Chapter 341 The Remaining Party of the Su Family

 Normally speaking, the court should disperse at noon, unless there is something important, but some important courtiers should be left behind.

Many people who go to listen to the faith will have to go back when the time comes.

After all, officials don't spend time in the morning meeting every day. They have other official duties to do.

Therefore, it was already past noon and the prince still hadn't come back. Princess Qi was a little puzzled.

They waited and waited until it was approaching evening and the sky was getting dark.

After Liu Hemeng and Shen Huatang followed their grandfathers back to their homes, the prince returned in a carriage with a tired look on his face.

Seeing that the person came back, Princess Qi simply cleaned up and hurried out to pick up the person.

When Princess Qi passed by, Prince Qi had already entered the palace. As he walked, he followed Si and muttered: "It's life-threatening, it's life-threatening. Go make some tea quickly. I'm very thirsty. I've been talking all day."

Seeing that the prince was so tired, Princess Qi asked in a low voice worriedly: "Is there anything going on today?"

I guess you only get so busy when something big happens, right?

King Qi took off his robe and nodded to the princess: "The case of the Qingzhou bandits has been tried, the evidence has been checked, and the remaining members of the same gang have been arrested. If it hadn't been for the Che family, It is estimated that it should be settled recently, but Che's case still needs to be investigated in detail, and the corresponding personnel should be arrested and killed, so the time has been delayed. Today, we discussed the final result, Dali The temple will announce the final results in the next two days.”

Because it involved the remnants of the Su family back then, this case was initially handed over to Dali Temple for review and investigation.

Now the result should come from Dali Temple.

King Qi was breathing heavily as he spoke.

Sui Si had already brought a cup of warm and delicious tea for him to drink to quench his thirst first, and then King Qi continued: "Today we are mainly discussing these. If there was not the matter of the emperor's bones, then there might not be much discussion. It would be so troublesome, but once the emperor's sister's body is revealed, neither the emperor nor the queen, nor I, will be able to treat the remnants of the Su family lightly. The emperor means that since he is a rebellious minister and traitor, then he must Don't give him a lenient sentence. The Ministry of Punishment has the same idea, but Yushitai feels that if the rest of the party also uses severe punishment, it will harm the reputation of the emperor. "

There are many things to consider at the Yushitai, especially the maintenance of His Majesty's reputation, which is really about every corner and every detail.

Therefore, Yushitai did not agree with the emperor's direct severe punishment.

If Yushitai doesn't agree, then they need to find a way to get them to agree.

So, there was a lot of discussion.

This discussion only lasted a day, and together with other matters, it was delayed for a long time.

When it comes to the affairs of the Su family and the imperial sister, it is impossible for King Qi to just sit there and watch the fun, and he will interrupt from time to time.

Of course, the old censor was often so angry that he wanted to take off his shoes and slap him, but he didn't dare because of his status.

Thinking of this, King Qi couldn't help but want to laugh: "You don't know, Sun Yushi and the others are so angry with me, oh, I'm even afraid of getting angry."

King Qi is straightforward and doesn't have much scheming, and he doesn't think much of other people's feelings when he speaks.

He is a prince, of noble birth, and does not need to speak carefully at all, so it often happens that he becomes popular. The problem is that others can't do anything to him.

This is very angry.

I was so angry at the time that I went back to sleep, and when I woke up in the middle of the night, I was so angry that I could cry again.

Princess Qi felt deeply, and smiled silently at this moment, and then asked softly: "What was the final result? And... Che's side?"

Princess Qi naturally knew that more than half a month ago, most of the female relatives of the Che clan had disappeared. What she wanted to ask was what happened to the remaining half?

King Qi raised his hand: "It's all gone. Can those beautiful girls who have been pampered for a long time endure an environment like the Tianlao in Dali Temple? It's an advantage for them."

Thinking that he was taking medicine every day and needed to take medicinal baths from time to time, and his physical strength was not as good as before, King Qi gritted his teeth bitterly: He really gave them an advantage!

The problem is, these people are the remnants of the Su family!

Thinking about it makes me even more angry!

He was almost killed by these people!

King Qi drank tea, explained the situation, and then started to care about the children in the house: "How are we obediently doing? How are the children from the other three houses? Are there any who are particularly difficult to get along with? If so, please find them. Just send it back for a reason, and bring someone else over. We can't have anyone who is out of tune or difficult to get along with."

Princess Qi was amused by his words: "Don't worry, they are all carefully selected children from each government, how could it be difficult to get along with each other? Sui Sui gets along very well with Shujie, and Shujie takes good care of Sui Sui." good."

Hearing that Ren Shuhan would still take care of Sui Sui, King Qi was indeed relieved. He nodded lightly, and then asked: "Are we good?"

Princess Qi pointed to the dining hall: "I'm waiting for you to come back and have dinner together. We have been talking about it for a long time. No one is allowed to eat until my father comes back."

After hearing this, King Qi felt warm and comfortable in his heart.

He's so good, the pain is not in vain!

King Qi briefly washed himself and changed into regular clothes, and then took the princess to the dining hall.

When he came over, Suisui was reviewing today's lesson word by word with Ren Shuhan.

Song Kuan listened on the side and nodded from time to time, indicating that Sui Sui was doing well.

Meng Jundong is young, but he is good at reading. He occasionally corrects the pronunciation of Sui Sui.

Even if Ren Shuhan explained it, the pronunciation of Suisui was partly due to his young age and his eloquence was not very good.

However, Meng Jundong still took the trouble to correct him over and over again.

He said: "If we talk too much, we will remember it every year."

Song Kuan's persuasion was fruitless, and Ren Shuhan was helpless.

After all, scholars have their own persistence, and Sui Sui didn’t say they didn’t like it, so they didn’t say anything more.

Listening to his increasingly clear speech, King Qi couldn't help but nod: "It must be a lot of playmates. Look, here is a young master who will teach us how to study well."

Princess Qi also felt that the Meng family was a good family, and scholars had their own character and perseverance.

Even though Meng Jundong is young, he still has a strange persistence in his bones.

This kind of persistence is not a bad thing.

On the contrary, it is easier to lead the children to make better progress. Princess Qi used to be afraid that the small classroom would become a fame and fortune fair, but now she feels that it is not a bad thing for the children to have more excellent playmates.

It is impossible for them to keep their children in the house forever and not understand the dangers of the outside world.

So, it’s not bad now.

Second update

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