Chapter 20 I want to be sick for my brother

 After King Qing and Doctor Liu returned, they carefully cleaned up the two children and put them to sleep.

The adults simply cleaned up the mess, and then asked the people below to clean up the mess in the post house.

  King Qing still needs to deal with the bandits, so he can't sleep for the time being.

Doctor Liu had to keep an eye on these two children, for fear that they would catch cold and get hot again.

 In short, except for the two children who slept soundly, the others were unable to rest for the time being.

When the prefect of Qingzhou heard the news, he rolled out of bed in the middle of the night and rode over to ask about the situation.

Prefect Sun was not an incompetent person, but he just had no way to deal with the rampant bandits, so he reported it to the imperial court.

 These matters can be handled by King Qing, and Doctor Liu does not need to worry about them.

He is now afraid that his two children will get sick!

  Whether you are frightened or caught cold, you are too easy to get sick.

 So, he repeatedly warned Dijiao and Diyu: "Be sure to keep an eye on them and touch their heads from time to time."

It was almost dawn when they finished their work.

When everything finally calmed down, the sky was already showing the white color of fish belly.

Doctor Liu got up and stretched his old arms and legs. Just as he was about to go back and rest for a while, he heard Diyu said urgently: "Master, Mr. Six has a fever!"

Upon hearing this, Doctor Liu hurried over and touched Feng Xuanrui's forehead. It was indeed a little hot.

He was worried and touched Suisui again. He found that the temperature on the little girl's forehead was normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Doctor Liu quickly asked Qingshan to carry Feng Xuanrui back to his room and put him back on the soft bed. Then he asked Dijiao to boil the medicine, and Sanguinea sat there to help change the handkerchief from time to time and perform physical cooling.

 When Suisui woke up, it was almost noon.

When I got up, I was still a little confused.

Diyu was taking care of her. Seeing that the little girl was awake, he smiled and asked, "Are you awake in Suisui? Are you hungry?"

Hearing him ask this, Sui Sui subconsciously touched his stomach. It was indeed very empty.

However, Suisui was not in a hurry to talk about dinner. She looked around and did not see her brother on the couch. She asked uneasily: "Brother Diyu, where is my brother?"

Diyu dressed Suisui and whispered back: "Sixth Young Master is sick, and Master and the others are taking care of him."

As soon as I heard that Feng Xuanrui was ill, I was so anxious that I was ready to run into the fields without even wearing my shoes: "I'll go take a look!"

Diyu was startled, and then she reacted and pulled the child back: "Oh, put your shoes on quickly, if you get sick again, we will be really panicked!"

Sui Sui also knows that he cannot get sick, he cannot hold him back, and he cannot cause trouble to others.

 So, I put on my shoes in a hurry and trotted to find my brother.

 She walked slowly and walked for a long time before arriving at Fengxuanrui's house.

Feng Xuanrui had a fever in the morning, and then he was given medicine and it went down, and then it returned again.

This morning, I felt hot and then subsided.

 It gave Dr. Liu and the others a lot of trouble.

 Qingshan is still helping to cool down the physics at the moment, because the temperature has risen again.

Feng Xuanrui woke up once in the middle, grunting and grunting because of the discomfort, and couldn't even eat.

 But if he was given medicine directly without eating, Doctor Liu was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

 In the end, after coaxing and deceiving, I finally had a few mouthfuls of porridge. I had given him medicine in the morning, but he couldn’t give it any more now, for fear that his body wouldn’t be able to bear it, so he could only cool down physically first.

 When Sui Sui came over, what he saw was Feng Xuanrui, whose face was red with fever.

The little boy was half asleep and half awake, groaning uncomfortably.

 Looking at this scene, Suisui's eye circles turned red.

She trotted all the way over and came to Feng Xuanrui's bedside, tears falling down.

She didn't say anything, she just stood there and looked at her brother.

Doctor Liu hurriedly reassured her: "It's okay, I'm just a little feverish. I'll be fine after taking some medicine and eating something. Don't worry about it."

 Last night, the conditions of the two children were similar. They were still sick before the age of 18 and were not getting well.

 However, it was Feng Xuanrui who fell ill in the end.

 At first Dr. Liu was surprised, but then he thought about what he had experienced in Sui Sui's past, and he vaguely understood it.

If you are not in good health and your life is not strong enough, you may die 800 times early.

Thinking about it, I don’t know whether to admire this child or feel sorry for him.

After hearing what Dr. Liu said, Sui Sui turned his head and pursed his mouth tightly, fearing that he would cry loudly and scare his brother.

 After sipping for a long time, holding back tears, Suisui asked in a trembling voice: "Grandpa Liu, is my brother feeling uncomfortable?"

After asking, he looked away again, lowered his head, and said in a small voice: "I don't want my brother to feel uncomfortable. It would be great if I could feel uncomfortable for him."

Feng Xuanrui had just woken up in a daze. After hearing this, his first reaction was to refuse: "How can that be done? I am your brother, so I have to hurt you!"

Hearing her brother's voice, Sui Sui's eyes suddenly lit up. She wanted to rush forward, but was afraid of crushing her brother, so she tried hard to restrain her movements and said in surprise: "Brother! Are you awake?"

Fengxuanrui's body was weak due to fever, and his legs still hurt, so he really didn't have much energy at the moment.

But he couldn’t see his sister being sad, so he raised his hand with strength and touched Sui Sui’s bald head: “Don’t worry, my brother’s body is as strong as a cow, very good!”

Probably it was the medicine I took in the morning, and it finally started to take effect.

Feng Xuanrui's fever was slowly receding, but he still had little strength. Doctor Liu looked carefully and felt for his pulse before he motioned to Qingshan: "Get some porridge for the Sixth Young Master, some millet porridge to nourish the stomach." ”

White rice porridge is slightly cold, but millet porridge is more nourishing due to its warm nature.

Qingshan responded and went to work, and Dijiao changed the veil on Feng Xuanrui's head.

Feng Xuanrui didn't have much strength, so he touched Suisui's head and lay back honestly.

Sui Sui was worried and sat obediently beside his bed. His eyes, as bright as grapes, landed on Feng Xuanrui right away. He was afraid that if he missed it for a second, his brother would feel uncomfortable again.

Feng Xuanrui felt his sister's gaze. He lay there without any strength, thinking to himself: It's great to have a sister!

If he gets sick at home, his stinky brother will just fart in front of him like a monkey, so who will care about him?

 After Feng Xuanrui drank the porridge, he fell asleep again.

 Suisui watched anxiously for a long time. Hearing Doctor Liu say that the fever has subsided, what needs to be done now is to keep an eye on it and don’t repeat it again and everything will be fine.

 Children are afraid that if they get sick and have a fever over and over again, other parts of the body may be easily burned out.

 Hearing Doctor Liu say everything is fine, Suisui is actually not too relieved and wants to stay on guard.

However, thinking about what my brother said before, setting up river lanterns is to pray for blessings, and I really want to bake a river lantern for my brother every year.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and asked Doctor Liu cautiously: "Grandpa Liu, I want to make a river lantern for my brother, is that okay?"

   Cute second update~



 (End of this chapter)

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