Chapter 292: Climbing the Dog Hole

The aunt who was serving the princess said so. I thought to my aunt, forget it, she can’t persuade her, so just follow her.

In case of real trouble, she can also block it in front.

 Furthermore, there is a princess.

Aunt Xiang had no choice but to follow.

 Sui Sui doesn’t understand why my sister insists on going to other people’s yards.

 After realizing that her persuasion was fruitless, she could only sigh like an adult, and then followed Feng Youtan.

Feng Youtan didn't want to be afraid every year, so he whispered: "Second brother has a bad temper. The most he does is scold others. He doesn't hit anyone."

  Sui Sui:?

 You didn’t say this before.

 What you want to say...

 Forget it, my sister is going, she will definitely follow.

Sui Sui doesn’t quite understand. My second brother has a bad temper, so why does my sister want to go there?

 Two people came to Mr. Lu Si’s yard one after another.

The courtyard door is tightly closed, even if it is sunny and daytime, even if there is a banquet at the house.

But the Fourth Young Master’s courtyard door was closed tightly, as if he was afraid of people getting in.

After Feng Youtan circled the door, he pointed to the trees not far away: "Let's climb over that one."

After finishing speaking, Feng Youtan looked at Suisui's small body and shook his head: "Forget it, you little cucumber, you can't climb up."

  Sui Sui:?

 The child didn't understand, so he could only correct him seriously: "My name is Sui Sui, not Little Cucumber."

Feng Youtan didn't listen to Suisui's explanation at all, and laughed: "Little cucumber, little cucumber!"

Suisui puffed up his face angrily, but unfortunately there was not much flesh on his face, only a slight sense of voluptuousness.

Feng Youtan thought that the face felt good, and quickly changed her mind: "Okay, okay, Suisui is not a cucumber. Come on, come on, let me pinch it."

As he spoke, Feng Youtan's hand had already been stretched out.

 Sister pinched it before and it didn’t hurt, just a little itchy.

  Suisui obediently stretched his head over.

Her active look made Feng Youtan laugh: "It's so fun. I want to put you in a food box and take you back to the palace to play with."

Sui Sui wants to say that she is a human being and is not fun.

 However, I couldn't argue with my sister. When the words finally came to my lips, I swallowed them down helplessly.

It is difficult for two children to climb the mountain. Aunt Qiu meant: How about we knock on the door?

 It’s not like you have a shady status, we can just knock on the door.

At most, the Fourth Young Master will not be allowed in, and after being scolded for being honest, he can just leave?

Feng Youtan was unconvinced after hearing this. He pinched his waist and raised his head, like a big rooster about to go to the battlefield: "No, how can I not go in? I want it, I want it, I want to go!"

After speaking, he raised his little head and walked forward angrily: "I remember there is a dog hole coming. I want to drill it, and no one is allowed to stop it!"

Aunt Qiu:…

 Once you get used to it and lie flat, it’s pretty good.

Aunt Qiu said that sometimes, it is good to lie down flat.

 Live comfortably and die peacefully.

 Otherwise, what else could she do?

 Aunt Xiang was shocked when he saw Aunt Qiu's expression of calmly waiting for death after he had finished persuading her.

She moved closer to Aunt Qiu worriedly: "This...can't be persuaded?"

Aunt Qiu showed a smile that looked down on life and death: "Look, does persuasion work?"

 To Auntie:…

 It seems to be of little use. Why!

The aunts and sisters in the palace look glamorous, but upon closer inspection, they find that the job of serving people is really hard to do.

Whatever happens to the little princess, it will still be their servants who will be dealt with.

The two aunts have now calmed down and followed the two little girls forward with an attitude that they will die sooner or later.

Feng Youtan has obviously been here before, and is suspected of having drilled into a dog hole.

Therefore, she was familiar with the location and found it in a short while. She lay down without saying anything, and greeted Suisui: "Come on, this hole is fun. The more you climb, the wider it gets. And after passing through, there is a small garden, smelling So delicious.”

  Sui Sui was a little hesitant, always feeling that it was not good to enter other people’s yards without permission.

 However, she didn’t know how to reject her sister, and finally followed Feng Youtan in confusion.

 The two little girls crawled in along the dog hole one after the other.

When Aunt Qiu saw Feng Youtan crawling in, she already signaled for someone to knock on the door.

Since they can’t climb in, what else can they do but go through the main entrance?

 Sui Sui felt that he had been following Feng Youtan for a long time.

Soon, I smelled the aroma of grass and trees, and saw the warm sunshine.

 Is this coming out?

 Sui Sui raised his head and saw that Feng Youtan had already stood up and was patting the dirt off his body.

When she raised her hand, she found that Sui Sui was still on the ground. She hurriedly stretched out her hand: "Come on, come on, get up quickly. They look like puppies. We are just climbing dog holes, not dogs."

 Sui Sui still looked confused, and obediently stretched out his hand.

Feng Youtan is tall and strong. Despite his young age, he can lift Suisui up with a light force of his hand.

 Sui Sui didn't need to rely on himself, so he stood up lightly, still a little confused.

 She was trying to imitate her sister, patting her clothes.

 As a result, I saw someone seemed to be in front of me.

Suisui opened his mouth slightly, raised his head with a confused expression, and then saw two people sitting and standing not far away.

 The younger brother looked in their direction with a serious expression.

The elder brother standing next to him opened his mouth slightly, as if he was surprised by the way they appeared.

Suisui was startled when he saw someone.

Did they just casually enter the yard and get caught?

She took a step forward in a panic and gently grabbed the corner of Feng Youtan's clothes: "Sister, sister... Nana, there is someone."

 Sui Sui's voice trembled with nervousness and fear.

Feng Youtan naturally saw someone. She gently raised her hand and patted the back of Suisui's hand to comfort her: "Don't panic, I saw it. That's the second brother."

Suisui was about to ask his second brother who he was when he heard his brother sitting on the chair over there shouting hoarsely: "Get out!"

 The other person’s face was gloomy, his eyes were fierce, and his voice was hoarse as if he had not spoken before.

After the other party roared, he raised his hand to signal.

The standing boy hurriedly pushed the Fourth Young Master's wheelchair, and quickly turned his back to Feng Youtan and the others, pushing it to the other side.

Feng Youtan saw it and said hurriedly: "Second brother, it's me!"

 The Fourth Young Master did not respond to her. He only raised his voice and shouted again: "Get out!"

Suisui was startled by his roar and clenched Feng Youtan's clothes uneasily.

Feng Youtan was not angry even after being yelled at. He even asked naughtily: "Second brother, I don't know how to get out. You have to tell me how to get out. Why don't you come down and show me."

The Fourth Young Master did not reply, but only signaled the young man to speed up. After a while, the master and servant disappeared from the sight of Feng Youtan and Suisui.

Feng Youtan didn't give up, holding Suisui's hand and wanting to chase forward.

 As a result, another servant quickly appeared, bowed slightly, and said respectfully but forcefully: "Princess, please come back."

  Second update at 19:00

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