and Princess Qi separated, He Shuran whispered: "Mother, I like Suisui."

Sui Sui is not like other children who think that she is not in good health and cannot play with her, and that she is a burden.

Even if two people haven’t been together for long, who can say for sure about fate?

 It was rare for He Shuran to express his love, and Mrs. He was excited and happy.

 Now that I see that my child is shy about expressing himself and even hesitates to extend his hand for a long time, I naturally want to encourage him.

 After hearing what her mother said, He Shuran breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head and gave Suisui a shy smile.

 After laughing, He Shuran blushed before Sui Sui said anything.

Sui Sui saw her sister smiling, her eyes as crooked as the newly rising crescent moon. She couldn't help but laugh too: "Sister Shu Ran, you look so pretty when you smile!"

From Suisui's point of view, He Shuran and Liu Hemeng are two completely different sisters.

 Sister Mengmeng is the kind of brave sister who can take her sister to the sky.

Sister Shu Ran is a weak, helpless and good-looking sister who needs to be taken care of by herself.

 Sui Sui has been feeling that he is a greedy child recently.

 Because she wants both of her sisters.

 Sister Qiaoqiao is also very nice, but she always likes to scratch her chin.

Although Suisui also likes it, it always feels weird.

 After being praised by Suisui, He Shuran's face, which had just returned to normal color, turned red again.

  She felt that she could no longer speak or leave. Her feet seemed to be knotted in place.

She wanted to say something, Suisui, you look good too.

Unfortunately, when the words came to my mouth, my tongue seemed to be sealed by my mouth, and I couldn't spit out a word.

He Shuran was so anxious that his eyes were red.

 Suisui was not in a hurry. He stopped, tilted his head, and looked at He Shuran in confusion. He didn't urge or ask, and just stood there waiting obediently.

Although He Shuran is sickly and weak, he is still two years older than Suisui, so he is slightly taller than Suisui.

 As soon as she lowered her eyes, she could see Suisui looking at her.

This made He Shuran feel anxious and sweet at the same time.

  Second update

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