Chapter 384 Digging Potatoes

Princess Qi quickly mentioned another candidate: "The other one is the second granddaughter of Mr. Wen, the magistrate of Xizhou. She is seventeen years old. Because she has observed mourning for her mother for three years, she has delayed it until she is older and has not yet decided to get married. Just this year. After she was born Xiao, I heard that the threshold of the family was about to be broken down. She was a quick-thinking girl, and because her mother passed away, her eldest sister also got married, so she has been in charge of the affairs of the family in recent years. The housekeeping skills are also good. ”

Princess Qi is satisfied with these two girls.

Especially Mr. Wen's granddaughter, except that Xizhou is a bit desolate. It is said that the girl has lived in a desolate place for a long time and her skin is not very good. Everything else is pretty good.

Regarding this point, Princess Qi also took the initiative to speak out.

Although you marry a virtuous wife, taking concubines depends on their beauty.

However, wouldn’t it be even better if the good wife was also a beautiful woman?

After hearing this, King Qi waved his hands indifferently: "It's useless to look at that. Moreover, the feng shui in the capital can nourish people in two years. Temperament is the most important thing. That thing can be nourished in a short time." Not coming out.”

After he finished speaking, he thought for a moment and then said, "Forget it, Brother Ze is marrying himself. It depends on what he wants. If he minds, then choose the daughter of the He family."

Regarding this point, Princess Qi actually asked before: "I asked Brother Ze in private about his birthday before, and he said he prefers the Wen family's daughter."

Feng Xuanze is the eldest son and the future owner of Prince Qi's Palace. His wife represents the face of Prince Qi's Palace.

Therefore, whether it is temperament, acting style, or ability to do things, everything must be considered.

As for appearance, it's not that important.

And it is said that Miss Wen Er is not bad looking, but her skin is not particularly good, with a little bit of the characteristics from Xizhou.

It's not like there aren't women from Xizhou in the capital. After raising them for a year and a half, they all have red lips and white teeth. Although they can't be said to be whiter than snow, they are indeed good-looking.

The two couples discussed it and both preferred the Wen girl.

However, for this matter, we still need to ask the Queen Mother about her intentions and go through the process with His Majesty.

After King Qi's birthday, the weather got even hotter. When I woke up early in the morning, it felt stuffy and airless, making people feel unreasonably irritable.

I have been running out happily every day, but now I feel worried when I see the sun outside.

A cute little face with helplessness written all over it.

Princess Qi was so happy to see her little daughter, she was so cute!

At the end of the month, there was a letter from Zhuangzi, saying that the little princess had planted some unknown things in the spring. It looked like they were ripe?

The steward took the risk to dig a bit and found out a few unknown fruits. They were hard and crunchy to the touch, and I couldn't tell what they were. I fed them to the rabbit, but the rabbit refused to eat them.

Later, they fed pigs and sheep, and the pigs ate them happily without dying, which proved that the food was not poisonous.

The people in charge don't know this kind of thing, so they are not sure whether it is cooked or not.

However, other plants planted at the same time as it were in harvest season, so the stewards discussed it and decided to come to the palace to ask if this thing was ripe and should they be harvested now?

Of course, it is up to the little princess to decide whether it is cooked or not.

When Princess Qi heard it, she felt familiar with something she didn't recognize, and from the steward's description, it was quite interesting.

She got interested, and on the first day of July, she sent away the two scholars in her house, and took the children to Zhuangzi.

King Qi happened to have nothing to do, so he also came over.

The weather was hot and there was no ventilation in the carriage, so King Qi simply rode on horseback and took Sui Sui with him.

When Princess Qi was in her boudoir, she was also a good horse rider.

However, for the sake of Princess Qi's appearance and dignity, she decided not to ride a horse, but still sat in a carriage.

Feng Xuanrui and Feng Xuanbin were short-legged and could not ride well, and they had no one to guide them, so they naturally followed their mother and concubine in the carriage.

They set out early in the morning just as the sun was rising.

Wandering all the way, when we got to Zhuangzi, the sun had risen and it was starting to get hot. The cicadas also started to scream. They changed places to play every year, and naturally they were happy.

Recently, Feng Xuanrui's martial arts training ground has been changed to Prince Qing's Mansion. Due to practicing piano every year, they rarely have the opportunity to go to Zhuangzi.

Now that I can finally come and play, I’m quite happy.

The little girl was no longer afraid of the sun. After getting off her horse, she pulled her sisters and rushed forward: "What I planted is so good. Manager Liu said it has grown. Let's go dig it!"

Ren Shuhan and the others didn't know that Suisui had planted something earlier, so they were all very curious.

They didn't care about the heat and just ran around.

A group of servants and aunts also had to run away, for fear that something might happen to the little ancestors again.

Shen Huatang has become a lot more lively with each passing year.

Master Shen was very satisfied with this.

Children are always so calm and it makes me feel bored just looking at them.

Children should have the joy of children!

A group of children rushed to the field where potatoes were grown.

Potato seeds were an unexpected source of income, and there were not many of them. After removing the rotten ones, only about a third of the land was planted.

For a kid, it's quite a big deal.

Moreover, Suisui still doesn’t know how to collect this thing.

Four little girls stood at the edge of the field, looking at the long ridges and lost in thought.

Looking at the tall green leaves of the potatoes, Ren Shuhan hesitated and said: "...are these leaves eaten directly?"

Sui Sui:.

That's a good question, I'd like to know too.

Although Suisui doesn't know, she has Lele.

So, I asked the system proactively.

[Lele, Lele, how should I collect this? 】

Children speak cutely, even if they speak normally, they sound like coquettishness.

The system took photos frantically, leaving behind a cute scene of the child. At the same time, it did not forget to answer Suisui's questions.

[Potatoes grow in the ground and need to be dug out gently. You must pay as much attention as possible during the process, because potatoes that are dug out will not be stored for a long time. We don’t plant many. It rained a few days ago and the soil is also wet. If it is loose, we can try to have someone dig it out with their hands, so as to minimize the loss. 】

After the system told Sui Sui how to dig potatoes, he did not forget to remind him [By the way, once the potatoes have sprouts, they are poisonous and cannot be eaten. This is why the previous buyer said that he would die from eating them. When a rabbit grows sprouts, it means that it has grown into a seed and will produce some toxins. The reasons are very complicated. Remember that when sprouts grow, just leave it as a seed and do not eat it. 】

Sui Sui was confused.

But she understands the poison!

The little girl nodded heavily: "The sprouts are poisonous and cannot be eaten!"

As soon as King Qi and his wife arrived, they heard the little girl muttering like this.

The two people looked at each other and remembered these words in their hearts.

Second update at 19:00

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