Chapter 253 The Queen Mother

 Because it was a palace that had been requested in advance.

 So, the Queen Mother was ready early in the morning.

  A variety of snacks, tea and drinks were provided, all for the children.

 Hearing that King Qi and his family had entered the palace, the Queen Mother could not sit still.

She thought that she was not particularly looking forward to seeing the child Suisui, she was just curious.

After what happened to King Qi, the Queen Mother came to her senses a little when she was alone.

 Sui Sui this child...

 There is some good fortune in you.

Perhaps this is God's love for Han Ren, so he specially gave it to her youngest son.

It is also because of this that the Queen Mother is a little curious about Sui Sui.

Now that I can finally see it, I am naturally looking forward to it.

After a while, the palace people came to report that King Qi had come with the princess and the little princess.

The Queen Mother nodded to express that she knew, and ordered Aunt Xu to go out to greet him personally.

Aunt Xu smiled and welcomed King Qi and his family into the inner hall, while quietly observing Sui Sui.

 A very thin little girl with beautiful eyes.

The first time Aunt Xu saw the child, she felt that the child was too thin. The second time she saw it, she felt that the child was too thin.

 Smart and beautiful, pure and unsullied.

 Because these eyes were particularly beautiful and had a subtle sense of familiarity, Aunt Xu couldn't help but take a second look.

Suisui noticed that someone was looking at her, so she quietly raised her head and glanced at Aunt Xu's loving smile. Suisui also smiled obediently.

The mother and concubine said that after entering the palace, follow the mother and concubine closely. You don’t need to look too much. Everything will be arranged by the father and the mother.

Suisui was obedient and didn't look too much, but Aunt Xu's gaze was a little hot. She couldn't help but glance at it, smiled and then took it back.

she thinks…

The people around the imperial grandmother don’t seem to be very scary.

Last night, Seventh Brother scared her by saying that the imperial grandmother was very serious and the people around her looked scary.

 Seventh brother said that he was not willing to enter the palace anyway.

Suisui was still very nervous at the time, but now she felt a little more relaxed because of Aunt Xu's loving smile.

 The family of three quickly entered the inner hall.

The Queen Mother had been sitting there for a long time. After King Qi and others entered, they first bowed to the Queen Mother.

Suisui has been learning the rules from Aunt Xiang in the past few days, and has learned basic etiquette very well.

 Now, like my mother and concubine, I performed the squatting ceremony first.

 Then, at the signal of the mother-in-law, she knelt down obediently and saluted the Queen Mother: "I have seen the Queen Mother every year. I wish the Queen Mother to be safe and sound."

 She doesn't know many auspicious words every year, and Princess Qi doesn't want to make things difficult for her children.

 So, last night, I taught something simple.

She thought that the Queen Mother loved King Qi's young son and was relatively lenient to the people in her house.

In addition, Suisui comes from a poor background, so even if the rules are bad, he doesn't think too much about them.

 Princess Qi is reluctant to torment her children.

  While bowing obediently, the Queen Mother looked down at the little one right in front of her with her eyebrows lowered.

  It is a really small one.

 It feels like it’s not as big as Wangfu’s Xiao Qida.

Although the Queen Mother has not seen Feng Xuanbin for some days, she still has some impressions of this young son in the palace, who is very fat.

 He is not very old, but has a lot of meat. He is a lucky child.

Looking at Sui Sui now, he is as thin as paper. It feels like a gust of wind could blow the child away.

 These imbecile idiots! After cursing a few words in her heart, the Queen Mother tried her best to make her expression as kind as possible.

 However, she always likes to keep a serious face and maintain the majesty of the Queen Mother.

 Let her laugh now, the expression on her face is still a little stiff.

 In the end, he simply stopped smiling and raised his hand to signal: "Good boy, get up quickly."

Sui Sui thanked her obediently, and then got up. He wanted to see what the imperial grandmother looked like, but he didn't dare. He just followed the mother and concubine timidly, with his cute little head hanging slightly, not wanting to look at it at all. nor.

Looking at this scene, the Queen Mother sighed in her heart: This child used to be pitiful and timid.

However, as the princess of the royal palace in the future, such behavior is not acceptable.

Thinking of this, the Queen Mother waved: "Come here and let Grandmother Royal take a closer look."

 The Queen Mother's voice was low, and there was no hint of emotion or anger, and the expression on her face was also light.

Princess Qi guessed that she was not unhappy, so she patted Suisui on the shoulder reassuringly: "Sui Sui, hurry up."

 She patted Suisui on the shoulder to give the child some confidence and security.

 The mother-in-law is still here, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

 Even if it’s the concubine’s mother-in-law, it doesn’t matter.

 Sui Sui walked over obediently. During the process, he lowered his little head honestly and did not dare to look around at all.

King Qi looked distressed and wanted to say something, but he was afraid that his mother would be unhappy. He thought about it and held it back, staring at Suisui without turning his eyes.

 The Queen Mother:…

 What a fool!

She is the royal grandmother, is it possible that she can still eat the child?

She decided the child's title herself. Princesses don't get this treatment. Doesn't that explain the problem?

 The Queen Mother scolded her son a few times in her mind, feeling that she felt better. She adjusted her expression and managed a smile.

 Sui Sui came to the Queen Mother obediently, glanced up quietly with her big round eyes, and met the slightly serious phoenix eyes of the Queen Mother.

Suisui was a little scared, but she didn't feel any malice from the Queen Mother. She just subconsciously widened her eyes.

 The Queen Mother originally wanted to adjust her expression so that she didn't look so serious, so as not to scare the children when they met for the first time.

 As a result, the Queen Mother was stunned when she saw Shang Suisui's eyes.

These eyes…

 It looks so much like King Qi.

 No, you can’t say that.

 But like the late emperor!

 The eyes are exactly the same as those of the late emperor!

  King Qi’s eyes are the most like those of the late emperor.

  However, in the Queen Mother's opinion, after years of comparison, King Qi's eyes seemed to be only seven-pointed.

 The most similar thing is Suisui’s eyes.

As the late emperor grew older, his eyes were not as clear as when he was young, and the shape of his eyes was not as good-looking as when he was young.

However, the Queen Mother was the first wife who accompanied the late emperor from childhood to old age, so she naturally knew how smart and beautiful her eyes were when she was young.

 Originally, she thought that her youngest son’s eyes were enough to resemble the late emperor’s.

The late emperor himself said that King Qi’s eyes were most like his.

 But now, people who are more like them have appeared.

 Seeing these eyes, the Queen Mother even vaguely saw the appearance of the late Emperor when he was young.

Although, when the late emperor was old, he was in a coma for a few years and did a lot of stupid things.

However, the two of them got married when they were young, and their relationship has been extremely deep along the way.

Now seeing such eyes again, the Queen Mother was stunned subconsciously.

Suisui glanced quietly and found that the imperial grandmother was very serious. She was so frightened that she quietly lowered her head, pretending that she was not looking around, and called out in a low voice: "The imperial grandmother is well, I am Sui Sui."

  Second update

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