Chapter 280 Appreciating Lotus

When Mrs. Sun heard this, she found that the eldest princess was not in the room, and her eyesight went dark again.

How come one is found and the other is lost?

Although Ms. Sun was unsure, she didn't panic and responded with a smile: "I'll go in and take a look first."

The eldest princess is no better than a child. She can't play too much and hide somewhere.

 Princess Qi was not particularly worried.

So, I quickly said goodbye to Mrs. Sun, and walked towards the lotus pond with Lu Xinglan.

 At the edge of the pond, there were many people gathered around, mostly children.

 Children like to be lively and watch new things.

This spring in Beijing is a little cool.

 Hence, plants such as lotus bloom later.

 Normally, it takes until mid-to-late May to bloom slowly.

It's only the beginning of the month and it's already open. Children are curious and want to take a look.

Feng Xuanrui was a popular young master in the capital and the second son of the royal family. Just by looking at this prefix, you can know his noble status.

 So, when many children see people, they come over to say hello with a smile.

When there are many people, it looks crowded.

However, everyone has a tacit agreement not to touch the adults too much, and only the children gather together and chatter.

Princess Shunyang was far away from them, and the servants circled a place to prevent others from getting close. Princess Shunyang could only sit there and enjoy the flowers with peace of mind.

Two of the servants, fearing that the sun would soon hit them, held up umbrellas and followed Princess Shunyang's movements.

The child couldn't sit still, running here and there again.

Princess Qi's eyes were looking at Princess Shunyang for a while, and she had already moved to several places. Two servants held umbrellas and chased her from one end to the other, and then from that end to this end.

Seeing this scene, Princess Qi was moved. She turned her head and said softly to Aunt Xiang: "Let's add two more people later and hold an umbrella for Suisui. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. Children are delicate, so we can't." Scorched the child."

 He nodded to his aunt and wanted to take the child, but Princess Qi refused: "I'll hold him for a while longer."

  Princess Qi held her in person and held her with her servants. In the eyes of outsiders, those were two different concepts.

 Whether one is favored or not, and how much one is favored, can all be observed through details.

 Therefore, Princess Qi should hug her for a while in front of others to let everyone know how much she values ​​and loves Sui Sui.

Suisui was curiously looking at the lotus flowers in the pond.

The lotuses in Lu Mansion are all as white as snow. Now that they have just begun to bloom, you can already see a hint of holy light.

The flowers are not blooming very much, but the lotus leaves are spread out very much, occupying almost half of the pond.

The overlapping layers of greenery look quite spectacular and are quite enjoyable to watch.

Suisui looked at these flowers very curiously and whispered: "We don't have any at home."

 Our home.

These four words sounded like fairy music to Princess Qi's ears.

 This represents a kind of recognition.

 Sui Sui has already identified with Prince Qi’s palace, her mother and Prince Qi’s father deep down in her heart!

Princess Qi felt that the nicest thing she heard today was nothing more than this.

She happily lifted the child up and said with a smile: "If you like it, Suisui, go back and let your father arrange it."

There are actually lotus flowers in the pond in the mansion, but there are not many of them.

 Actually, there were many in the past, but there were many children in the house and they were very naughty. Even if the adults repeatedly warned them, there would be times when they couldn't be taken care of and would let them jump onto the lotus leaves naughtily. It’s hard to say how heavy that thing can bear...

 So, it is very easy to fall into the water and get drowned again.

Feng Xuanbo had fallen into water once before. After investigation, it was found that there was no conspiracy, it was just because the child was naughty.

 Fortunately, there were many people following him, so he caught it in time and it was no big deal.


 According to Concubine Ren's temperament, she could cause chaos in Prince Qi's palace.

Not long after Xiaowu fell into the water, Princess Qi had most of the lotuses in the pond cleared away, leaving only a few, which could barely be regarded as a place for summer viewing, and it was a pond farther away from the south courtyard.

However, if Suisui likes it, then it’s time to make arrangements.

Princess Qi is already thinking about whose lotus variety is good, blooms beautifully, and is easy to take care of. She will buy a few of them and spread them out when she returns home. Maybe she will be able to see them in summer.

While thinking about it, I heard Feng Xuanrui yelling from behind: "Let's go, let's play!"

Feng Xuanrui said he wanted to play, but his mother-in-law did not agree, and he did not dare to run around. At this time, he raised his head and looked at his mother-in-law eagerly.

Princess Qi:…

 At this time, the children playing with Feng Xuanrui were all the children from the eldest princess's residence.

 We are relatively familiar with each other and have good relations with each other.

  Although there are times when we quarrel, that's what children quarrel about. Most of the time, they are quarreling at one moment and happily eating cakes together the next moment.

Princess Qi felt relieved about these people. She nodded and signaled to Feng Xuanrui: "Go and watch your brother."

Once he heard that his mother-in-law agreed, Feng Xuanrui asked without giving up: "I want to take my sister with me."

Princess Qi hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "You take your brother to play with you first, and watch Xiao Qi and don't get into trouble."

Hearing this result, Feng Xuanrui was a little disappointed: "Oh, okay."

Although he couldn't bring his sister with him, Feng Xuanrui still waved to Suisui happily: "Brother, let's go play first. When we get familiar with each other, we can bring my sister with us. My sister is waiting for me!"

Feng Xuanbin refused to lag behind even though he was by his side: "There is also Seventh Brother, we will be back soon."

 A group of half-grown children were ready to find an open space to play spinning tops.

 What’s the point of just looking at flowers?

 They don’t want to see it!

 They have to do some manly things!

 So, smoke it up!

Feng Xuanrui and the others left quickly. There was a group of more than a dozen children. Princess Qi looked at them carefully, wanting to confirm who were among the children, and she felt more at ease.

Seeing her like this, Lu Xinglan couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, you are here and will look after your brothers."

Princess Qi looked at it for a long time, looked away, hesitated for a moment, and then asked in a low voice: "I saw a child in the crowd who looked very strange. Which family does he belong to?"

Hearing that Princess Qi said she was unfamiliar, Lu Xinglan turned his head and took a few more glances.

It's a pity that the children were naughty and ran fast, and the figures quickly bumped into each other. In addition, they were all from behind, so it was really hard to see clearly.

Lu Xinglan was puzzled and turned his head to ask the maid next to him.

The maid looked at them for a while and recognized them all: "Madam said that the one she saw was probably the young master of the Wei family."

The young master of the Wei Mansion?

Huaiyang Houwei Mansion?

After hearing this, Lu Xinglan frowned slightly and said in confusion: "Young Master of the Wei Mansion, I remember he must be eleven or twelve years old. That child doesn't look like him. He looks like four or five years old at most. I'm afraid of him." He was too young and was crowded out by his brothers. "

  Second update at 19:00

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