Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives

Chapter 258: The emperor's little thoughts

Chapter 258 The Emperor’s Little Thoughts

After hearing what the Queen Mother said, Princess Qi's heart skipped a beat.

 She has become more and more accustomed to sleeping with Suisui recently, but they suddenly separated this night...

 Let’s not talk about how Sui Sui is, Princess Qi feels that she is not used to it either!

 Furthermore, it’s not very good for children to change their living environment frequently at such a young age, right?

Children don’t know much, and the people around them are always changing. As time goes by, what if she starts to lose focus in order to prevent herself from being sad?

 Her treasure, she couldn’t bear to part with it!

The two couples were so nervous that they couldn't finish the meal. The Queen Mother looked at it, feeling both funny and angry.

 She is not trying to steal the child, she just likes Suisui and wants to stay over for a day or two!

However, the Queen Mother remembered that the eldest son of the Fuguo Palace would have a birthday ceremony in early May, and he would definitely have to go to Prince Qi's Palace by then.

 Since he was granted the title of princess in Sui Sui, he has not held a small banquet to publicly announce his identity, and has not socialized for the time being.

How can people get along without socializing in the capital?

The Queen Mother thought that this was a rare opportunity, so she could not really leave the child in the palace.


Looking at the puzzled and frightened expression on Suisui's face, she also knew that she had just become familiar with the child and the relationship between them was not that close yet. If she forced the child to stay in the palace, the child would probably be scared to death.

Thinking about it this way, the Queen Mother felt quite sad.

She admitted that a large part of the reason why she likes Sui Sui is actually because the sun has left, and she feels empty and wants to find some solace.

 However, the Queen Mother is still clear enough to distinguish between her daughter and her baby.

But forget it, the days are long.

 Let’s talk about it later when we get to know the child well.

The Queen Mother quickly waved her hand: "Forget it, the child is still young and can't live without his mother and concubine. I will follow you back home first."

As soon as these words came out, the originally tense atmosphere in the dining room relaxed a lot.

The emperor originally thought that if he stayed in the palace for a few days every year, and he would come over from time to time, maybe the children would not be so afraid of his uncle, the emperor?

 The emperor's love for princesses and princesses was not as crazy as King Qi's.

He has several princesses and many children, but his love for children is just that.

 Furthermore, the status of an emperor determines that the relationship between him and his children is not only about maintaining feelings, but also about interests.

 So, even if you like it, you cannot make too many preferences.

On the contrary, Suisui's status allowed the emperor to show a little bit of his fatherly heart.

 It’s a pity that we can’t stay overnight.

However, as the queen mother said, the days ahead are long.

In the future, when the child grows up and is able to live away from people for a while, it would be a good plan to take him to the palace to stay for a few days.

 One meal, everyone had a good meal.

Even the emperor, who was usually the least moody, ate a few more bites of food.

It was just a few bites. In order not to spoil the interest of the queen mother and younger brother, I took a few extra chopsticks.

  No matter how many there are, there will be none.

His status as emperor determines that even when he is around his closest relatives, he cannot completely relax. He can only relax a little so that his heart is not so tired.

 How other people are eating, Suisui doesn’t know.

 But she ate well.

 The meat in the palace is delicious, the vegetables are delicious, and the snacks are also delicious.

 Even the rice is delicious!

Seeing that Suisi was enjoying his meal, King Qi began to pester the emperor and wanted to ask for some tribute rice to go back to him.

 The rice in the palace is naturally different from that in Prince Qi’s Mansion.

 There is still some difference between the exclusive supply for the palace and the exclusive supply for the royal family.

 The ones in the palace are naturally the best.

 So, King Qi pestered him, and the emperor was used to his shamelessness, so he responded with a smile. Even if King Qi didn’t mention it, the emperor would still give it to him.

Thinking of the satisfied look on his face when he ate every year, the emperor felt that his appetite had improved a lot.

 The emperor is actually very curious about how he is favored by God and is blessed with good fortune every year.

I am also afraid that if I ask too many questions, the child will not be able to explain, and my brother will fall out with me again.

 So, after many attempts of patience, the emperor still did not ask what was on his lips.

 After eating, Suisui started to feel sleepy.

Looking at the little head nestled in Princess Qi's arms, the emperor smiled and said, "Uncle Huang, can you coax you to sleep, Suisui?"

 The emperor thought to himself, I can’t ask, why can’t I hug him?

A blessed child, he hugs more, maybe God is confused, and even with him?

 He actually doesn’t want to seek immortality. Of course, it would be best if he has a long lifespan.

 He just wanted to...

The succeeding king will be virtuous, the country will be stable, and the rivers and seas will be clear.

All right.

 The emperor admitted that he asked for quite a lot.

 If he had to choose more than one, he would choose...

 The country is stable.

 A stable country means that the successor is indeed very talented.

 Not only his prince, but also his descendants.

Suisui was confused when he heard Uncle Huang’s words.

Although I was still a little scared, Uncle Huang was not a bad person, so Suisui just looked at him blankly, and then his little eyes became blank again.

 Princess Qi knew at a glance that there was no unwilling child.

 She gave the child to Aunt Qiu, who in turn handed the child to the chief steward next to the emperor.

 After changing hands several times, Suisui finally came into the hands of the emperor.

 When he was held in his arms, Suisui softly called out: "Uncle Huang."

When the emperor heard this, he felt a little softer.

 He is a good boy.

You are so sleepy, you still remember to say hello to yourself.

The emperor raised his hand and patted Suisui's back gently: "Sleep peacefully, the emperor is watching over you."

 Suisui was indeed sleepy, and he didn't feel any malice from Uncle Huang, so he nestled obediently on his shoulder, his eyelids fell, and he fell asleep.

 The emperor felt the weight on his shoulders, and his heart actually felt a lot calmer.

 He raised his hand to hold Suisui gently, for fear that the child would fall.

The Queen Mother looked at him with eyes burning, and she was afraid that the emperor was not serious and would hurt the child again, so she whispered: "It's not comfortable to sleep like this, so take the child back to my room to sleep."

After finishing speaking, the Queen Mother quickly changed her words: "Go to the side hall, my room has not been tidied up yet, it smells like medicine, and children can't get used to it."

 Because of King Qi's incident, the Queen Mother suffered from stridor. She has been taking medicine to keep her warm in the past few days, so there is inevitably some smell in the house.

 The Queen Mother was also afraid that the children would not be used to it and would not be able to sleep well.

The emperor was reluctant to let go of the child, but if they spoke too loudly, it would scare the child.

 After thinking for a while, the emperor nodded and stood up.

 Looking at the meaning, he wanted to send the child there in person.

The Queen Mother didn’t stop her and asked Aunt Xu to lead the way.

  Second update at 19:00

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