Chapter 234 The God of Andrologists

On the first day of my enlightenment, I successfully learned six words: In the beginning, human beings are inherently good.

 Can read but not write.

 It was Liu Hemeng and Shen Huatang who taught Suisui very carefully, but in the end they only learned one Chinese character.

 The problem is that as we get older, we have less energy.

 So, even if I wrote it, it would be crooked.

Even so, Feng Xuanrui and the others still praise Suisui's ugly character to the sky.

 “Wow, my sister is so awesome!”

“Yes, yes, it’s a word. The first time I wrote it, it was like a bug crawling around!”

 “My sister is the most amazing, she can already write!”


They boasted so much that they almost swelled with age.

Her herringbone character was still written in Shen Huatang's hand.

 When I write it myself...

  It is the kind where the brush is dragged across the paper twice, but the direction is still unclear.

Looking at the uglier handwriting he had written, Suisui put the pen back in panic.

 Scared to death Suisui!

  King Qi looked at the children with a loving face, especially the middle ones.

 He felt that it was indeed his child.

 Writing is always so ugly, hehe!

 At night, Suisui struggled to stay awake.

Even though the concubine herself held her and patted her, Sui Sui still remained somewhat sober.

 After Princess Qi left with peace of mind and Aunt Xiang turned off the light, she got up quietly after being called out by the system.

 【Lele, has the time passed? 】

  【No, don't worry, I'll rock you to sleep. 】

 After a cheerful conversation between one person and one person, the system brought in today’s sleep coaxer.

Today’s sleep comforter is...


The system looked at the [God of Male Doctors] on the opponent's head and fell into thinking.

I am still young and not noticed.

 But the system has discovered some problems through the perspective of Sui Sui.

That is…

  King Qi seems to have some physical problems.

After dinner today, Princess Qi urged the other party to take a medicinal bath.

Moreover, King Qi also drank a bowl of medicinal soup during dinner.

At that time, Feng Xuanrui was curious about what his father was eating, so he went over to smell it. After discovering that it smelled of medicine, he ran away quickly.

The child covered his nose and whispered: "Father, what are you drinking? It tastes weird."

King Qi didn't say anything, but his face didn't look good. Princess Qi smiled and said, "On a rainy day, your father's legs hurt, so the kitchen specially cooked a medicinal soup."

After listening to Princess Qi’s explanation, the system also specifically checked the ingredient ratio of the bowl of soup.

 Then I found out…

It is warming yang and nourishing the kidney.


Think again about Aunt Che who was taken away, and the female relatives in the house who were dismissed today.

The system seriously doubts that King Qi is likely to die?

 Perhaps he is middle-aged?

 Maybe it’s because Aunt Che did something?

 Data analysis shows that the proportion of these two possibilities is higher.

Otherwise, why would my good aunt still be arrested?

The system couldn't help but wonder if Suisui had a similar guess in his mind, so tonight, he had such a sleeper?

Of course, Suisui may not notice it, but...

 Having such thoughts in your subconscious mind, will it sometimes affect these?

 The system has seen every year of good luck.

Although he doesn’t understand, the child’s happiness is more important than anything else.

 Furthermore, Sui Sui has a father, queen, mother, and concubine who can protect her, and the system is not afraid of Sui Sui's good luck being discovered.

 Sui Sui didn’t know that the uncle who came tonight was a master of male medicine. She sat there obediently, ready to listen to the story.

Suisui may have some doubts about her father's affairs, but she doesn't understand.

 So, naturally I won’t say much at this time.

The issue is…

The male doctor is so devastated!

 Ask him to tell a story to a child?


 What story?

 The daily routine of andrology?

 He was afraid that the child’s outlook on life would be blown away!

The doctor is a non-marriage person. He is almost 40 this year. He has not married at all and is devoted to medicine.

 If you are not married, you will naturally not have children and you will not know how to raise them.


 He didn’t even have this chance!

He racked his brains, and then he finally remembered the story he had heard when he was a child.

  【How about I tell you a story about the ugly duckling. 】

Sui Sui always felt that she had heard this story before. She tilted her head and thought about it, then asked uncertainly: "Is it the story of an ugly duckling that turned into a white swan, married a prince, and gave birth to Cinderella?" 】

 Male doctor:? ? ?

 He took another uncertain look at Suisui's surroundings.

 Although it was night, he had system-supported lights and could clearly see the situation around him in a small area.

 So, this is ancient times?

 Have fairy tales already existed in ancient times?

And, it’s a **** mix of three stories?

  No, it shouldn’t be from ancient times.

 But before him, someone else had told it to children.

 So, don’t tell random stories to children.

 What is this about?

Does it make sense?

The doctor sighed sadly, then shook his head.

  【Forget it, no more stories, let me tell you some popular science so that you won't be deceived in the future. 】

 Men understand men better.

 Especially in an ancient world, it was even more unsafe.

The male doctor helped Suisui analyze the situation from an objective perspective, and then gave a lot of suggestions.

   【Before getting married, you must check their family's ancestors to see if there are any diseases. Even if it is just a few cases, pay more attention. 】

【As much as possible, men should not be allowed to take concubines, and it is best not to have maids who live in the same house. The risk factor of sharing items is high, so you must pay attention to it. You really can't use your status to pressure you! 】

  【Motherhood suffers from having many children, so be careful not to have too many children, pay attention to quality, not just quantity, and the interval must be kept at more than three years, so that the body can get better rest. 】


Suisui sat there with a blank look on his face.

 She thought: I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all!

 However, after her uncle spoke a few words, he would come and ask her if she understood?

 It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, remember?

 Sui Sui shook his head honestly.

Uncle was not impatient and continued to talk and repeated.

  Sui Sui:…!

 Mother concubine, help!

 But uncle is kind-hearted.

Suisui could only keep a serious face and listen as carefully as possible.

 At the end of the story, my uncle not only popularized science, but also gave Suisui a lot of precautions.

 For example, rest your body, practice more Tai Chi, Baduanjin, etc.

 Although Suisui didn't understand it, he tried hard to memorize it and asked Lele to help me remember it.

 How Suisui fell asleep in the end, she herself didn’t know.

 Anyway, there were a lot of things stuffed in my mind, so I fell asleep in a drowsy way.

 Looking at Suisui falling asleep, the doctor sighed.

  【Hey, I must have talked a lot, right? Is it considered comprehensive? 】

  【But today's medical conditions... are actually not suitable for giving birth to children, especially since she is very cold and has a small frame. She will probably suffer when giving birth to children in the future. 】


  Second update at 19:00

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