Chapter 208 Concubine Meng returns home

While checking Suisui's condition, Dr. Liu motioned for Dijiao to write a prescription and waved his hand: "No need for the time being. Children with high fevers are prone to recurrence. Keep an eye on her and there shouldn't be any big problems."

 The last sentence, what Dr. Liu said was somewhat lacking in confidence.

 After all, there are many children in the capital who have died due to high fever.

Dr. Liu has dealt with this and has also encountered it.

 Sui Sui Sui like this...

 The situation seems to be okay for the time being, but I’m really not sure about it later.

However, Dr. Liu thought, he is a doctor and he has to be steady.

 If he gets confused, others will get even more confused.

Hearing from Dr. Liu that it was okay for the time being, Concubine Ren felt a little relieved.

Because Che Lingzhi came to the palace today, the concubines in each house were very calm and did not go out.

Even if you don’t understand the character of the Che family’s aunt and nephew at first, after meeting them a few times, everyone will have an idea.

 The character of these aunt and nephew is really hard to describe in words.

Especially Che Lingzhi, who has mastered the skill of taking advantage of the highs and lows at a young age.

When she first entered the house, the aunts in each house thought that she was just a little girl and gave her some greeting gifts to show her courtesy.

As a result, the gift was too heavy, and Che Lingzhi turned around and said that they were fools who had taken advantage of them.

 The gift was too light, and Che Lingzhi said he was poor and stingy.

 Although Che Lingzhi said this in front of Aunt Che, there weren't many people waiting around.

However, when Aunt Che first entered the palace, except for Qiaozhi, who was brought from her natal family, the other people serving her were all from the palace, so there were still cases where people were too talkative and lax.

 So, soon, the aunts in each house knew what happened to the aunt and nephew.

 They didn’t bother to pay attention to Che Lingzhi again.

 No, when they heard that the other party was here again today, the aunts in each house would rather stay in the house and not go out than go see her.

 If you give something as a gift, but you can’t get anything back from it, why bother?

They don’t have to please Aunt Che to live a good life.

To put it bluntly, everyone is a concubine, including the concubine who has a young master. Isn’t life better than that of Aunt Che when you first entered the house and seemed to be favored?

 Why are you flattering?

 At this moment, everyone was a little worried when they heard what Concubine Ren was doing.

After the messenger asked about the situation, Aunt Wen and Aunt Zhou came over quickly.

They have a son together, and compared to other concubines, they have more respect in the family.

Aunt Wen is not in very good health, has a gentle temperament, and usually does not have a high presence in the house.

If Aunt Zhou hadn't come looking for her, Aunt Wen would have been too embarrassed to go out.

Aunt Zhou feels quite guilty about Suisui because of what happened before.

So, now that I heard that the little girl was frightened and had developed a high fever, and the princess and the others were not at the house yet, they wanted to come and have a look, but were afraid that going out would make them too conspicuous, so they called Aunt Wen.

Aunt Wen thought that Xiao Si liked that child, and she was quite curious, so she simply cleaned up and came over.

Looking at the two of them coming over, Concubine Ren nodded lukewarmly, and then became concerned about the situation over at Suisui.

The new prescription had just been cooked and before it was poured down, Sui Sui began to talk nonsense, and Concubine Ren was so anxious that she was running around in circles.

 She had never served anyone before she got married or since she entered the palace.

 At the moment, there seems to be nothing else to do except running around.

For the time to change the Pakzi to cool down the year, there are ground peppers, and these soups are sent to the aunt. They do not need to do it in person.

 However, she was anxious and always wanted to find something to do. With this turn, she turned Aunt Wen, who was not in good health, until her eyes became dizzy.

 She couldn't bear it and found a place to sit down.

Aunt Zhou stood on tiptoe and looked inside. When she saw that the temperature was red, she couldn't help but murmured: "Why hasn't it come down yet? Is it because the medicine is not enough?"

 “Want to get ice?”

 “If it doesn’t work, just use ice?”


Aunt Zhou doesn’t know much about medicine either, so she can only whisper a few words based on her own superficial experience.

Concubine Ren was upset. When she heard Aunt Zhou talking about ice, her eyes lit up. She turned around and asked Doctor Liu, "Do you want ice?"

 Doctor Liu waved his hand: "No, the temperature difference is too big for children to bear."

After Concubine Ren heard this, she sighed in frustration: "Then what should I do if it still refuses to surrender?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the maid Xianglan hurried in from outside.

After the other party came in, he looked at the people in the room and hesitated to speak.

Concubine Ren was impatient at the moment and waved her hand at Xianglan: "If you have something to say, say it directly. What does it look like to be hesitant?"

Xianglan took a deep breath and said, "Concubine Meng is injured and has already arrived at the door. The concierge asked me to help call Doctor Liu."

Concubine Ren:?

 Aunt Wen and Aunt Zhou:?

 What is all this about?

 How come you’re still injured after a good trip out?

A few people were puzzled, and Concubine Ren was also worried. She lifted the hem of her skirt a little and walked out quickly: "I'll go take a look."

After walking a few steps, he felt uneasy and turned around to ask Dr. Liu: "Doctor Liu, give me an apprentice. I'll go and take a look at the situation over there."

  If the temperature here does not drop every year, how can Concubine Ren feel free to let Dr. Liu go?

Concubine Ren thought that she would go and check the situation first. If it was serious, she would send someone back to call Doctor Liu.

 Furthermore, after Concubine Meng came back, she also went back to her own house. The two people's houses were very close to each other.

Doctor Liu is actually in a difficult situation. The child here has a high fever and the concubine is still injured over there.

 Fortunately, Concubine Ren was in the middle to adjust the situation, and Dr. Liu's pressure was greatly reduced.

 He asked Diyu to follow him, but Dijiao was still changing her handkerchief.

Concubine Ren hurried out. Before she reached the front yard, she saw Concubine Meng being supported by everyone.

The other party was in a very bad state at this time. He looked embarrassed, his hair was half disheveled, and his face was as pale as a ghost.

Concubine Ren was startled by the other party's appearance. She took a breath and said hurriedly: "What's wrong with you? When you went out, weren't you fine? Just pick a gift and give it to yourself Is this the case?"

Hearing Concubine Ren's voice, Concubine Meng raised her head blankly, her eyes seeming to be a little out of focus.

After a long time, Concubine Meng finally recognized the person. She took two steps forward, hugged Concubine Ren fiercely, and cried loudly: "Ren Xiu, I almost died, wuwu!"

Concubine Meng cried loudly and aggrievedly.

The other person has a gentle temperament and rarely shows his emotions like this.

Concubine Ren was startled by her behavior. She raised her arm and patted the other party's back gently. After comforting her, she asked Aunt Tian who was following behind her: "Auntie, what's going on?"

Aunt Tian's face was also pale. When Concubine Ren asked, she swallowed, her face was filled with fear, and her voice was trembling: "Something happened to Su...Suyazhai!"

  Second update at 19:00

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