Chapter 243 Returning home injured

Aunt Guo is pregnant and will soon be three months old. Doctor Liu also said that she is pregnant.

Princess Qi turned her head and made arrangements. Those who serve in Aunt Guo's house should be rewarded.

 The corresponding soup replenishment and the like in the kitchen must also be arranged.

In other courts, those who should be given instructions must also make arrangements to avoid uninformed collisions with others.

At this time, Princess Qi felt that it would be good to have Aunt Che take care of her first.

It just so happened that through her affairs, the concubines with bad temperaments in recent years were dealt with, and the backyard was suddenly clean.

It also saves Aunt Guo from having to worry about having a baby in the future.

 Before the prince was obsessed with giving birth to a daughter, the female family members in the backyard were all normal. No one had any ill intentions towards the pregnant woman, and there was no such thing as secret frame-up.

 However, Princess Qi really cannot guarantee that the concubines who have entered the hospital in recent years have no bad intentions.

 Fortunately, the cleaning is almost done now, and there are only three or two kittens left. Aunt Che and Aunt Su have matters ahead of them, so they probably won't be able to cause any trouble.

 However, it is still important to be vigilant.

 If nothing else happens, this may be the last child of the prince.

 After something like this happened, having another child would be a comfort to the prince.

Princess Qi thought that if the child could be delivered smoothly, it would be the best outcome.

Princess Qi has been busy all morning, and she has not forgotten her promise to celebrate the New Year.

 At noon, I have to pick her up.

Princess Qi came over early, for fear of disturbing the children, so she quietly stood in the corridor and watched Suisui shaking her head and following Master Shen in reading.

Suisui actually didn’t understand what Master Shen was talking about, but children’s learning ability is still very strong.

 Don’t worry about whether your pronunciation is accurate, but the way you shake your head and your voice in a high voice makes you look lively and energetic.

The sound of reading loudly makes people feel softer in their hearts.

Princess Qi thought that it would be best if her life could be as stable and smooth as it is now.

 So, she has to live a long time to better protect this child!

Of course, so does the prince.

 Looking back, she had to ask Dr. Liu if there were any other nourishing medicinal foods for the prince to drink more.

At this time, Sui Sui has let go of himself, imitating Sister Mengmeng, shaking his head and reciting every sentence of Master Shen.

Some sentences are too long, and Sui Sui feels uncomfortable speaking, so I think about them, and then read them again silently in my mind.

 Slowly, I can start to read long sentences.

Shen Huatang listened on the side, very happy for Sui Sui, and kept encouraging her: "Sui Sui is amazing!"


 “As expected of Sui Sui!”


Shen Huatang's voice was not high, but his encouraging look was very good.

 Every year I am motivated, as if I have been given a shot of chicken blood. I am more energetic and my little head is raised high, like a little peacock that has been praised a lot.

Shen Huatang couldn't help but want to touch his head because of his cute appearance.

 The little head that is raised every year is so cute!

 So, I had to ask my mother to give her another sister.

 Brother or something...

 It stinks so much!

Shen Huatang thought secretly in his heart, and quietly approached Suisui with his hand.

 Feeling Sister Tangtang's little hand, Suisui naturally stretched out her hand.

 Two little girls were holding hands under the table.

Liu Hemeng was still reading loudly and did not notice that the two little sisters beside her were holding hands behind her back.

Princess Qi looked at it from a distance, unable to stop smiling.

During the lunch break, Sui Sui Sui Sui saw his mother-in-law from a distance. His eyes suddenly lit up, and he flew over like a baby swallow: "Mother-in-law!!" The little girl looked full of energy, Qi said. The princess felt relieved and relieved when she saw it.

She opened her arms, hugged the soft little girl and walked to the backyard.

Feng Xuanrui and the others were chasing after them, but they almost failed to catch up.

 Princess Qi wanted to have some alone time with her little daughter.

 It’s a pity that a few young gentlemen refused to give in at all.

Especially Feng Xuanrui shouted at the top of his lungs: "Concubine, wait for me, sister, my brother hasn't caught up yet!"

Princess Qi:…

  It is remarkable for you.

Feng Xuanbin is young and also barks along.

It was difficult for Liu Hemeng and the others to compete with Princess Qi, but they followed quickly.

Master Shen watched this scene not far away and couldn't help stroking his beard and laughing.

Doctor Liu watched from the side and nodded along.

Princess Qi went to the dining hall to play for a while with Sui Sui in her arms, and then King Qi came back.

As soon as he entered the house, Aunt Qiu got the news. She came back in a hurry and whispered: "Princess, the prince... came back injured."

Princess Qi:? ? ?

After hearing this, Princess Qi was stunned for a moment.

But thinking about the fact that the officials in the Xia Dynasty were full of martial virtue, I think it is understandable.

 It’s just…

The prince himself is not very good at martial arts and cannot easily fight with others. What happened today?

 Thinking about it again, it seems that Tuan Tan will be discussed in court this morning.

That is probably related to the annual rewards.

So, maybe the prince is trying to help Suisui gain benefits, right?

Thinking of this, Princess Qi handed over the years to Feng Xuanrui, got up and hurried forward.

Sui Sui didn't understand, so he wanted to follow, but Feng Xuanrui stopped him: "My mother is going to pick up my father. It's a long way, so we can just wait here."

 The child didn't hear Aunt Qiu's words, so naturally he didn't know that the prince was injured.

King Qi didn’t want to scare the children, so as soon as he came back, he walked to the east courtyard.

 He planned to go to Concubine Ren or Concubine Meng to clean up briefly and change his clothes before returning to the main courtyard to meet Suisui.

 Don’t scare his little darling!

 Although his head was only slightly broken, it had been taken care of while he was in the palace.

 But, no, it’s too messy and needs to be sorted out.

Princess Qi went to the front yard first. When she heard that the prince had gone to the east yard, she hurried over.

  King Qi went directly to Concubine Meng.

Concubine Ren had a bad temper, and King Qi felt that he was going to have to deal with a head injury, and he would inevitably be scolded by some strange words.

 So, he knew where he was going without even thinking.

The princess finally found someone in Concubine Meng.

 When she came over, King Qi had just changed his clothes.

When he saw the princess, King Qi chuckled twice: "I'll come over and change my clothes. Don't scare the child."

His previous clothes were torn and stained with blood, his jade pendant was broken, and there was a ring of cotton on his head.

At this time, he changed his clothes, which meant that he was no longer in a mess. His head looked quite scary, and he could faintly see the blood oozing out.

Looking at this scene, Princess Qi was startled. She frowned slightly and asked with confusion on her face: "...What's going on?"

  Second update

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