Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives

Chapter 250: How long is the sentence for stealing a child?

Chapter 250 How many years will be the sentence for stealing a child?

 The person who came to tell Suisui a story today is a very beautiful young lady.

 The little sister’s online name is: Heartless Auntie.

 It’s just that she herself…

 Estimated to be barely 20 years old.

 The system was quite sympathetic when it saw her.

 At a young age…


 No Ga?

Is the person still alive?

 The Lord God has become increasingly unreliable recently.

 The ruthless little aunt is...

 Anchor of agricultural science popularization usually does not have much fan traffic.

Her live broadcast is just a casual thing, and she doesn't expect to become famous or make money. Just treat it as a casual thing to help her rural cause and advertise.

The reason why I was brought here to tell the story this time is because...

 The Lord God felt that she was different from other little fairies.

 After all, other little fairies won’t stick their hands in cows’ buttocks to help them give birth…

 The Lord God felt that she was a different kind of firework. Even if the other party was a living person, he signed an agreement with her.

 Just by telling a story to a child, you can introduce several new varieties and new technologies, and the Lord God guarantees the survival rate.

Why don’t you do such a good thing?

The little aunt didn’t hesitate and signed and agreed directly.

 Then, just after falling asleep at night, the person wakes up again.

 When he opened his eyes again, what he saw was Sui Sui in the darkness, with big grape-black eyes, looking at her curiously.

 Little aunt:?

Although I am extremely affectionate, I cannot refuse cute pets or cute babies.

These eyes, this little face, this cuteness...

 The little aunt thought: Can I steal it?

This is not modern, and you can’t catch her if you steal it, right?

 The little aunt thought, my moral outlook is on the verge of collapse.

 Fortunately, Suisui spoke out curiously and broke her criminal thoughts [Hello, beautiful sister. 】

 Little aunt:…

 It was over, the soft and cute voice came directly with a decisive blow, and she wanted to steal it even more!


 She doesn’t want to get married, she just wants a child. What’s wrong with that?

 The Lord God is so powerful, what’s wrong with giving her a child?

Taking a step back, if the Lord God doesn’t want to give it, can’t she be shameless enough to ask for it?

 New varieties, new technologies, don’t bother with them.

 Can she be replaced by a child?

 The little aunt is already thinking.

But looking at her expectant eyes, the little aunt thought: Ah, I am guilty, I actually forgot to tell the story!

 Before she came here, she had memorized stories such as mermaids.

She usually broadcasts live and is the most slippery, but now isn't she in her ruling area?

 Come on, come on!

As a result, as soon as the story of the mermaid started to be told, Suisui blinked his big eyes and said innocently, "Sister, I heard it... In the end, the mermaid was fished out by Uncle Dongpo!" 】

After hearing this, the little aunt said with faint eyes: [...and then stewed it into braised fish? 】

Suisui thought about this question seriously, then nodded [It tastes pretty good. 】

 Little aunt:…

 What a cute little kid!

 Oh my God, how many years will she be sentenced to for stealing a child?

Can't she go to jail to atone for her crimes?

 But let her steal the child first!

 The little aunt in the past didn't feel much. After all, there are some naughty children who make you want to hit them eighteen times a second, but some children really want to be stolen away!

  For example, it is the years before us. The little aunt once again desperately sent a message to the Lord God [Can I really not have a child? I'm not greedy, just one, just call it Sui Sui! 】

 Lord God:?

The mermaid has heard it, what should she say?

 The ugly duckling?

 Sui Sui【...I've heard of it too. In the end, it turned into a swan and flew away, and was then buried in a big pit by Uncle Bai Qi. There were 400,000 children in it. 】

 Little aunt:?

Wu Anjun, is this how you explained your original entrapment and killing?

  Wow, Wow!

 You are not the master of Chunqiu calligraphy.

The little aunt felt that according to Bai Qi's explanation, she might be punished for stealing the child, not even jail!

 It’s a pity that she can’t find anyone now.

 Let’s tell the story honestly.

 Most of the fairy tales have been heard every year.

 Although it is often used in public, I have definitely heard it.

The little aunt didn’t think there was anything new, so she simply started to talk to Suisui about the postpartum care of sows, how to give birth to thirty treasures in one litter, and keep the baby healthy and long-term.

 How to deal with dystocia in cows and how to comfort calves after giving birth.

 After lambing, the processing of goat milk, the making of cheese, and the storage of dairy products.


 The little aunt thought, I can’t win in other fields.

 But in my field, no one else can take advantage.

 Sui Sui was not interested at first.

But I heard from the little aunt that one more cow will increase productivity. In today's ancient times, productivity is already low, so having more cows is a good thing!

Although sheep cannot plow the land, if the dairy products are properly stored, they can be used as energy supplements in winter. They are high-quality protein and are good for the body.

 Pig would be even better!

 Pork is the best fat.

 Don’t worry about red meat and white meat, it is good meat if it allows people to survive the winter safely!

 Horse production is even more important!

 It doesn’t matter whether it’s a war horse or an ordinary horse.

Each one is precious!

 Their production cycle is so long, so production matters must be paid special attention to.

 So, animal production is not important?

That's impossible!

 There is a lot of learning here!

  【Of course, just mastering the technology is not enough. The application of veterinary medicine also needs to be memorized. 】

Allicin, as the king of cost-effectiveness and the most easily available antibiotic in daily life, has an unshakable status. No matter whether humans or animals, they all need it! 】

[Actually, oxytetracycline is an indispensable drug for veterinary antibiotics. It is widely used in daily promotion, but... under your current conditions, how to extract it is a big problem... It is estimated that countless people will die if only the fermentation and culture step is carried out. , after all, you don’t study chemistry...ah, no, it’s not that you don’t study, it’s that you don’t go to the right place and study fireworks in the sky every day. Why don’t you study gunpowder to blast people? 】

[Gentamicin...forget it, you can't do it, and you are a child and can't remember it. I'd better tell you how to take care of it. This is well researched and it is quite useful. Take good care of it. Sometimes it's better than taking care of it. The medicine is easy to use. 】


  Suisui listened all night about the postpartum care of various poultry and livestock, as well as the treatment of difficult labor.

Although she didn’t understand it, the little girl was very happy to hear it.

 Whenever I hear something that interests me, I will still curiously ask "Really?" Really put your hand in? 】

   Can you really put your hand in? 】

  【It’s so miraculous, can humans do it too? 】


Although the little girl had many questions, the little aunt was not impatient and explained each item. [Of course you can. 】

When mammals give birth, the birth canal is open and the space is quite spacious. Otherwise, how could such a large cow or child be born? 】

  【Humans can do it too, otherwise what would you be doing in such a hurry when your mother-in-law is giving birth? 】

[It definitely hurts to put your hand in, but when I gave birth, I had already experienced the pain thousands of times. Later, the pain became numb, so it’s not a problem to put your hand in. But if it is an animal, remember to control your hooves well. If you lose control and kick it, Not good, especially cattle and horses. 】


  Second update at 19:00

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