Chapter 201 The Tempted Concubine Meng

  Concubine Ren was reading a book with Sui Sui when the two concubines came over crying.

 After discovering that the child was illiterate, Concubine Ren's loving mother was moved.

So, she hugged Suisui and sat down by the window, opened the window a small crack, and flipped through the book while blowing the soft spring breeze.

 The concubine Ren's translation is the simplest surname of a hundred families.

 Read it word for word to Sui Sui. Read one sentence and ask Sui Sui to follow it.

  The word "Feng" is ranked very low in people's homes.

 It takes a long time to recite it before you can read the corresponding sentence: Yang Ju Xu Feng.

 The problem is, there are four words in total, and all four words look quite complicated.

 Today's word "Feng" is still written in traditional Chinese, with so many strokes!

 The word "raise" doesn't look simple at all. Among them, the word "xu" is actually the simplest one.

 But the sum of each stroke is not too small.

 After reading the book, I felt like my eyes were going dark again and again.

 Literacy is so difficult!

 Originally, she wanted to remember her brother's last name.

 As a result, I am now shrinking every year.

 She thought, she is still a child, it’s okay if she can’t read!

Just when I was struggling with whether to persist or not, I heard someone coming over crying.

The two brothers did not dare to come in directly. Instead, they stood outside the courtyard and began to sing and pray.

 These two people, one is from a troupe and the other is from the market.

Hearing the voices of these two people, Concubine Ren felt her head jerking.

 So, since the princess is not at home, you are here to torment me, right?

Concubine Ren had no choice but to leave Suisui to Aunt Xiang temporarily: "You play with Suisui first, and I'll go take a look."

 No matter how unwilling Concubine Ren is, she still needs to face and solve problems when they happen.

 The door of Concubine Ren's room was opened, and the windows were also fully opened.

Concubine Meng originally wanted to go out to play.

She made an appointment with her sister-in-law to go out to choose a birthday gift for her nephew.

Although the children are young, the family values ​​them, so I want to choose some thoughtful gifts.

 As a result, before people could go out, they heard the movement in Concubine Ren's room.

Concubine Meng still remembered the incident where the other party quietly ran away and left everything to her.

 Originally, Concubine Meng wanted to throw away her hands and leave.

 Don’t blame her for being heartless.

 Ren Xiu did this to her before.

 However, when Concubine Meng turned her head, she found Suisui following Aunt Xiang.

Concubine Meng couldn't help being curious and stopped again.

Concubine Meng’s first thought was to say hello to Suisui.

This little girl looks so cute, get close to her for a while and then leave.

 She was curious about this little girl last time and had such thoughts in mind.

 Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to take action directly.

Suisui spotted another familiar aunt and greeted her obediently: "Hello, beautiful aunt, I am Suisui."

 When a little girl praises someone, her eyes are clean and her expression is sincere.

It's not like some children say such auspicious words just to please adults and ask for things. In fact, there is no sincerity in their eyes, and they are purely perfunctory.

 Suisui seems to have been taught well by adults. When speaking, he will look at the other person's eyes seriously, and his words will appear to be sincere.

Concubine Meng liked it very much after just one look.

She thought that it was indeed a cute child that could be favored by a picky person like Ren Xiu. Moreover, the princess likes it too, so there will definitely be no problem with the child.

In this way, Concubine Meng also approached Suisui with peace of mind: "Hello Suisui, I am Aunt Meng."

As he spoke, he took off the tourmaline ring in his hand and put it into Suisui's purse.

Suisui was too embarrassed to accept it, but Concubine Meng pressed her hand and forced her to accept it: "Good boy, just keep it as a meeting gift from your aunt."

Aunt Meng held her tight and refused to move. She obeyed the other person's movements obediently and thanked her seriously: "Thank you, Aunt Meng. Aunt Meng may live a long life."

 The child's blessing was unexpected and strange.

After hearing this, Concubine Meng couldn't help laughing.

Everyone likes to hear auspicious words, and she is no exception.

Although Sui Sui’s words are a bit abrupt, it doesn’t matter.

Concubine Meng doesn’t choose the time if she likes it.

 She raised her hand and gently touched the small tassel on Suisui's hat: "Thank you Suisui. Auntie likes Suisui's blessings."

Hearing that Aunt Meng liked it, Suisui pursed her lips in embarrassment, lowered her head, and her ears turned red.

 Looking at the cute look of the little girl, the smile in Concubine Meng's eyes became even stronger.

She thought that Ren Xiu’s liking was really not unreasonable.

 This little girl is so fun to look at.

 Joyful and sincere.

 Cute and soft.

At this time, Che Lingzhi happened to come over.

 Seeing this child, Concubine Meng could not help but frown slightly.

  Sometimes, if there is no contrast, there will be no harm.

If we say that before seeing Che Lingzhi, Concubine Meng just thought Suisui was cute.

 After seeing Ganoderma lucidum, Concubine Meng thought: Isn't Sui Sui more cute?

 She is simply the most considerate child sent by God.

Who wouldn’t like the simplest and most innocent children who have not been polluted by the adult world?

 The two commoners are already having a headache at this moment.

Concubine Ren had a headache and asked one person to speak, while the other one kept interjecting. Apparently she didn't want the other person to speak too completely, or she was afraid that she would be a step too late.

Concubine Ren didn't want to hear it, so she just said a few words, so that the two of them could be honest for a while.

 However, it didn’t last long and it started again soon.

 Ren’s side concubine:…

 Destroy it!

This shabby concubine, I don’t want to be a concubine for a day anymore!

Seeing Ren Xiu deflated, Concubine Meng couldn't help but want to laugh, but she was afraid that the other party would find out and get angry. Finally, she thought about it, gently touched Sui Sui's head and said, "Sui Sui is good, aunt still has something to do." , I’ll bring you snacks from Su Ya Zhai when I get back.”

 Su Ya Zhai’s dim sum is light and delicious.

 The princess likes to eat very much. Concubine Meng will always bring some back to her when she goes out of the palace.

Now that she has one more child, she will choose a few more kinds, so that the child can eat them well.

Knowing that Aunt Meng had something to do, Suisui nodded hurriedly: "Auntie, go quickly and pay attention to safety."

After finishing speaking, he pursed his lips and watched Concubine Meng leave eagerly.

The sound of the two roommates quarreling over there was a little sharp and a little fierce, and Suisui was actually quite scared.

Even though Aunt Xiang is around, I am still afraid.

 Originally, with Concubine Meng by her side, she still had a sense of security.

Auntie's hand was very gentle. When she touched her tassel, the warmth of her palm was just close to Sui Sui's ear, which made Sui Sui feel more at ease.

At this time, the warmth left, and the little girl felt a little uneasy again.

Looking at the pitiful look of the little girl, Concubine Meng felt soft-hearted and asked her maid to go and talk to her sister-in-law. The agreed time would be later.

 Then, she stayed for the time being, gently picked up Suisui, and said with a smile: "Auntie, you are not in a hurry to go out for the time being. Can you stay with Suisui first?"

  Second update

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